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Why is it so hard to get into this place?

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OK, is it just me, or is logging into the various parts of this website an exercise in futility. I go through the same thing everytime I try. Login at the main page, get sent to the Dashbored (tm). Use the Community link to get to the forum, and have to sign in again. IF I'm lucky, I get here logged in, but usually I get a 404 error, perhaps several, or I get sent to the Help page. I go back to the forum, login and get sent back. If I go back to the main page, where I'm logged in and try to get to the forum, I get there unlogged, and when I try to log in, any combination of the above happens. The, if I want to go to the MP, I have to login again?????


I feel like Maxwell Smart walking through all those doors.

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Maybe Lindens don't want anyone in here?

I don't know heh. I'm having same trouble using latest Firefox. Internet works fine except the SL site is busted. I guess LL thought the site was out of place & needed to be 'upgraded' to match the new level of quality we've come to expect in MP & SL. At least now it is all a consistent & predictable experience across all Linden properties.

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I her ya! I wish they'd make all these sites listen to each other off a single login.

Last couple days Ive had to full log in every time I come to the forums, and sometimes it would not accept my login at all.

I rather wish it would leave me logged in for much longer.

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I haven't had any problem but I have my browser 'remember' by username and passwords for the three areas so that when I go to them using my bookmarks I'm automatically signed in.  Of course this works for me because I'm the only one that uses this computer.  I wouldn't recommend it if others can access your computer and you want to maintain privacy on these sites.

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i used to have a lot of trouble like that too, but that was when i was new. since then I only visit the same places so have worked out where i wish to go, and got the computer to remember it. i also have a secret file with my passwords and usernames in it so i dont get confused, as i make my passwords impossible to break. SL can can a real pain in the bum sometimes.

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404 errors frequently happens to me too on the SL website and have been for a long time. People would say don't use IE but now it seems it's happening with other browsers as well.  I have Opera installed along with IE8 and it makes no difference, same 404 errors.

In actual fact, the website is logging you in even though you see a 404 error. I discovered this when trying to reply to a question on Answers. After getting the 404, I clicked the Answer button to a question and was immediately logged in.

Now when I get a 404, I log into my Dashboard then open Answers or Forum and am automatically logged in.

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They did have the logins as one once but for only a short time, they started banning people from the forum but not from second life, when they banned people from the forum they were also banned from the other parts of the web, I know people this happened to, so they then changed it so that you had to log in both, now people that are banned from the forum can get the other parts of the web sites, so you could say they split up the logins so they could control what was said on the forum, china do very similar things.

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i think the 404 and sometimes 400 errors caused by the antispam bots filter

sl forums gets hit heaps by spambots so i think they try to fight them off with some kinda filter something and we get caught up in it sometimes

also i think on IE9 the website put some kinda session super cookie something something on your computer (i think) not sure

if i get 400 and 404 errors then quite often on IE9 i get redirect to login page even if enter www.secondlife.com in browser address bar

when that happens then i have to use a program like ccleaner to delete all cache and temp files off my computer. then it goes ok again after that. the IE9 internet options delete browsing history button not fix it all  by itself



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An error has occurred. Further information is available in the server log.

That is what I get in Chrome. Haven't tried others cause Chrome is working great everywhere except on SL pages. Sometimes if I refresh the page that message is gone and I am logged in. Sometimes it gives me login page again so I just leave it and try some other time. 

It happens on my dashboard and on forums. 

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Tamara Artis wrote:

An error has occurred. Further information is available in the server log.

That is what I get in Chrome. Haven't tried others cause Chrome is working great everywhere except on SL pages. Sometimes if I refresh the page that message is gone and I am logged in. Sometimes it gives me login page again so I just leave it and try some other time. 

It happens on my dashboard and on forums. 

I get this same error in Safari. I also tried Firefox. Something has definitely been broken for the last several days, for user authentication anywhere in *.secondlife.com.

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Boudicca Littlebird wrote:

They did have the logins as one once but for only a short time, they started banning people from the forum but not from second life, when they banned people from the forum they were also banned from the other parts of the web, I know people this happened to, so they then changed it so that you had to log in both, now people that are banned from the forum can get the other parts of the web sites, so you could say they split up the logins so they could control what was said on the forum, china do very similar things.

Yeah. I'd say it was a Chinese Fiiredrill, but I'm sure some PC Policetwit would report me for racial insensitvity so I'll just call it Linden Logic

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Brenda Connolly wrote:

OK, is it just me, or is logging into the various parts of this website an exercise in futility. I go through the same thing everytime I try. Login at the main page, get sent to the Dashbored . Use the Community link to get to the forum, and have to sign in again. IF I'm lucky, I get here logged in, but usually I get a 404 error, perhaps several, or I get sent to the Help page. I go back to the forum, login and get sent back. If I go back to the main page, where I'm logged in and try to get to the forum, I get there unlogged, and when I try to log in, any combination of the above happens. The, if I want to go to the MP, I have to login again?????


I feel like Maxwell Smart walking through all those doors.

I had a little trouble too.  It may have been coincidence but after clearing my browser cache & cookies, etc, the problem went away.

But this again raises an interesting issue.  We think of the forum, the marketplace, the dashboard, etc as the SL Website.  While they all are hosted by SL, the way they are set up they are different 'services' on the website.

The unique and interesting thing is that once you log into the Dashboard, normally you don't have to re-enter your password to access the other services.  But this creates an unusual problem, a security weakness in the services.  Logging out of one section or service DOES NOT automatically log you out of the others.


Ideally, when we log out of one section, we should get a prompt asking us if we want to be logged out of all the others.

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Dilbert Dilweg wrote:

Yea I noticed odd behavior logging into the forums started yesterday for me. Same thing today. It took about 5 attempts to log in


Same here.  I check "Remember me on this computer" and have never had any issues with what you describe, Brenda.  Until yesterday.

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Remember me never does anything for me.  I have always had to log in to the mysecondlife.com, but the forums I only had to hit the Sign In at the top and I am signed in.  Now they are acting in reverse.  Mysecondlife.com is signed in already, and the forums now send me to the sign in page where I put my user name and pass, and then I still have to hit the Sign In at the top of the page to actually get signed in.  Strange behavior. 

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I thought I was the only one, then I saw it was a brand new "Gripe of the Day" and Marigold I think referenced this thread. Been happening to me for a few days. Different PC's, different OS's. all Windows. Browser IE8 in all cases. I sign in and when the Forum screen pops back up I am not signed in. Click "Sign In" again and it takes me back to the Sign In screen. Very irritating. Only happens here; inworld or my.secondlife.com work fine.


I did find one relatively consistent band-aid that's worked for me. Might work for others. Get to the Forum and sign in. Then ignore the fact your name isn't up there. Click on one of the Forum sections (with me it's always People but I assume the others would work). Pick a post. THEN refresh the browser. Usually I see my name show up when I do that; sometimes I have to click 'Sign In' again but when I do I see the path shift from 'support' to 'forums' and I then see my name where it belongs. I've done it maybe twenty times in the last three days and it's worked every time.

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it's only been one time..but it actually just worked for me on the first try..hehehe

maybe they read this? i'm gonna try again hehehe

ETA: yay it is working two times in a row and i never touched anything..so maybe we are good?

is it working again for others?

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