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Secret places in SL


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Hello everybody,

I am currently interested in special and secret places all around SL. (If you tell about theme, then they are no longer secret of course :matte-motes-smile: ).

But I am not just looking for place with secret in the name, I am rather interested in some mysterious stuff that might be somewhere in Second Life.

For example:

  • Places where no one is able to enter (maybe just Linden Lab people allowed)
  • Abandoned sims where no one is ever going
  • Places that should not exist (maybe places that only exist because of a bug)

So maybe some of you know about something like that

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I know one "secret" region.  It shows on the map.  For almost a year it appears that nobody visits that place (no green dots on the map on that region ever) - I have checked it quite often.  I cannot TP there.  Very mysterious.  :smileyindifferent:

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Not currently "secret" but sort of former "secret" places I know of:

The teen grid. it's now a part of the main grid but there was a time when adults couldn't see it except when there was a glitch.



Help Island and Orientation Island were how we learned to use SL when I first joined. Only brand new avatars could go there. Once you left, there was no way back. There are public copies of them if you want to see what they looked like.




As already mentioned, there was the Cornfield where bad avatars went for a "time out". There was briefly a Cornfield Public but it seams to have gone away, too.


Not so much "secret places" but interesting places to explore with areas that are difficult to find (that I'm aware of) include:

South channel http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/South%20Channel/170/250/40 (hidden areas to find and escape from, free things to collect)

Falmouth http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Falmouth/170/247/40 (more places to explore and things to find)

Pyri Peaks http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/North%20Forepaw/226/26/40

one of the info hubs http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Zebrasil/169/58/40 (be sure to sacrifice yourself to the volcano gods)

A series of island with Mole builds, some of them have things to find, hidden areas to find, and mini quests: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kingpost/61/149/40

another series of mole builds that I've been told has a mini quest but I haven't tried yet http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bertrada/136/128/40

yet anther series of islands with a mini quest: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Danu/190/57/40

Poke around the citadel http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus%20-%20Hannibal/172/100/40 watch out for trap doors

Get lost in a maze, get friends together and activate the thingy: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bay%20City%20-%20Imaginario/245/140/40

I found an underwater maze somewhere (it was huge) but I can't remember where it is. I think it's somewhere near Nautilus City (http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nautilus%20-%20Shalim/244/188/40 is a region of Nautilus City)

AND, if you are a premium member

Cape Ekim http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cape%20Ekim/122/177/40 (be sure to thoroughly search the lighthouse)

The jungle http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Piranha/196/114/40 (there are a few fun areas to explore and mini games)

A park in the linden home regions with a hidden quest http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Libani/47/212/40 (I did this quest)

another possible quest in the linden home regions http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Abnoriko/166/119/40

another quest http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kellek/104/62/40 (I found part of it)

being mean to pixies http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Elderglen/118/118/40

I haven't found anything questy yet but it's just got this look like there should be a quest here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hyperus/146/185/40

same thing, it's got that look http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Darkocous/209/48/40


that's just the stuff I know of off the top of my head. On top of that, I highly recommend looking up MadPea if you haven't. They do some awesome games in SL. You have to pay for some of the games but they are worth the price in my opinion. (I'm not associated with MadPea, just a fan).


It's also worthwhile playing with the SLRR. You can grab an engine for free and ride the rails. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/SLRR


Is that enough to get you started?

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Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Sadly the Cornfield no longer exists.  It was removed from the grid in 2012.




shhhhhhh.  quiet now.  is home of secret martian base now.   but you didn't hear that from me.   shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Thank you very much for answering to this thread and telling me some places.

Unfortunatelly that Cornfiled region does no longer exists.

And special thanks to Curious Hazelnut :matte-motes-smile: Now I do have many places to visit and explore.

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  • 2 years later...

I visited the site in Bertrada - didn't find any secrets there, but hopped on a small empty boat that was passing and got a free tour of a lot of historic Second Life. Apparently Yavanna Llanfair has created a lot of different 'pod tours' around Second Life. The main hub for the tours is her shop in Basilisk. Search for "Yavascript Pod Tours."

Also, in the Coastal Waterways I found a detailed lighthouse, a tiny coracle, and an intriguing "Tiny Isle of Mist" with puzzling creatures, a living rock, and treehouses that look like they were built for tinies. 

Continuing on, I ran into a place called "Fairy Grove" in Brillant. All of the builds in the Coastal Waterway look as if they were scripted for some kind of quest, but I can't find any clues. Does anyone know what they were for?

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  • 2 years later...

I remember the old days of second life when it first started up.I was told what happened.

I would like to share what i was told.

Now i dont know how true it is but here is the story as told to me:

Second life was put together by a professor who had contacts with the local police department in the states.

When second life came on board to the general public it was a free for all situation where you could get a bit of land but had no control who came to your land. You also had no control over who could take your belongings from your land when rezzed out. This was a nightmare for residents.

So the local professor asked for the help of one of his police friends for guidance on what laws could be set in a reality world.

It is said that people joined a reality police force and they were given the authority to control the residents by baring people from sl if they played up.

Well it wasnt long until this police force started treating the residents like dirt. The police force started taking over lands for themselves from the residents and making the rules up as they went. This in turn caused the residents to ban together and attack these virtual reality police stations/ departments which eventually caused the police to leave the lands and go off grid. Now i know the places off grid which are not accessible to residents do exist as i have been to two of them and they are not nice places. These off grid places i could only get too by strict permission from linden labs as i became a friend of tory linden. When i visited the first place it was full of police items from the old days of sl. The second place was not too great. This second place has no colors, no sky and no sounds. I call it the dead world. Its full of sand only. I believe that this is a place where griefers from the old days which was a computer blip in the programming of second life came from. Now days grievers are just people causing problems for other people.

These days you have security for your land and rights to stop others taking your belongings etc. But back in the day it was totally different.

I cant really give you and explanation regarding off grid places but i believe these exist where we wouldn't really tread once we are established on sl and certainly not a place newbies would know about. So the safest place to place off grid locations on sl is where newbies first enter second life as they know we dont ever really go back to this place when we are a resident of second life and as said, newbies wouldnt know about such places as they are knew to sl. So if you really want to try and locate an off grid place then i would recommend you be careful as it could ruin your avi and look in the most unlikely place being where newbies enter the realms of sl.

One thing i will say though is this? Back in the day it was easy for the police to close your account down but not easy now. Also griefers can cause a lot of damage to your avi to such an extent that you close your account and start all over again. Not a nice thing to do to be honest. If you have never come across a griefer then ill explain. They are black dots that normally can be seen from your land in the sky in the far distance. They normally fly in formation of about three of them at any given time.

They will stay off your land till the time is right to strike. If you try zooming in on your camera to them it does not work. They will still be seen as black dots in the far distance. No amount of security will keep them off your land. The only way to surely avoid their attention is to keep your spamming down on sl and not over do your local advertising of your services too much and to avoid visiting places that do not have many visitors on single islands around second life. Following these rules will help you to not bring too much attention towards yourselves. I had a previous account on sl and i visited certain locations and eventually my account vanished along with thousands of lindens to never be seen again. Take it from me, be careful on sl. It may be a reality game of enjoyment, but if you do not think on your feet then it can be a very heavy fall indeed. Never give out personal information about your rl life. never give personal log in details to anyone. Enjoy second life for what it is worth but always keep in the back of your mind that behind every avi is a real person and not everyone is as nice as they may seem by their avi appearances.

Griefers as i forgot to mention can appear as a dead no motion avi with no 3D effect to them. These are the programming ones of sl. The griefers that are human appear as a normal avi but look ugly and wear everything we wouldnt be seen dead in so to speak. Think of the most ugliest avi ever and your on the right track of the griefer appearance.

I truly hope this helps.

Edited by bravodavis
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3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

There are some "Easter Eggs" in Sutherland Dam and Barton Dam areas. I won't give it all away. Also, a secret tunnel under the Great Wall. 

And of course, there is a hidden lake in the Hidden Lake District. It's called Lake Hildrign and there's an old medieval castle on an island int he middle of it which is a bit strange since nobody's ever discovered it...

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Amazingly enough, Bravo (while right on the mark with the story as far as he took it) completely overlooked the obvious. The Prime Movers. Those of us who have braved the forces of Darkness have learned from bitter experience to recognize them when we see their work. Yes. Of course. The Illuminati. Once you see that, the rest is quite obvious.

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