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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Mayalily wrote:...

... I'd say most SL users have hundreds of avatars... most make jazillions of avatars; ...

Do you just make this stuff up or what?

Nope.  Avatars will sign off and about five minutes or less they rezz in a different avatar in the same exact place on the dance floor, and not just once but several times.  Sign off, sign in, exact place.  The jazillion is just meaning who knows how many.  I've seen people disappear and reappear several times with a matter of less than a half an hour. 

I truly have concluded, there is no way to truly judge populace in SL.  This isn't a dating service or facebook...it's pretty much a "guess who I am now" game, and I'm not interested.  My friends list remains closed because there is no continunity.  Friends today, tomorrow never to return, other than in a different avatar.


But, I do agree with all the people in this thread that say the sandboxes are a completely mess, and I truly don't know who makes people like this.  It's like there purpose in life is to harm.  My friends list remains completely closed.  Far too many playas. 

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Mayalily wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Mayalily wrote:...

... I'd say most SL users have hundreds of avatars... most make jazillions of avatars; ...

Do you just make this stuff up or what?

Nope.  Avatars will sign off and about five minutes or less they rezz in a different avatar in the same exact place on the dance floor, and not just once but several times.  Sign off, sign in, exact place.  The jazillion is just meaning who knows how many.  I've seen people disappear and reappear several times with a matter of less than a half an hour. 

I truly have concluded, there is no way to truly judge populace in SL.  This isn't a dating service or facebook...it's pretty much a "guess who I am now" game, and I'm not interested.  My friends list remains closed because there is no continunity.  Friends today, tomorrow never to return, other than in a different avatar.


But, I do agree with all the people in this thread that say the sandboxes are a completely mess, and I truly don't know who makes people like this.  It's like there purpose in life is to harm.  My friends list remains completely closed.  Far too many playas. 

So you think that a person's alts all rez in the same spot on the grid?

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My comment on this entire post is just....wow!  *Shaking my head*  Two points:

Suki Hirano wrote:

Oh and you can't even post on the damn forums cause apparently that's "spreading negative information about a creator", cause the
nazis at LL
obviously never heard of freedom of speech, when it's perfectly fine to warn people of shady people or businesses on other forums like redflagdeals or even yahoo answers.


(Bolding mine)

*Whips off my panties and waves them over my head

(Oldbies, who used to do that on the old forums whenever a thread was Godwined?  I thought Brenda Connally, but not sure.  Thought it might be fun to resurrect this "custom.")

"Freedom of speech" is so often misinterpreted to mean anyone can say anything anywhere.  The phrase comes from the First Ammendment to the Constitution of the United States.  Narrowing down its use to the country from which it originated, and where LL is located, it further applies only to public, ie. government-owned, spaces.  Privately owned land - homes, businesses, etc. can restrict this if they wish.  For example, if you were in my RL home and stated that "The sky is yellow" and I didn't like that comment, I have every right to ask you to leave my home, "freedom of speech" notwithstanding.  LL is a private company, thus can initiate any rules they wish.

Suki Hirano wrote:

Of course, if you're a creator and here to scam people, then you might need a few $'s of investments to get a business started. I've been in SL for 5 years, statistically speaking the majority of the creators I've had to deal with are complete pricks or fraudsters.

Interesting.  I'll have been in SL for 6 years as of May 1 and have dealt with a fair number of creators/merchants and have had only positive experiences.  Yes, there are the percentage of merchants who do things that give all merchants a bad name, but they are by no means the majority.  


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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Mayalily wrote:...

... I'd say most SL users have hundreds of avatars... most make jazillions of avatars; ...

Do you just make this stuff up or what?

I was thinking I can barely keep up with all the things I do in SL with my main avatar. :matte-motes-agape:

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Mayalily wrote:

Avatars will sign off and about five minutes or less they rezz in a different avatar in the same exact place on the dance floor, and not just once but several times.

If that's true, it doesn't exactly sound like they're trying to hide who their alts are, does it?

This isn't a dating service or facebook...

Thank gawd for that.

My friends list remains completely closed.

And all because of your paranoia. That's very sad.

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Mayalily wrote:

I truly have concluded, there is no way to truly judge populace in SL.  This isn't a dating service or facebook...it's pretty much a "guess who I am now" game, and I'm not interested.  My friends list remains closed because there is no continunity.  Friends today, tomorrow never to return, other than in a different avatar.


This is not meant as a direct comment to Mayalily; just a general comment.  I find it interesting to hear other peoples' experiences in SL.  As foreign as some of the experiences I read about in the forums are to me, I think it's actually a good thing (not griefing, etc.) because it demonstrates just how broad SL is or how it can be many different things to different people.

Taking the above statement as an example:  I've been in SL close to 6 years and still have some of the very first people I met in SL on my friends list.  I've also never experienced the "guess who I am" game.  One's SL experience is largely dependent on the places one frequents and some places tend to be more "transient" than others.

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Thats unlogical. At one point, you say you have no idea how many avatars someone as, but at the same time you clearly say that it is a often seen habit of many people to logg off and appear in the same place minutes later with their alt. The interesting questions now are:

1. How do you know who is whos alt?

2. If you know it 100%, they probably have let you know that. Where is the problem to change avatars?

3. Why do you make it sound like its a criminal behavior to change between avatars?

4. And why do I know have the strange feeling that you became part of a large group of dramaqueens and feed the drama in some way? :catwink:

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Syo Emerald wrote:

Thats unlogical. At one point, you say you have no idea how many avatars someone as, but at the same time you clearly say that it is a often seen habit of many people to logg off and appear in the same place minutes later with their alt. The interesting questions now are:

1. How do you know who is whos alt?

2. If you know it 100%, they probably have let you know that. Where is the problem to change avatars?

3. Why do you make it sound like its a criminal behavior to change between avatars?

4. And why do I know have the strange feeling that you became part of a large group of dramaqueens and feed the drama in some way? :catwink:

Maybe I should fish out my "All My Alts Belong To Me" T-shirt that I got somewhere along the line...I think during the Redzone deal.

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you got a t-shirt?

i always miss the t-shirt days!! always!


i could be there for months and months and months..then one day say..i think i'll take a break tomorrow..


free t-shirt day!! get'em while they last!! they're going fast!!


next day..hey cool t-shirts everyone..where'd you get'um?





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Unless that exact spot is saved in someone's favorites and someone has their viewer set to log in from favorite locations, or set as a home location, or the first avatar LMd the spot and sent that LM to all the alts, it is doubtful an alt will rez at the exact same spot as was just vacated by another alt. I've been in SL over 5 years and never once encountered anyone alting and messing with people in a guessing game. Yes, they have alts, some have a lot of alts, but everyone tends to know who they are, they aren't trying to fool anyone. Most people I know who have alts who are not upfront about it don't frequent the same places as their original account, nor have the same group of friends. That sort of defeats the purpose of alts, doesn't it? IF you are hanging out with a bunch of people with so little common sense, meh, you might want to get out to other sorts of places and meet other types of people.

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Amen,  Czari! I'm over 5 years in SL and I've never ever met a merchant who intentonally scammed me, and I shop a LOT. Sometimes something I purchase doesn't have an item in the package, but a polite IM or note to the merchant explaining this corrects that issue. What I think is rather a bleak commentary is when merchants all but fall over themselves apologizing for an honest mistake ... that indicates to me that they all too often deal with rude, nasty, demanding people. The very rare times something isn't what it's supposed to be or something is missing from a package, or a delivery fails, I always always start off my message to the merchant letting her or him know that it's  NO BIG DEAL, take their time, no rush, and usually it's more of a head's up to a merchant to check what's in a package so the next person who buys the same item isn't a totally rude jerk to someone who makes an honest mistake.

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yes...four years in sl....i've yet to meet a rude merchant....yet to be scammed...never gotten a bite request...have been in a couple of griefings at the shelter....not a big deal...was shot once...not a big deal....threw myself into a volcano once and 'died'...again, not a big deal

must be all that clean living i do...hehe

seriously, people treat you the way you allow them to...avoid the drama, be polite, share your crayons, and if things go squirrelly, tp out

i love sl...doesn't seem to be dying to me




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Ceka Cianci wrote:

you got a t-shirt?

i always miss the t-shirt days!! always!


Awwwww...I'll check and see if any of mine are full perms.  Off the top of my head I have the alts one, two different ones that I think Snickers Snook made when the old forums were shut down, a "No Voice" one (that one seems funny now), and I think a couple of others.

*Makes note to check next time in world*

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  • 4 months later...

I traveled all this world, from sim to sim. Second Life is really dieing and faster then ever. I found on mainland endless sims of abandoned land, unpopulated rentals and a lot of islands are vanishing.

Some statistics you can find here: www.gridsurvey.com

After two months of work, I made maps of all what I could find. You can download them from this link:


Note: These 26 maps are hosted on Mega.co.nz, the succesor of Megaupload. To download them, you need to have google chrome. You can see with your own eyes that some continents are full of abandoned land.

Also, I made a 12 pages study of each continent and possible solutions to improve our world. you can download them from here:


These are radical solutions that require a lot of work, solutions for each continent and for each major problem. I think this is the only way we can make our world have back the glory from the old times.

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Anaimfinity wrote:

I traveled all this world, from sim to sim. Second Life is really dieing and faster then ever. I found on mainland endless sims of abandoned land, unpopulated rentals and a lot of islands are vanishing.

Some statistics you can find here:

After two months of work, I made maps of all what I could find. You can download them from this link:

Note: These 26 maps are hosted on Mega.co.nz, the succesor of Megaupload. To download them, you need to have google chrome. You can see with your own eyes that some continents are full of abandoned land.

Also, I made a 12 pages study of each continent and possible solutions to improve our world. you can download them from here:

These are radical solutions that require a lot of work, solutions for each continent and for each major problem. I think this is the only way we can make our world have back the glory from the old times.


Your links generate the following:

"Install the MEGA Firefox extension for vastly improved download performance. It will allow you to batch-download an unlimited number of files without any size restrictions."

"Your browser lacks the HTML5 features MEGA relies on to perform client-side in-browser cryptography. HTML5 file transfers will be emulated through a very limited Flash workaround. Please consider upgrading to a modern browser at your earliest convenience."

I'm using the most current iteration of FireFox.

I'm not going to install that stuff.

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I wouldn't download anything from Mega simply because it is the 'successor' to Megaupload. I don't feel really comfortable working with the successor to a company that made the bulk (if not all) of its millions by providing a method by which other people could share the intellectual property of others without paying said others a dime.

I just tested my bone-stock installation of IE10 at http://html5test.com/ and scored 360 out of a possible 500. An up-to-date Chrome browser in the office gets 463. You might want to check your Firefox there just for giggles.

I was unable from looking at the features list which one involved 'client-side in-browser cryptograhy'; in fact I didn't see any references to cryptography.

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I wouldn't download anything from Mega simply because it is the 'successor' to Megaupload. I don't feel really comfortable working with the successor to a company that made the bulk (if not all) of its millions by providing a method by which other people could share the intellectual property of others without paying said others a dime.

I just tested my bone-stock installation of IE10 at
 and scored 360 out of a possible 500. An up-to-date Chrome browser in the office gets 463. You might want to check your Firefox there just for giggles.

I was unable from looking at the features list which one involved 'client-side in-browser cryptograhy'; in fact I didn't see any references to cryptography.

That is fascinating.

I scored 393 points on Firefox.

How the score may be affected by add ons I have not installed would be one question I'd have.

I'm happy using Firefox.

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414 on firefox. But I do run firebug and all other dev stuffs. Seperate audio plug ins & format capturers/convertors.

Wait! AND 14 bonus points! Wuhooo!

Oh & Second life has already died about 3,763 times according to Le Fora. One more time isn't going to hurt.


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Cool maps. That's some pretty extensive work, though I couldn't get to the second repo. I'm interested in the methodology, what earnt a $ symbol on a sim? Just having some land for sale, or greater than 50% for sale?

Mega is a nice enough service, obviously someone with Kim's money and drive has some reasonable capabilities. Agree it's unfortunate that someone like him is required to run services that aren't as roll-over-play-dead as MSFT and FB, but world is what it is. A big guy who hides in a concrete box in his undies is our Batman.

My browser scored some 463 on that HTML5 test, it's a custom remix of SRWare Iron (Chrome minus Google) designed to obfuscate outgoing traffic. The HTML5 test didn't seem to notice.


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