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I have a urgency to get 2.000L$ 'till tomorrow, is there anyway that I cant get that? Camps or something like that?

Some of you will say "Buy lindens", but I really can't... I have major economic problems in real life, and I only can buy and have what I really need...


I am waiting for some answers! 





L$2000 is about 8 to 9 USD. Camping won't earn you that much by tomorrow. I think within SL your best bet would be to try and prostitute yourself or offer some sort of niche entertainment for the evening. Maybe visit some xxx clubs in Zindra and try and pimp yourself out.

The easiest way to get L$2000 by tomorrow would be to get the money in RL and to then buy the L$. Go to a busy place in your local area with begging bowl and start singing and dancing, even if you suck you will probably earn ten dollars. Do the Gangnam style dance everyone loves that. oooh oooh oooh and if you have a cat that can dance then take that with you, people love dancing cats.




Porky Gorky wrote:


Do the Gangnam style dance everyone loves that. oooh oooh oooh and if you have a cat that can dance then take that with you, people love dancing cats.


Yes!  So cute!   :cathappy:

Anybody would drop few coins for this performance. :smileyhappy:


You ask for 2L, unless you made a mistake and meant instead 2,000L or 2000L...depending on your preference of punctuation. The period indicates 2. So, yeah...uh linden trees if you can and then there is finding some kind of thing like the cones or coins you teleport to different places to get money...I don't know them. Oh, there is maybe also Linden Realms, but I am not aware if it is still open.

If you mean 2000L...well, then I can only suggest Linden Realms a lot, or do some work or service. Usually it costs money to start something. At least 10L to upload a texture or sculptie. But I can't think of anything that sells fast enough to earn it right away.

If you can script then all you need is to make some scripts. LSL is sort of like javascript in some ways. If you are familiar with any scripting or programming you should easily be able to learn LSL. This requirse no money, all you need is to use your accounts inventory outbox. Tutorials are all on wiki.secondlife.com.

Scripting is surely the one way to start a business with zero money invested, just your skills and the merchant outbox with a little bit of marketing and also maybe join groups in world and help people (sometimes for a small fee if the job is big enough just pitch or they may even offer money and ask...I don't know, I did this a long time ago without trying I just offered help and the guy asked if I would do the work and I got a few lindens when I sold him the finished work) but that was lucky and rare. But, non the less...you might find answering uestions or seeing others do this not only helps you learn but also may spur on product ideas. Some of them immediatly sellable to the person who raised the question in group!

Even in world labor requires investment into clothes with some places requiring skins and so on. Even DJ's need sometimes to rent streams, pay for classes and hosts buy stuff to help them run events. Dancing, if you wish to do adult world stuff can also be an issue of having expenses. Any building takes at least 10L to upload some texture in order to be unique...at least a logo or something. But, free textures plus some prims may also work....I just can't imagine what is not already made. But, making something for 2000L? Not sure what it could be. I do know large builds can sometimes earn. But I am not sure how fast they sell. I have seen race tracks for 2000L+ and maybe you might be able to upload a road texture and put it on a megaprim or a few. Then, you build up the edges and fences, buildings. I bet I could build on in a day...they are no to difficult. You would have to build it and package it...this means you would need rez faux or some free version. I never did this because I am working on them as part of a more complex system with cars that react to surfaces. Also, I don't want to deal with the pain of the packaging script. I have a feeling teh large build unpacker that is free will fail. Just a feeling, plus I want to make my own due to allowing options etc. But, if you can simply make one and pack, unpack using the free large build unpack scripts...well, that might work. But, that is more or less 10-50L upload for textures because the simplest way to build is via a track drawn/painted on a megaprim and then some stuff built..which also takes a few textures. You might not sell one single one though....then again you might sell several. I don't know. There is an affiliate vendor for high priced drag strip one guy has...if you somehow know someone who owns a sim or a length of a sim you might be able to sell him it? See, he would already have bought it if he wanted it lol.

If you got good at raciing you might be able to win money at the race tracks. Demo days, demo derby or something like that is maybe the lowest cost. Pure stock was only like 200L for the car...I think. It will all be different these days I bet. It's been over a year since I checked out racing in SL in depth enough. You will most likely need a fast computer and fast internet connection to win any races that allow any car...plus practice time. Speed controlled or limited ones will offer a fairer chance...unless you havea  really quick PC and net connection, then you will benifit more in open class or faster racing series.

I don't know which race tracks have free cars to race to get started with....uh, usually you buy them for at least 100L and usually more. But, if you are good the winnings used to be thousands for some races, hundreds for others. Drag racing may be your best bet, it is a tad easier..still sort of is a fastest PC wins sort of deal. They have free bikes at Nina Roars place...uh...if it is still around, I can't remember the name...NRRA was the group...I think...but they have a sim and so on...uh, anyway check out drag racing bikes to see if you have a chance at reacting fast enough usuing free rezr's and demo's if you want. But, you may not find one that is free to enter, but do ask because I think they do have some every no and then and some even allowed the rezzer so you race with a fair chance via the same vehicles....but at least you may try your hand, ask around and look at the leader boards or whateve they have to learn times and ask for lowering lag tips even if you have a really fast PC. Join groups ask, they know more than I do. You might find something you can win money at and winnings can be thousands or just hundreds.

There is also sponsorship for cars...but that is tricky. Usually I think most people sponser thier own cars with thier company or a friends.

Competitions all seem to require purchasing something. Speed builds pay very little. I won third place once, it paid like 50L lol. But, that could then be invested in texture or mesh uploads! But, then again...it was a speed build so only took a very small amount of time. Besides, mesh requires you to put payment on file. Sculpts can be made via Blender and primstar 1.0 (the free version) and to be honest I can't think of anything that is quick to build that could earn 2000L. In fact, the thing i know is cars and bikes. Basically...well, you have to make over 10 prims usually. This means you end up needing 100L to upload the sculpt maps and textures to build whatever it is. Then, you also have to realise stuff doesn't sell for much and clothes seem to be a better seller. So, if you can make...uh, sometimes good with sculpts that is clothing or a accessorie....prices seem to be around 100-300L for most stuff in teh top selling 100 or so items at marketplace.secondlife.com. So...yeah, it can be tough with all the competition, but clothing may only be like 3 texture uploads and if you get the diffuse map texture right on your sculpties or use white mostly...well, it is colorable via script and free color change scripts are around.

You can maybe look at the script library and figure out an object you can build that significantly adds to the scripts offerings in a way that would compel people to purchase over making thier own. For instance, there is a free surf board prefab out there. if you go this and made some neat textures for it you may be able to sell it if you scripted it. To be honest though....that is hard to do. And if you have the scripting skills...well, you are better off just doing custom scripting for someone for dirt cheap...which would be 2000L maybe...people charge that for a a few hours of work. Programmers else where on the web demand much higher prices and so do they in SL. Make it, sell it and direct your requesting customer to the marketplace listing! Then, you retain rights and simply sell it to as many as want to buy it for 2000L or so...depneding on how good it is and how complex etc. Just look at the marketplace, tonnes of library scripts for free packaged there and some for low cost that are similar or simple. Some cost more. A car script is around 2000L or so, up to over 5000L for a decent pack with a few scripts to handle the things people like. Once again, if you can do that much in a day though...well, you may be able to make more elsewhere. for more money and then just buy lindens. But, if it is a bank issue or CC issue....well, then you may want to program stuff in world, pack and sell it with instructions and also look for custom work right here on the forums. gotta be the only way with zero investment. Just be smarter, thier CC can only buy them brian made products and not the brains to make the stuff...OK, technically they can pay a teacher lol. Study LSL at teh wiki and maybe even take in world classes (free, usually tip/donation based) or apply already existing programming...do what others can't and they need you so they pay for your stuff! Ask in groups for help now and then maybe, and offer abit. There was a college of scripting, music and whatever else...I can't remember the name. They have a self paced learning thing. I already knew programming a bit (learned a bit of BASIC, Turbopascal and learned some object oriented stuff....uh, not so useful for SL and I didn't learn much. But the basics from a javascipt class may help you IF youy already learned it....if not, just go directly to LSL with hope that javascript and basic event driven programming knowledge, flow control, operator logic, and so on will help with HTML5, Javascript and maybe even others because you can use them to set up websites or even the basic logic and such helps with app programming...all of these may be interesting and possibly earn money or may help with a career shift...if you are good or enjoy it that is.


Poenald Palen wrote:

You ask for 2L, unless you made a mistake and meant instead 2,000L or 2000L...depending on your preference of punctuation. The period indicates 2.

Wrong! That depends where the OP lives! Not everyone is in the US, thus grouping and decimal delimiter vary. And based on the context it should be clear what's meant here!


I dont think the OP would read all that long long long post,  the Op is only interested in free 2000L, by the way, I agree with previous post that says, Not everyone is in North America, in South america for example if you write 2.000 means 2,000



Miyuko101 wrote:

Thanks for the asnwers, I camped all night and got 70L$... 


By the way, I hope you have paid your forum tax? You know, the fee incurred for asking a question on here?


Thats L$70 please.

/holds out hand.......


You mean like overnight ? Even a prosititute won't get that over night. Your best bet is to buy it (yes i know you can't) or to wait and collect enough.

Seems like, people who buy land and rent it out get a good stash of cash weekly. I see these wannabe rich snoby girls who join groups that are like 500L for no reason. I see people who create small roleplaying businesses get money every here and there. Theres actually quite a few ways, you just have to be creative,smart and have alot of time.


Miserly wrote:

You mean like overnight ? Even a prosititute won't get that over night. 

If a prostitute in SL cannot earn over L$2000 for a whole nights work, then that prostitute sucks.....and not in a good way.



Dillon Levenque wrote:


Congratulations on having spent the night and come back for the update. Some of the advice in this thread might work for you. Of course, you DO have to somehow set yourself apart from the competition ;-).

I've got the suit, tie and fedora. Do you think I could pass muster without the cigar? I fear coughing,  wheezing and nausea would work against me.


Ok its >never< too late to pick up 2000L for very little effort..

Bodyparts, :matte-motes-agape: yes,

don't laugh it's true!

You have heard of SL vampires right?

I am sure a desperate one would pay a measly 2000L for your soul.

Give it a shot!


If you have a hot AVI I recomend pole dancing. Some places tip very well if you find the right place. Then there are the contests. Good luck makeing the 2,000L you so desire.

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