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No Slex = Less friends?

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Marigold Devin wrote: 

It's a shame that when you change your forum badge again, anyone coming back to this thread won't quite get your joke, so I'm taking the liberty of screenshotting it in here. Too many have been lost before.

Since childhood, I've been sandcastling, carving pumpkins, building snowmen, stacking little cairns (in places nobody goes) and sticking red reflectors on the noses of deer in deer crossing signs along the roads, usually by myself. I've learned not to ponder whether anyone sees what I've done, nor that I might leave a little trail of confusion when things evaporate, or not. It's enough for me to have been there and done it. It's transient, it's ephemeral... it's all practice for tomorrow.

I'm glad (and I'm presuming) it made you smile. Thanks for the bonus.


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I used to dance and escort. So those are on my picks. Its been a long time and a lot of maturing since then. I forgot about them even. I am not here for some sympathy nor saying I didn't bring it on myself. Sorry it seems that way.. I just want a few places to start exploring other sites where sex isn't the main topic..

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I didn't meet hardly anyone on those adult sites actually. I have topless photos but I feel they are artful and not trashy. I can see where people might make assumptions about me if they are just meeting me but I am talking about friends who know me who know I am not like that. I need to delete my picks places and update so it reflects who I am now. Thanks for scoping my profile. Its been a while.

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or
Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision.

You made an announcement? That's not a decision requiring public notification.

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To be honest I don't think it is anyone's business what you decide to do/not do in your Second Life. Especially when it is a subject that is rather personal like this one. Perhaps I'm just a prude, but I don't see why anyone would have needed to know about your decision. I don't think I've ever had that conversation with any friends since I feel that is just between my partner and myself no matter what is decided.


It sounds like you just had a few people who weren't really friends. Real friends virtual or otherwise respect your decisions you set for yourself. They treat you with respect, and it doesn't matter an ounce what you do behind closed doors or don't do. That is your business. Perhaps find places where you can meet a better caliber of people? There are many definitions of fun, but it all boils down to your individual perspective of it.

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Staralien wrote:

People are often amazed when they find out I have never had Slex. I guess it is so common, every one but me is doing it...or so I thought.


I would bet there's more people than you realize who don't have pixel sex. Most people I know don't need it at all. To each their own of course but no thanks for me.

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Perhaps your friends list shrinks when you stop being actual friends. To me, an SL friend is someone who I see and chat with quite frequently. It doesn't have to be as frequent as monthly or even bi-monthly, but it does have to be ongoing and not completely dead, if you see what I mean. If it becomes dead for some time, then we are no longer actual friends and, once in a while, I prune my friends list accordingly.

In my case, I'm not one for getting out and about, and I tend not to make contact with people very often. I leave that to them if they want to. It's silly of me because I occasionally do want to have some contact.

What I'm getting at is perhaps you have let the ongoing friendship of some of your old friends slide and they've eventually removed you from their lists. That's why my list is so short (only 14 on it). I can't imagine that the majority of people in your old friends list were only friends because they thought they may get some slex with you. It's just a thought.

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hmm I limit my SLex to my Husband and Master, yet my friends list continues to grow like its on mushroom compost. Most of my time in SL is spent hanging out with friends yet I do get hit on often enough by guys who think a collar means easy pickings. Generally they stay friends after they work out that I might be available when hell freezes over. In fact my SL friends list is fast approaching my facebook friends list in terms of numbers.

Come visit us in London if you like, its one of the most popular chatting sims in SL, sex is not allowed in that region and the chat is (mostly) mundane if interesting.

London City

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Phil Deakins wrote:


That's why my list is so short (only 14 on it). 

awwww Phil ! im so honored to be one among the 14 on your list :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:

of course, you have noticed im like you, i dont im pp often :smileywink:, but well, a lot in my list (1 have 180 lol) do it, so well, even if i have a great multitask skill, its already a lot for me to build, make pics, send my daily advertising, and tons of other activities i usually do in sl (not to mention i m also in photoshop at the same times) and deal with the ims im recieving from my friends + deal with the local chat while im in my store... So i rarely add new tasks like iming pp by myself. :smileywink:

This doesnt mean i dont think to them, or i forgot them, neither i no longer like them.. not at all.. but well, i have only 1 brain, and 2 hands for my keybord, so its limited lol

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I was debating on whether or not I wanted to respond in a serious (ok, serious for ME) manner to this post...so here it is

People, obviously, come to SL for different reasons. You have to do what makes you happy, Seph. If your friends list is dwindling because you're not having Slex anymore, then so be it.

I am in a different kind of situation in SL (see my profile). I think that if I told my girls that I no longer wish to engage in Slex anymore, I believe I would lose 25% (counted it, probably 15 people) of my friends list. But it would be MY decision to do what I want.

Fuhgetaboutit...those people who want to leave because you're not doing what you want are idiots. SL is supposed to be fun. If it's not...what's the point??/

There's my 10 cents....

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Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or
Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision. I was told I should make my avi ugly then or shouldn't dress sexy. Its not like  I dress like a hussy. So now I am looking for places with like minded individuals because apparently I befriended all the close minded pervs. lol

Edit: Spelling, because I havent had my cup of coffee yet.

those people just mute them..

they insult nobody but themselves when they show what they are all about..

there is no reason for them to tell you what you shoudl do with your avatar..

if they just left without word..fine..but to get mean..say mean things..


i've had friends like that..thinking there was gonna be some hot sexy thing going on..

then when they feel they wasted their time because there wasn't gonna be and get mad about it..

that makes me hotter than a 2 dollar pistol..

if there was ever a time i could have a genie in my life it would be then..

i woudl wish big.. 

it would be to wish to have my hand grow about ten sizes and hard as a rock and able to reach through the internet to B!tch slap the holy hell out of them.. sooo hard that it makes them impotent on the intranets forevers!!.


getting those people off your friends list only makes your friends list more quality rather than quantity..

be glad you don't have to waste more time on wastes of time like them..


i can't wait for the day we have touch on the internet..just for them.. KIA!!!! *KICK*!!! 


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Ceka Cianci wrote:

it would be to wish to have my hand grow about ten sizes and hard as a rock and able to reach through the internet to B!tch slap the holy hell out of them.. sooo hard that it makes them impotent on the intranets forevers!!.



OMG !!!!!

May i save this sentence for using it in the future ???? i feel the same so often but english is not my native language, so i say it really less great than you !:smileylol:

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Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it would be to wish to have my hand grow about ten sizes and hard as a rock and able to reach through the internet to B!tch slap the holy hell out of them.. sooo hard that it makes them impotent on the intranets forevers!!.



OMG !!!!!

May i save this sentence for using it in the future ???? i feel the same so often but english is not my native language, so i say it really less great than you !:smileylol:

you can have it hehehehe


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Randall Ahren wrote:

Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or
Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision.

You made an announcement? That's not a decision requiring public notification.

I just wanted places that reflected a more mature atmostphere. I go on my friends list and tell everyone. Its when they talk to me and find it out. 

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Poenald Palen wrote:

Slex was short for SL Exchange....this thread is not about commerce? Hhhm. Hey, people to chat with on SL? A dime a dozen. literally it must cost about a dime of electricity to chat to 12 people for a while! Talk is cheap, seriously....it doesn't cost much...right?

Lol I have heard other people use that word for sex but now that I know better Ill just have to come up with another catchy way of saying it. Thanks for the information.

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Windsie wrote:

To be honest I don't think it is anyone's business what you decide to do/not do in your Second Life. Especially when it is a subject that is rather personal like this one. Perhaps I'm just a prude, but I don't see why anyone would have needed to know about your decision. I don't think I've ever had that conversation with any friends since I feel that is just between my partner and myself no matter what is decided.


It sounds like you just had a few people who weren't really friends. Real friends virtual or otherwise respect your decisions you set for yourself. They treat you with respect, and it doesn't matter an ounce what you do behind closed doors or don't do. That is your business. Perhaps find places where you can meet a better caliber of people? There are many definitions of fun, but it all boils down to your individual perspective of it.

Thats all I was looking for.. Places that were fun flirty and non sexual. Yes once can flirt with out sex being in the mix. 

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Trinity Yazimoto wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

it would be to wish to have my hand grow about ten sizes and hard as a rock and able to reach through the internet to B!tch slap the holy hell out of them.. sooo hard that it makes them impotent on the intranets forevers!!.



OMG !!!!!

May i save this sentence for using it in the future ???? i feel the same so often but english is not my native language, so i say it really less great than you !:smileylol:

you can have it hehehehe


Thank you very much lol... im pretty sure that i will need to use it a lot hahhahahha

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Sephina Frostbite wrote:

So I have decided to not have "fun time" on sl. (Or
Limited) Well it seems like because of this my friends list has minimized and people I would have thought were my friends are dropping like flies. I even was attacked because of my decision. I was told I should make my avi ugly then or shouldn't dress sexy. Its not like  I dress like a hussy. So now I am looking for places with like minded individuals because apparently I befriended all the close minded pervs. lol

Edit: Spelling, because I havent had my cup of coffee yet.

those people just mute them..

they insult nobody but themselves when they show what they are all about..

there is no reason for them to tell you what you shoudl do with your avatar..

if they just left without word..fine..but to get mean..say mean things..


i've had friends like that..thinking there was gonna be some hot sexy thing going on..

then when they feel they wasted their time because there wasn't gonna be and get mad about it..

that makes me hotter than a 2 dollar pistol..

if there was ever a time i could have a genie in my life it would be then..

i woudl wish big.. 

it would be to wish to have my hand grow about ten sizes and hard as a rock and able to reach through the internet to B!tch slap the holy hell out of them.. sooo hard that it makes them impotent on the intranets forevers!!.


getting those people off your friends list only makes your friends list more quality rather than quantity..

be glad you don't have to waste more time on wastes of time like them..


i can't wait for the day we have touch on the internet..just for them.. KIA!!!! *KICK*!!! 


Love the that saying too.. I might keep it.

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If you like to dress sexy and flirt and have fun, you might consider gay venues. There are a few adult nude venues that don't allow female avatars but not many. If you like the club scene, there's a ton of gay clubs, all sorts of different music. You get to know the guys who like flirting with women, and flirting with them is fun, you can pull out all the stops without worrying about a guy pulling out his junk and wanting to bounce your pixels. You can also dress up or down, slutty works well in a lot of gay clubs and no one is going to think you're doing it because you're asking for sex. Most of the people on my friends list are gay, or straight female friends. It's almost 4 years since I bumped pixels and I am having a lot more fun ad there is 0 drama.

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Staralien wrote:

People are often amazed when they find out I have never had Slex. I guess it is so common, every one but me is doing it...or so I thought.


I would bet there's more people than you realize who don't have pixel sex. Most people I know don't need it at all. To each their own of course but no thanks for me.

I agree, I don't need it, if fact I will go one further and add, I just don't understand it in a virtual world. There must be something to it because of all that (so I hear) do it, but I just don't get it. (pun? could be.)

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