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Question About my Partner!


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If your partner gave you permission to access her account, it's technically not against the ToS to do so. Any user may allow anyone access to his or her account at his or her own risk. If you DON'T have her permission, it's against the ToS.

If you have access to her PC - LEGAL access - you can check her chat logs, which would be stored on her computer.

However, unless she's given you explicit permission to check out her conversations, it strikes me as very rude. It's not really any of your business what she's talking to others about. If you don't trust her and feel the need to snoop into her conversations, perhaps it would be best to end the relationship. Or to confront her directly and ASK about whatever you're unsure of, rather than going behind her back. Two wrongs don't make a right, and all that.

That's just my two cents, though. In answer to your question, yes, it is possible. Impolite and possibly illegal, too; but possible.

ETA: You can also simply log into her account, open chat with her friends, and review previous conversations; but chat inworld doesn't save entire conversations, just the last several posts, so you won't get much that way.


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MonicaMon wrote:

Maybe it is rude but I saw somethings that I am not sure. So, I want to learn that logs to make sure. I can't sleep, I can't feel well myself. Thank you for your reply.

If you have a decent relationship you should be able to ask your Partner outright.

Yeah, some things can get touchy. 

But what are you going to do if what you are fearing really happenned?


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MonicaMon wrote:

When I learn the truth, I will leave her. I can't do this now because I have no proof in my hand! I know she is doing secret things. But as ı said before, I have no any proof. Thank you.

If she finds out what you are doing (or are planning to do), I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves you first!

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MonicaMon wrote:

When I learn the truth
, I will leave her. I can't do this now because I have no proof in my hand!
I know she is doing secret things
. But as ı said before, I have no any proof. Thank you.

Which is it?  Is it "when I learn the truth" or "I know the truth"?



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That is despicable.  You have no right to violate her privacy like that.  She isn't your property and she has a right to talk in PM.  Even if she is cheating, what you are doing is no better.

If you had any respect for her you would ask her instead of going behind her back.  She needs to kick you to the curb immediately and change her password.  I hope she sees this post and does just that.

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No kidding; I agree with you! I would be pissed if someone violated my privacy, partner or not.

Monica - Just because it MIGHT be possible, doesn't mean it's even close to right. Frankly, I would really vote for her leaving you. Even if she's cheating on you, that's her right. It's your right to leave her for it, but it's NOT your right to snoop on her private conversations.

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MonicaMon wrote:

When I learn the truth, I will leave her. I can't do this now because I have no proof in my hand! I know she is doing secret things. But as ı said before, I have no any proof. Thank you.

leave her now

is doing you head in. is not a healthy relationship already. not for you. not for her

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MonicaMon wrote:

Hello friends. I know my Partner's password. I want to learn what she talking with the others via pm. Is there anyway to learn that please? We are using 2 different pc. Thanks for your help.


Does your partner know you have her password?  If she does, then she trusts you. Therefore, why cannot you trust her? 

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Hun, if you are worried and want to see for sure talk to her. Sit down at her computer with her and tell her how you feel. If she isn't doing anything she will gladly show you her innocence. If not that you know what to do. However going behind her back already shows that you don't trust her and if your suspicions are that strong you should leave whether you find out the truth or not. Where there is no trust there is no relationship.

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MonicaMon wrote:

When I learn the truth, I will leave her. I can't do this now because I have no proof in my hand! I know she is doing secret things. But as ı said before, I have no any proof. Thank you.

I learn the truth
I will
leave her....
I have no proof in my hand...

Ermm... why do you need proof? if you allready now have choosen that you will leave her... then do it... why having to do all that snooping and checking beforhand...  so you can gossip afterwards, saying she said she did.... or? I dont see what else you need it for..

Sounds to me you just want an excuse to leave... Falling out of love, is a pretty good one, but then again, then its you and not her.. humm.. lets see... loosing trust is a good one too... oops once again thats you too...

Why not just do it? Why drag the pain along? You say you dont sleep at night... Ask her, since you made your choice anyway.. isnt she worth that much? End it and do whatever it is you plan to do, cause you sure sound like theres a plan afterwards... You dont write IF i find the truth, but WHEN... Hon that has nothing to do with love, trust nor relationships...

My partner and I have been together for over 5 years now, and I told him to go clean my inventory LOL but I say that because I trust him... He wont do it........ because he trust me (= he knows theres nothing to snoop in anyway)........

He has the chance to come snoop thou my things, but he wont.. I told him we should do teamviewer (so he can see my computer and work on it) he wont.... THAT is trust my friend..

Keep serching untill you find that... cause you might have it right now, but you surly dont give it.... Its a good thing we are not friends, because I would have told her what you plan to do...

Get it over and done with, dont find for a way to blame her, grow up and put it on your own shoulders if your getting tired of being with her...



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Having a life of your own is not excactly the same as having secrets. And to me that is all there is happening. Since if you are this trustful I would think you are all over your partner all the time to make sure you know everything she does. If I were her I would do just the same (= living MY life). And IF i was here and I found out you doing this I would kick your butt, no questions asked. 

Maybe it helps if you grow up a bit first.

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MonicaMon wrote:

Hello friends. I know my Partner's password. I want to learn what she talking with the others via pm. Is there anyway to learn that please? We are using 2 different pc. Thanks for your help.

OK, you're a control freak. And a sneaky 'gotcha round the back' type at that. You better learn how to give your RL & SL relationship partners the kind of privacy that comes with giving them enough personal space to live. Besides, accessing another residents' SL account is a violation of the ToS. So the anwer would be: NO.

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