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Breaking News! 2 Avatars in custody after using Display Names


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Kwant Capalini wrote:


get real, who apart from CDO people read all the terms of service? If it is that important it should be writ large.

Whether or not it's easy to find in the TOS, it's common sense not to impersonate a Linden in any way, shape, or form. And the fact that she knew who the Lindens are, knew she should not use "L-i-n-d-e-n" in her display name, and knew that she should put something in her profile saying "I am not really a Linden," shows that she has been around long enough to know that it was a bad idea. There's no excuse for what she did and rightfully was banned for.

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It's easy to agree, especially in hindsight, that creating such a display name was not a wise move.  The results speak for themselves, and are hardly contestable:  this was a bad thing to do.

That said, I'm going to cavil a bit with those who are suggesting that Keli "got what she deserved."  There was clearly no intent to deceive nor malice here.  It was a joke, albeit an ill-advised and, yeah, maybe even foolish one.

But, again, it was just foolish, not malicious.  And I don't think she deserves to have the full weight of the law thrown at her.  I very very much hope that she can sort this out, and that LL proves itself flexible and reasonable enough to make the penalty here match the fairly benign nature of the "crime."


And yes, I do get that LL should act against impersonation of Lindens.  But justice should always be meted out intelligently, thoughtfully, and with more than a modicum of mercy.

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LiveReport  wrote:


We interrupt your normal GD Postings to bring you this special update from a central coast  beach:

That is right dwellers I am standing right here on the very beach where the incidence occurred. It's all cleaned up now (sim restarted, parcels return to owners, environmental settings returned to normal) but this was not the case Sunday morning when two Avies where hit with all the Shock and Awe LL could dish out. IP bans, computer bans, account bans and the removal of forums post. The full arsenal of the LL attack team homing in on one location.

Details at this point are still come coming in but here is what we know:

Keli K's Avi is in custody and her account is on Administrative Hold as she waits for official communication from the Lab.

Keli I (That is a capital "i" not a small "L") is in critical condition in the detention center's medical facility. She is having a hard time remembering anything. Search now brings up nothing for her, it is like she never existed! She keeps mumbling the words "It's just like Katy Perry's hair, it is just like her hair!"

For more background on what caused this incidence we are talking live with her doctor.

It appears that Keli I (That is a capital "i" not a small "L") was born with an incredible love for Lindens. So much so that as she grew up she liked to think of herself as being a Trans-Linden. These Trans-Linden feelings overwhelmed her life. As these feelings grew she even went so far as to make her name appear more like a Linden by capitalizing one of "i"s. It is in my professional opinion that this is the worst case of lindenitis I have ever seen.  Iindenitis is a very rare and is usually a terminal disease that only people that live in San Francisco survive. We think this has something to do with the cheese out there. Since Keli I lives outside of the city her chances of survival and not very good.

Thank you doctor.

Now for more on this situation we have an interview live form Keli K's cell.

LiveReport: So Keli, is it okay if I call you KK and her KI just to make it easier?

(Putting her Paris Hilton bookmark in her (now) one and only possession "Cooking with Martha" cookbook and looking up to answer the question:

Keli K: Sure

LiveReport: So did you believe that KI was a Linden?

Keli K: No, not at all I use both usernames and display names so I could see that she was not really a Linden, but I loved her anyways because (looks around and whispers) I love Lindens too.

LiveReport: So did you know her long?

Keli K: No. She has only been around a week but I friended her on the very first day. We have so much in common.

LiveReport: She keep mumbling about Katy Perry's hair any idea what that is about?

Keli K: Oh ya, like I totally understand that! You know when you have a favorite star and you go to the hair dressers and you tell them you want your hair to look like them?

LiveReport: um....ya?

Keli K: Well she is saying her name is like that.

LiveReport: ...Okay..?

Keli K: When you get your hair done you are not trying to trick anyone into thinking you are Katy you just want to look like her. Same with KI she wasn't trying to trick anyone she was just trying to look like her favorite stars. She even wrote "I AM NOT A LINDEN" in her profile with a link to the official webpage just to make sure that no one got confused.

LiveReport: Do you think it confused people?

Keli K: No! We were at a party on saturday with over 65 different people showing up and not one asked "Are you a Linden" or "Can I have a bear?" She thought everyone knew it was for play not for harm.

LiveReport: So KK what are you going to do now?

Keli K: I am not really sure. The website gives is the option to start a ticket but I don't know what that is and if it will help. I am hoping the Lab gives me some idea where I stand. I mean I don't understand if I am getting a timeout or banned or what is going on.

Well there you have it. After creating a Display Name written Iiden (Captal "i" i-n-d-e-n) a team of Lab experts were called in to end this evil of Iindenitis. That is the latest for now, we will keep you updated as more breaking news happens. PLUS we will be following up on a lead we have from the rumorville that Keli I was turned over to the authorities from inside the FC Hangout.

OMG what is the Bail? I will put my Brooklyn Bridge Build up as collateral... And I can hock my Yacht UO Me Bail Bonds is pretty trustworthy, right? Anyone got a file? I have a Stripper Cake we can take to Jail on a visit.

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Argus Collingwood wrote:

I have a Stripper Cake we can take to Jail on a visit.

And Nat volunteers to jump out of it!

I myself am fashioning an old silver spoon into a digging impliment for her.  That's the way the Count of Monte Cristo escaped, I seem to recall.

Of course, it took him . . . what, 14 years?

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Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:


Argus Collingwood wrote:

I have a Stripper Cake we can take to Jail on a visit.

And Nat volunteers to jump out of it!

Again? I had frosting behind my ears for days the last time.

And you didn't put in any airholes!

I took her that long to lick it off? And you're complaining?!

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:


Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:


Argus Collingwood wrote:

I have a Stripper Cake we can take to Jail on a visit.

And Nat volunteers to jump out of it!

Again? I had frosting behind my ears for days the last time.

And you didn't put in any airholes!

I took her that long to lick it off? And you're complaining?!

Well, once the flies started appearing, she stopped licking.

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Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Nathaniel Scorpio wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:


Argus Collingwood wrote:

I have a Stripper Cake we can take to Jail on a visit.

And Nat volunteers to jump out of it!

Again? I had frosting behind my ears for days the last time.

And you didn't put in any airholes!

I took her that long to lick it off? And you're complaining?!

Well, once the flies started appearing, she stopped licking.

You didn't have hands free to swat them?

I see you're gonna be no help in figuring out how to do it nefariously.

Added: or maybe you are?

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297.000.000 Smith, 10.400.000 Maier, 21.500.000 Dupont, 99.900.000 Gonzalez, 176.000.000 Rossi are very happy now that Linden Lab doesn't call itself Smith Lab, or Maier Lab, Dupont Lab, Gonzalez Lab, Rossi Lab.

But tens of thousands of German, Austrian, Swiss, Belgium, Netherland, Luxemburg, Liechtenstein people with the second name Linden are not amused that they can't chose their own name as display name.

Linden Lab should be renamed as *Zoodlewurdle Lab*.

This would help much to prevent such issues.

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Yeah, well it might not have helped that I and others in a thread that will have to remain nameless insisted upon spelling her last name incorrectly, with a capital L. I didn't get the gag until after I'd done way to many posts. Yikes.

As soon as I saw this thread title on my dashboard I had a terrible feeling I knew who it was about. I'm only on page 1, I think, so there's still a chance it will all get better but in fact I've not seen KK in the forum since Saturday.


ETA: Having gotten to the end of the thread I'm feeling no better. Something that was so much fun wound up screwing up somebody's slife. That really does bite. I'm down for the jailbreak.

ETA 2: So I just went and edited a couple of posts in a thread, forgetting that that will of course make it pop up on everyone's dashboard and besides wouldn't help anyway. I go from maybe my best week ever in SL to my stupidest.

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Ms. Reporter, can you please whisper her cell coordinates?

I have a plan... I will start digging from my Linden Home and carry on until I reach her cell. Don't worry about the map of the prison layouts... I will tattooed them on Storm. He won't mind.. he likes tattoos... he even made a thread about it.

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