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Leaving Second Life + giving away my money


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Hello fellow Second Life residents,

I registered about two weeks ago in order to take a look at the possibly great virtual world of Second Life and I hoped to meet people from all over the world and make new friends.

But unfortunately I didn't make a single frined this time and had a bad SL experience overall. I do know that a friendship takes time to develop, but I didn't even meet a person I could talk with on several days. There were always only short conversations from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

I tried many things in order to meet new people, I even joined groups with similiar interests but unfortunately had no luck so far.

So Farewell to everyone who cares, because I am going to leave SL.



One last thing I am doing is the following (and I hope that it is allowed to do this in the forum):

I still have some Linden$ left on my account and I don't want them to be wasted, so I decided to play a little game and the one who wins will get the L$ I have left on my Avatar.

The rules:

You have to guess the amount of L$ I have on my account and the one who makes the closest guess will win and I will give  this person my money as a present.

Everyone is only allowed to guess once and every number can only be used once (who writes the number first is the one who counts)

This little game will take one week, until next Friday. Then I will give away my L$ and afterwards I am going to delete my account.

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Well I can;t say we'll be missing you I'm sorry to say. Why? - We never met you.

You never popped into one of the fun entertainment venues many of us like to partake of. In the past 2 weeks we didn't catch you at any of the popular Destinations that are recommended on the Splash Screen as you login, looking for ideas about where to meet large groups of people.

Be well and good luck in you future social endeavors.

P.S. Please don't enter me in the Linden giveaway.

P.S.S. Why don't you give it a bit longer before leaving...

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Let me first say that I am sorry you had such a horrible SL experience. It is a shame when you psych yourself up for a great adventure and it comes off badly. You have only been her about a month...it is kind of early to be hanging up your boots (so to speak) and jumping ship.

People do post in here looking for friends..have you considered doing that? I know residents have connected that way.

If you are insistant on leaving...allow me to make a guess at your lindens. I would donate them to a friend of mine who uses them to assist her in RL.


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I don't want to make a guess because I think you should keep them, you could just take a step back from SL, don't close your account, then come back in the future...or better still, get out there and meet more people...try some clubs, Welcome Areas too, get to become a familar face at places, you will soon have lots of friends.

I hope you decide to give SL a while longer.

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Hello...I am sorry that you want to leave SL...and I would like to ask why, but I know it is non of my business and maybe you don´t want to talk about it also.But If you want, feel free to IM me maybe you change your mind and decide to stay.:0)

The thing with the money.....

Well....the last 3 years here in SL I always paid my things alone and right now is a moment in SL when I have to save back all I have cause of something in RL...so I would like to try my luck...

I say 8000 L$


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A few things:

- It took me over a month to start making friends, but I didn't consider that time wasted; I used it to learn how SL works in all aspects, not just the technical ones. One of them was that...

- ... conversations during for several hours, never mind days, is a rather unrealistic expectation. People have things to do in RL... and in SL, too: it's a dynamic, 3D visual, interactive world (and a huge one, at that), not a text-only chat, so you can't really expect people to just talk for hours and hours without doing anything else. There's IRC or web forums for that, they're so much more focused on discussion and pure conversation.

- As for the money, my guess is that your remaining cash is 3204891328458124801274105701745 L$. Or, in other words: if you really want to put your remaining L$ to good use, there are several well-know charities inworld, such as Relay for Life.




If the tone of my answer seemed a bit curt is only because, sorry, I don't quite buy the seriousness of this post.


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Two weeks is hardly anytime to really experience what SL has to offer.  You barely got your toes wet, so to speak and are giving up too soon.  I doubt you'd move to a new city where you know no one or much about it at all and just give up after two weeks if you haven't met a wide circle of best friends. 

Ren is right that you can't expect conversations to last for hours on end in here.  Even among the closest of friends they don't.  What is more typical of very close friends is that they do things together for an hour or so and chat about all kinds of stuff off and on, or they are in IM together throughout a good part of their time on line together (but not in continual conversation) and just share things with one another as it strikes them.

You also can't expect to meet someone and then sit back and wait for them fall over themselves inviting you to socialize with them. Take the initiative and IM people you have met and invite them to do something with you that you think you'd both enjoy.

I have to say  your profile isn't very conducive to making friends.  No picture of yourself and nothing about you likes and dislikes or anything about you someone could use to converse with you.  Profiles are important.  People look at them to see what they have in common with you or what they find interesting.  If you aren't interested enough to fill out a profile, people aren't going to be much interested in you. 

I hope you change your mind and decide to give SL a better tryout.  Take some of the suggestions people are giving you here.  Post in the Friends forum. Go to the more popular places.  Seek out newb friendly places where you will meet other new residents also looking for friends.

If you decide to go after all, I agree with some other.  Don't just give your L's away.  Donate them to one of the many worthwhile RL charities in SL. 

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I donj't think you should close your account either, but I understand why you want to. I've done that myself. Plenty of the people who have posted, or will post, have done that themselves too. You can always just let your account sit idle until you're ready to come back. It will be okay without you and you don't need to pay for a membership to allow it to do that either.

I also understand just giving your linden away, I've actually done that too. I don't think very many people do, or ever would, but I have. It can be fun. Except I just did it randomly.

My guess on what you have remaining $L6,000

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One month, wow, after one month I was still falling off buildings, running into walls and getting run over by trains. You need to stay in SL and make your avatar look like that robot from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, I think his name was Marvin, you sound like him. And about your lindens, they will still be there next year, come back and try again if you do leave.

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I have to agree with many of the others here.....don't give up, just step back.  It took several months before I had several friends in SL that I could actually sit and just chat with or do things with.  But if you are determined, good luck!


My guess?  L$4000


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Hi Parick, sorry to hear about your experience.  I think that you had too high expectations to make immediate friends so soon. Not succeeding you got dissappointed. In my experience Second Life does not work like that.

When I started in SL I spent many weeks on my own, learning things, exploring places, to find out what SL is all about and what in it would possibly interest me. Eventually after exploring a lot and learning about SL I did find some interesting things to do.

I never started to "seek out" for friends. Very often in SL (like in real life too) friendships often will start by coinsidence - in lots of places and in various situations.

Take some activity in SL what you would like to do (sailing, photography, building, combat, role play, etc, etc...). I'm sure that eventually you will find like minded souls and with luck you could make friends even without actively searching for friends.

Oh by the way, it's good to know: many older residents may not accept friendship offers at first or second or even after third meeting. Patience, patience, don't push it - you will know when it is the right time - if at all. :matte-motes-smile:

Two weeks is too short time to learn what Second Life has to offer. It is very huge world, offering vast variations of places and things to do.  I would suggest: stay, explore, study, learn how things work. Thing you can make better judgement whether to stay longer or leave.

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On day two of my first tour of SL, I found myself in the company of someone who'd become my partner within weeks. I absolutely do NOT recommend trying that at home! I was not terribly careful, and so got exactly what I asked for. I am, I hope, a bit wiser now.

By the time I joined SL, I had twenty years of online experience. I can't count the number of trepidatious entries I made into new chat room or forums, but each time the experience was easier and the results more rewarding.

Give yourself some time. SL is actually filled with lovely and interesting people. It may take time to cultivate a circle of friends, not so much because we're hard to grow, but because cultivation has always required effort.


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Parick wrote :

Hello fellow Second Life residents,

Apparantly not. You didn't stay for 30 days.



Ren Toxx wrote:

As for the money, my guess is that your remaining cash is 3204891328458124801274105701745 L$.


Raising to 3204891328458124801274105701746 L$ ! :robotindifferent:



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Dear Patrick,


Please don't leave, let us get to know you first, give us a chance won't you? If you insist on leaving then you can give it to a worthy charity on SL (really like that idea). I you still want to give it away to someone the I would make a guess of $1500 Lindens...either way really hope you stay, hugs!!

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Parick wrote:

Hello fellow Second Life residents,

I registered about two weeks ago in order to take a look at the possibly great virtual world of Second Life and I hoped to meet people from all over the world and make new friends.

But unfortunately I didn't make a single frined this time and had a bad SL experience overall. I do know that a friendship takes time to develop, but I didn't even meet a person I could talk with on several days. There were always only short conversations from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

I tried many things in order to meet new people, I even joined groups with similiar interests but unfortunately had no luck so far.

So Farewell to everyone who cares, because I am going to leave SL.



One last thing I am doing is the following (and I hope that it is allowed to do this in the forum):

I still have some Linden$ left on my account and I don't want them to be wasted, so I decided to play a little game and the one who wins will get the L$ I have left on my Avatar.

The rules:

You have to guess the amount of L$ I have on my account and the one who makes the closest guess will win and I will give  this person my money as a present.

Everyone is only allowed to guess once and every number can only be used once (who writes the number first is the one who counts)

This little game will take one week, until next Friday. Then I will give away my L$ and afterwards I am going to delete my account.

Parick wrote:

Hello fellow Second Life residents,

I registered about two weeks ago in order to take a look at the possibly great virtual world of Second Life and I hoped to meet people from all over the world and make new friends.

But unfortunately I didn't make a single frined this time and had a bad SL experience overall. I do know that a friendship takes time to develop, but I didn't even meet a person I could talk with on several days. There were always only short conversations from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

I tried many things in order to meet new people, I even joined groups with similiar interests but unfortunately had no luck so far.

So Farewell to everyone who cares, because I am going to leave SL.



One last thing I am doing is the following (and I hope that it is allowed to do this in the forum):

I still have some Linden$ left on my account and I don't want them to be wasted, so I decided to play a little game and the one who wins will get the L$ I have left on my Avatar.

The rules:

You have to guess the amount of L$ I have on my account and the one who makes the closest guess will win and I will give  this person my money as a present.

Everyone is only allowed to guess once and every number can only be used once (who writes the number first is the one who counts)

This little game will take one week, until next Friday. Then I will give away my L$ and afterwards I am going to delete my account.

Honestly it took me like a year to make friends (didn't help I was shy). I started making friend by going to clubs and chatting in groups. I even made a friend I'm very close to and talk daily with over skype daily. It took my like 3 to 4 years fto find a friend that close doesn't happen overnight.



I geuss if i am to geuss it's 1550$L

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My dear fellow resident, you seem to have wrong expectations from this virtual world. I can bet you met many people but none of them could find time to entertain you for more than an hour (or half hour as you said). Now as one last try, you are giving away some lindens hoping that maybe the person who gets them will spend some more time with you and maybe make up for the gift. 

In my 3+ years spent as a resident, I've met many people who are quite lonely here, and often it happens that after asking a person "Whats up?" the answer is "I am bored  and looking for someone to bother". Many people login hoping to fill their holes and just wander around not knowing where to start. 

I saw you started with making a decent male character, and I hope you managed to find one that fits your taste. Thats a great start, now think what you want to do next? Do you want to learn some new things, maybe try something you never tried to do in real life. Yes I know you want to make friends and talk for hours but that is a big thing and big things don't happen over night, or in 2 weeks. In order to get to the big thing, you have to start with small ones.

If you have questions, ask. If you have ideas, bring them up, and if you start a thread then participate in it, don't ignore all the people here who made an effort to show you're not the only one feeling lost. 

Now I have a few questions for you; whats up with that profile? I checked your profile in world and its completely empty! What you think of an idea to write something there? For example write that you are new and looking to meet some friends? Then everyone who opens up your profile will see that you are normal guy and not some old resident who created that account just to do some nasty things (because that happens many times). You can also join some groups, put a profile photo, put some pics that will speak more about you and your interests. 

Besides making friends, what else did you try? If I message you now and start to ask about your SL, what would you tell me? Do you have a home there, and if so can I see it? What is your favorite furniture shop? Do you have a job, favorite club, beach? Do you have some funny avatars to show? Did you go sailing, or race cars, or kill zombies? Maybe you have a business idea you would like to try? 

As for the money,  give it to the birds, maybe they start to sing some nice song that will entertain you for hours.

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Im not sure this story is true and honnestly it looks more like a joke.. But well.. Let's say its true....

You say you can't find friends..... 

So before leaving, i propose you to try a last thing.

Tomorrow at 8 am SLT (5pm french timezone), ill be hosting one of the famous Hippie Bowman's sunday breakfast. Every sunday we meet there and we eat a tasty breakfast and dance. There are usually ONLY sweet and great persons.. All friendly.... 

Try it and let us know... 

It will happen in my garden, so look in my profile picks and you will find it in the 1rst and 2nd picks. You will land in my store, but just make some steps outside, in the back of the garden and you will see us. Im pretty sure (if all this is true) that you wont regret it.

Then you will decide if you leave or not.

We will be glad to see you there :smileyhappy:


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