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Does SL have any celebrities


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Not celebrities in rl that use SL. Are there people in-world that have a certain skill, hobbie, store, etc. which makes them famous? The only people that come off the top of my head for example are Asri Falcone, Ansch Chung, and I forgot his name, but he was a huge driving force in the sex industry in SL. Also, i'm taking about up-to-date avatars. Not people who were famous in 2007 for example.





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I think some of the people that post in this forum are famous. You can't have thousands of posts here, and not have been seen by countless other people! So I would say we have celebrities right here in the forums. As for seeing them in-world...I don't beleive I have seen many, but I do personally know of two that come to mind that have posted a lot here. And one of them is quite famous in-world! ;-)

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To me the answer is no.  For every person that someone says is a celebrity there are thousands of SL residents that will go "wut?" or "huh" when you mention their name because they never heard of them.  There are some well known people within different communities, but outside those communities they aren't well known.  To me a true celebrity would be someone that a majority of residents would at least heard of.

There was a discussion of this not long ago on this forum.  Here is the thread

How To Become A Celebrity In SL

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"Celebrity" in SL seems to be more about creation. Certainly some creators could be considered "celebrities" - Truth Hawks, for example, who created the popular hair brand TRUTH. But I wouldn't know him if I bumped into him if I couldn't see his name floating above his head!

There are people in SL whose stores or brands are very well-known. I can name some of the more popular skin, hair, shoe, and clothing brands off the top of my head, but I couldn't tell you who created most of them or recognize them by name or image. Plus, you factor in things like personal style. I couldn't name a lot of punk brands off the top of my head because punk isn't my style, but there could certainly be some very famous punk fashion creators out there.




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Vista Barnes has been known to pop into Vista Animations and ask if you'd like to sample some new, unreleased animations. A very nice creator and friendly person.

Pinco Janus of Babelle Fashion is a prolific and accomplished individual, also extremely approachable and very friendly.

The person who has had the most influenece on my SL is no doubt, Robin Sojourner. Her & Chip Midnights fabulous clothing templates formed the basis of many an SL clothing designers future.

If you know Robin invariably you will come to know the lovely Marianne McCann who is basically just famous for being herself.

The list goes on & on...

Don't be shy in introducing yourself to creative types,  just polite and respectful of their frantic schedules :)

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As Porky suggested: Pep 'dippy' Daniels is a celebrity of SL.  Pep is known, imo, as a word artificer; and he is without peer on this forum or any other SL domain where he participates.   He has not posted to this forum for some time, but people, like Porky, still try to undermine his celebrity when in fact they are actually helping to create the legend of the Pep meme just by doing so.  Only two weeks ago Pep was the feature in 20+ blog postings; 2 (now 3) current SLF posts; and some 25+ mysecondlife posts.   You tell me if you think that is worthy of celebrity status.  I do.  

Pep may be loved or reviled, but he is still a celebrity.  Like RL Kim Kardashan not being liked by many, but not one of them/us can take away her *more* than 15 minutes of fame.  

PS And I am proud to call him my friend.   


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Storm Clarence wrote:

He has not posted to this forum for some time.....


I bet that was written with a tongue in cheek ::matte-motes-big-grin:

There is no denying the fact that people on the feeds, people on SLF and the blog readers know who Pep is, But does that constitute celebrity? That is such a small bubble and these places are only frequented by a few hundred people at any given time. Generally allot of the people who use or read the feeds are the same people that read SLF and the more popular blogs, just the same few hundred people. Mainly hardcore or longerm Sl'ers

In a virtual world frequented by tens of thousands of users ever day I think being a celebrity requires making a bigger impact, one that transcends the hardcore userbase and permeates into the consciousness of the average user, reaching those people who have not immersed themselves in the SL community as most of us have here..

So I am not disagreeing with the notion that Pep is a celebrity simply because I think he is annoying. It's because I don't think he meets the requirements for being labeled a "celebrity". I think that privilege is reserved for only a few SL users that have achieved something remarkable, those who have made an impact across the whole virtual world and into the real world. 

That is a very short list.

If we label Pep a celebrity based on the achievements you mentioned then we need to add hundreds if not thousands more to that list because many have achieved the same level of recognition as Pep has in the last decade through a variety of methods including the social media avenue that Pep has gone down.

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Porky Gorky wrote:

If we label Pep a celebrity base
d on the achievements you mentioned
then we need to add hundreds
if not thousands more to that list because many have achieved the same level of recognition as Pep has in the last decade through a variety of methods including the social media avenue that Pep has gone down.

Ok, I say add them to the list.  The OP asked, I answered.  

PS I have no idea who the people are that the OP mentioned.   Even the OP did not remember one of the dudes names.  Go figure.   Please add away, I merely mentioned but one.

PS Talk about small bubbles and celebrity, ask one of your parents if they know who Dr. Dre is... or P. Diddy.   

PPS I would bet a nickel if you show a photo of Joe Biden and a photo of BIg Bird to a class of 9th graders-- they would all know Big Bird, with only a very few knowing Joe Biden. 


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Porky Gorky wrote:

If we label Pep a celebrity base
d on the achievements you mentioned then we need to add hundreds if not thousands more to that list because many have achieved the same level of recognition as Pep has in the last decade through a variety of methods including the social media avenue that Pep has gone down.


is a long list of people who been down the same road. that Pep can be acerbic witty sometimes. but so can Prokofy and Crap. they way more well-known to the wider SL than Pep. Pep maybe well-known to forum people and now on feeds

but he got run off pretty quickly at SLU and SCII when he show up them. they all experts at acerbic on there. they buried him in a matter of weeks and he quit. not to say that he not witty. just that he not have the stamina of say a true Kardasianesque celebrity when it goes against him. or even a Paris Hilton



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I don't know. But, I got an IM about this thread in world, and I have not posted here until now. I haven't been in the forums for weeks, I think. But I got an answer to "my blog" asking about SLebrities, I don't  have a blog though. I think they meant this topic. I thought maybe they had found an archived topic about this, but I think they think I am someone else?

I am now confused. Lol

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Hi back, but I coulda sworn that post was in the Nudity thread (to which you've already posted) and it's not there now. Someone remembered a place where you waited on the ground for an open TP to a dressing room in the sky that was private. That sure sounded a lot like what I've heard about the CR.

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Oh - yeah I just posted in that thread but didn't read anything but the OP. Lol. I often do that in opinion/reply from personal experience threads.*

CR didn't have anything in the sky but I think 16 mentioned having a place like that. Phil had dressing rooms in the sky over his store too. Not sure if they still do.

Thanks though and thanks for the welcome back. :)


*ETA I do almost always go back and read through it after posting. 

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Pep is a forum personality who was present in the forums for quite some time. He often took the role of "forum troll," or devil's advocate, at least in my opinion (although I did not dislike him). If I recall correctly, he was banned from the forums, but that's largely hearsay. Either way, he dropped off of these forums quite a while ago, though I believe he's still active elsewhere. (I'm not sure that I would call Pep "famous" so much as "infamous," but he was certainly well known here for a time.)






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