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Rod Humble leaving Linden Lab

Jo Yardley

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Figures you'd only deal with the people at the top ;-).

I didn't deal with anyone.  I watched from the sidelines, and only knew about some of the campaign due to people providing me with links.  Also, the whole effort sprung up independently of me, and at the time, I didn't know people were doing all that.  

A higher up person at LL did finally contact me, much to my surprise.

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he was a great CEO, he was doing good! he even talked to folks before taking a decision like with last names or when he talked with people in SLU, there were some mistakes like destroying the old forums general discussions pie cartel, or not bringing back last names, or taking away all the linden events except the SL birthday, or stopping Torley from making more videos to amplify our awesomeness, but he was doing good, made the flexible viewer when no one agreed which things were more important to have, worked to fix search, made the Destination Guide for people that didnt know where to go and put it as the welcome page in the viewer, diminished the lag, bringed materials and mesh, dynamic lighting and shadows, depth of field, created new tools because he tought that the better tools people will have, the better the world it would be..

i remember when he came.. we were so hopeful, he was out of EA Games because he wanted to do a project were people could collaborate to create anything, he started like us, planting a lot of trees, terraforming, making a cabin and a mailbox to recieve his email.. we felt he could understand us..

thank you Rodvik for all your work, sad to see you go..

i really hope that the next CEO will not be like M Linden, someone just to fill the gap..

i think we are gonna have Philip Linden back as Interim CEO again.

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Rod did a sensational job. SL has advanced as much as you could dream it to have over his tenure, no?

He was friendly funny & helpful. I think he did all he could to help us. As much as he was allowed to anyway.

Hopefully he has gone to High Fidelity to really get things happening.

Thank you for all you did, Rod Humble.



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:catsurprised:OH NOES!!!!! ITS HAPPENING!!!:catsurprised:

:catsurprised:ITS HABBENING!!!:catsurprised:

just kidding we all know CEOs do pretty much nothing at all... yet get paid 354x more than everyone else on average...

BIG THUMBS UP LL! Its 2014! time to throw the tradition of fat cat CEOs into the dustbin of history!

this is a great cost-cutting measure Linden Lab!!

now how about using some of that money previously wasted on this 1%er salary to develop SL instead?


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I agree with you, Jo in this, he did much for the builders here, and your Berlin is just stunning :)

But- for the helpers in Second Life...almost nothing at all....there are some new islands called Social Island for the new residents, and we who help there (mostly old and experienced second life mentors) have a really hard time rescuing the new comers from the bad people...even hard griefers. Seems like the human aspect, nice welcome and attempts to try to keep the newcomers from not leaving again after 10 minutes is forgotten...

I love mesh, large prims, etc, etc... but what about the newbie - noob - coming in facing the worst people they ever met in life - first or second... if they are not fortune enough to be rescued from these bad people from a nice helper soul..

Zussa Ryba


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I thought he got a lot done..

i just hated that he started out like all communicating and in the forums and being like the hands on you can talk to me CEO,to taking the phone off the hook CEO.

i remember asking him for his pony in a thread and him responding back saying he was just finishing them up and would be sending them out in just a little bit..

that felt kind of cool..

sure enough went in world and had an IM from him and pony sent..

i think his silence with being hands on had a lot to do with his feed getting flooded though..


but still..even no word at all on much ,once he made the 2012 yearly predictions post.

so posting up on facebook rather than the blogs here ,seems kind of his norm, compared to when he first got here..

Still,it's sad to see him go,especially not saying to the users goodbye atleast..

Hope we don't See M back and i don't expect Philip back this time to fill in until they get another..

*roll the dice and hope for the best,because we may end up in better place or way worse..



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Update: Please consider the question unasked. I see now that this is a resident-only forum that would not get any Linden attention. Yes I am well aware of LL's lack of customer relations skills. Also I did not mean to suggest that I as an individual deserved any special notice of signficant changes in the business, I meant that I as a customer (and thus all of you as well) should be hearing such news as official announcements rather than through external sources. I apologize for cluttering up the thread with inappropriate questions. - Ceorl


It appears that Rod Humble is leaving his post as CEO. What is the succession plan? Is there a succession plan? Why did I have to learn of this important development from sources outside of SL? http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2014/01/rod-humble-stepping-down-as-linden-labs-ceo-.html

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As an experienced resident of Second Life, you should be well aware of three things:

1.  This is a resident to resident help forum, and Lindens never come here or even read it.  Those of us who DO come here don't know anything more about LL's inner workings than you do.

2.  This is the wrong forum to ask this question in.  Try General Discussions instead, I'm sure they're buzzing with the news.

3.  Linden Lab is TERRIBLE at public relations.  They never tell us anything, and when they do it's couched in weaselwords from the Legal Department.

I hope that answered your question, sir.

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Still no "official" announcement but James Wagner Au has posted a screen shot from Rod's Facebook page in New World Notes.

“It’s been a great 3 years! All my thanks to my colleagues at Linden Lab and our wonderful customers I wish you the very best for the future and continued success! I am starting up a company to make Art, Entertainment and unusual things! More on that in a few weeks.”

This is being echoed by Daniel Voyager  who notes that:



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Jo Yardley wrote:

I've also posted the actual IM Rod send me.

This is starting to look like a History Channel special on conspiracies

The lack of an official announcement still surprises me although I don't know if that is with out precedent in the business world.  I don't know if a publically traded company could get away with it but LL is privately held.  Maybe there is no one at LL right now who has the authority to approve such an announcement.  Who knows?!?!?

The concern for those of us who enjoy Second Life is going to move quickly to who is going to take over the helm.

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I've had my differences with Mr. Humble's policies (especially the draconian TOS of August), but overall I think he's been good for SL.  We got Mesh, bigger prims, better region crossings, and server side appearance.  We got Pathfinding (not of much use to me or anyone I know, but it's a new function.)  We got Materials, and will soon have Fitted Mesh.  I give him a B+, overall, and wish him the best of fortune in his future endeavors.

And I worry about who we'll get as a replacement.  It's not easy to find someone who "gets" Second Life.

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It is weird (but not surprising) that LL is not doing very well communication wise.

That is something the new CEO really has to work on.

As for who the new CEO should be, I reckon it should be someone with experience in the field and who knows how to run a company like LL, perhaps Will Wright from The Sims?

Either way, this new CEO should select 20-30-50 people who are "extreme" SL users.

People from all walks of life who have different experiences but who are actual current users who know whats going on from the inside.

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WADE1 Jya wrote:

having no CEO is an option which a small company like LL should seriously consider.

a CEO is not necessary.

Very true.  A board of directors might be the way to go here.

I agree with not wanting M. back as well but I don't think he would be asked back.  I could see Philip coming in for the interim, perhaps. Has anyone seen any announcement in an official SL/LL medium yet?

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Jo Yardley wrote:

It is weird (but not surprising) that LL is not doing very well communication wise.

That is something the new CEO really has to work on.

As for who the new CEO should be, I reckon it should be someone with experience in the field and who knows how to run a company like LL, perhaps Will Wright from The Sims?

Either way, this new CEO should select 20-30-50 people who are "extreme" SL users.

People from all walks of life who have different experiences but who are actual current users who know whats going on from the inside.

Whoever the CEO is they can not surround themselves with "yes men."

Many of us were shocked when Rod said based on his round table discussion they would not bring back surnames.  My first thought was who in the heck was on this round table? 

You are absolutely right, they need people who know what is going on "from the inside."  Too many design and other decisions are being made by people who don't have a Second Life.  The proof to me of this was CHUI.  CHUI almost went live without a chat bar.  There is no way in hades that any one who has a Second Life could survive an hour in SL without a Chat Bar. Unless all they wanted to be was a deaf/mute In World.  And even then I don't think you could.  The amount of content that is dependent upon text entry is huge.

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The only sign of official acknowledgement that I've seen is that he is no longer on the Linden Lab site as CEO.  The highest Officer listed is CFO.

Since the Quarterly and Annual Reports were nixed a couple of years ago, there is not much to go on.  Three years is a typical run for a CEO at this size company.  Either they move on due to their success or lack thereof.

Rod Humble's objective was clearly in making Linden Lab into a creative company, and not so much about Second Life, the sacred cow, and perhaps not the cash cow it has been.




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