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Can someone really get me "banned" from all land?

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And no, I'm not talking to the user about it either. They refuse to be reasonable, and I want an opinion.

I was told this by a person on SL just for calling someone out for being a sex fiend. "i will get ahold of all the land owners grid wide and tell them about this drama and they will not allow u on there land as well" end quote. Can people -really- do this, or is this unjust? 

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Doubtful. I think most "land owners grid wide" would ignore the person (who would have wasted an awful lot of time; there are 22,866 private regions and 7,112 Linden-owned ones).

On the other hand, a lot of people might not like the sort of people who go around calling people "sex fiends" on their land.

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LuciaRiley wrote:

And no, I'm not talking to the user about it either. They refuse to be reasonable, and I want an opinion.

I was told this by a person on SL just for calling someone out for being a sex fiend.
"i will get ahold of all the land owners grid wide and tell them about this drama and they will not allow u on there land as well"
end quote. Can people -really- do this, or is this unjust? 

I have seen some people gang up on people in SL but to think they would be able to do it grid wide is silly. This person does not know all the land owners in SL. He would have to find other people that think the same way as he does and not everyone is going to think that way. You called someone a name once, It sounds like you don't want to do it again. It is just me but I don't think it is that much to worry about.

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"On the other hand, a lot of people might not like the sort of people who go around calling people "sex fiends" on their land."


Oh, oh.........I've done something like that (maybe more than once too :) ).  I mean when one gets some obnoxious idot constantly asking for the "sex" even after you've ignored the request a dozen times or so, you might just blurt out something like "get lost you f**king pervert".  Well I do anyway........right before I mute the moron.  :)

To answer the OP's question........I don't think this person could get more than a very few (like 1 or 2 at the most) land owners to ban someone for saying they were a sex fiend (or pervert).  And those who would are not places I would ever want to visit anyway.  Don't worrry about it.

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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Doubtful. I think most "land owners grid wide" would ignore the person (who would have wasted an
lot of time; there are 22,866 private regions and 7,112 Linden-owned ones).

On the other hand, a lot of people might not like the sort of people who go around calling people "sex fiends" on their land.

There was a reason this person was called a sex fiend. They were called it for being annoying and pushy toward the female avis.

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by the time he goes to every sim in the sea and parcel on all the mainlands..bleh ..

it would take him years and years and still not be finished..just tell him he better get started like yesterday hehehe

tell him to open his map and scoll back a good ways ..then start zooming in..chances are he never zoomed out before lol

what is a sex fiend anyways? someone that really loves to have sex? or someone that makes everything about sex?

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

by the time he goes to every sim in the sea and parcel on all the mainlands..bleh ..

it would take him years and years and still not be finished..just tell him he better get started like yesterday hehehe

Ah no, when he will start explaining it takes only a minute until most of the land owners mute him. So he'll make quick progress contacting all landowners. *giggles*

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Coby Foden wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

The short answer is no. The more detailed answer is no.

Phil, you are the master of words.  I admire the way you stated the truth, in short way and in detailed way.  :matte-motes-big-grin:

If something is worth saying, it's worth explaining it in detail, so there can't be any mistakes in interpretation/translation - imo, of course :)

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LuciaRiley wrote:

And no, I'm not talking to the user about it either. They refuse to be reasonable, and I want an opinion.

I was told this by a person on SL just for calling someone out for being a sex fiend.
"i will get ahold of all the land owners grid wide and tell them about this drama and they will not allow u on there land as well"
end quote. Can people -really- do this, or is this unjust? 

LMAO no. Someone has a huge Napoleon complex (and thirst for drama.) Do you really think everyone in Second Life is hanging on that person's word? A lot of people would just be insulted that some random stranger told them what to do with their land.

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I would say it is possible if a person griefs a bunch of regions using your name, and spoofing your profile to look like theirs they could accuse and ban you.

I found myself banned from 13 RP sims in 2011 without a reason because a griefer from one of my RP groups which also RP on the sims decided to grief these 13 simulators, send me hateful comments using objects on their regions to my email, and the Admins were dumb and believed that I would make an appeal to them for something that wasn't fully my fault and then grief them it doesn't make sense. Funny thing is that this griefer is a person from GOR, and I found my name being passed around as a griefer with no proof by this person and their friends all related to eachother.

Meanwhile I colelcted Logs, Snapshots, Logs from the admin as well proving that they really don't give a crap from Second Life, and they they really don't care pretty much saying that I have to prove 100% that it wasn't me griefing them or its my fault and they will grief me by sending out false rumors, and leaving a ban which is declinging access from friends who own land there. * This is pretty much abuse right there they do have a right to ban, they do not have a right to have their members spread rumors around SL, or Share OOC logs in IM's without even consent not even a profile disclaimer.

* Out of all the drama there was only one person who had some common sense and might have seen the truth that this griefer was using it as a weapon to get me banned and keep me banned because after all there is only one person who didn't want me there because of OOC drama they wanted to create.* They said to Appeal again later, but we all know how that goes 99.9% of the time its a denied, and the griefer still gets away with it.*

Funny thing is that I knew about these sims which used to be 28 regions since 2009, It was also the first place I ever shopped when I transfered over to the main grid, and out of my entire time there was only one Incident wheer I griefed there by accident, my hud used a lot of prims/probes and was using so much script time It almost crashed the region, not intentional in any way, but the owner was very nice and told me about it, as I said I don't forget things like this, and I honestly wish they as Role-Players would get their acts together and show some respect like they once did, but again 28 regions now down to 11 regions, and lets not forget all the rumors about drama on wikipedia about them not funny in the least. One thing I can't figure out is Motive why would I have wanted to grief these people, and why do it then why not have done it a year ago if I hated them. Something even they as so called Managers, or Moderators couldn't answer.

Then I had another incident with a very big Land Owner where I got banned from over 200+ sims I never found out why and supposedly I was unbanned from them all, the reason I suspect is a griefer doing things in my name as usual, but I was never told why. All I know is that I was declined access to my friend who was paying on a rental estate for land aka parcel land, but some manager hit Ban All Estates maybe because some griefer was spamming cubes around on parcels and pretending to be me after all I have been threatend many times, and had griefers grief an Estate I was renting on once before.

So to answer the question.

You can get banned from a lot of sims due to griefers, however this is a problem with Ignorant Managers, and Moderators who do this and beleive a griefer, they give griefers the power to do it again to someone else they do not like, and they will continue to abuse that power. I have pretty much I would say with all the documents I have posted public on these incidents and on other game forums proven that it was not me griefing because why would I spam myself, and why would I send myself hundreds of hateful emails to myself from Second Life it just doesn't make sense.

However I doubt you will get banned from every simulator because LL owns a lot of public Welcome Areas, and SandBox, although griefers can be a real pain if they should grief others using your name, and they can get you banned from places you have never been to I know its happend to me before I walk into a place never knowing why I was banned.

When it comes down to it I usually try myself not to just ban people infact I can't remember the last time I actually used the ban function was because I usually don't have many problems, but I usually just wipe the list off all the lands every few months or something give people a chance as if it is a real griefer they will be banned by Linden Lab, there isn't really a reason to hold a grude for the most part, and there is only really two people I currently will hold a so called grudge on, but that can change depending on their actions in SL and if they really are changed people. Believe me I try to forget or forgive but with what some people do it just isn't possible until you see real changes.

So yup it really depends on the whole situation and what or how people are griefing you, If someone for example said please ban X name here for X reason randomly to every land owner I doubt they would listen, but if they have connections, or Grief using your name and spamming objects even though they are not you it could create problems.

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you know what hun, just move on and mute they sound like a right drama filled queen and note even worth worrying over - yeah sure he could spread lies about you and some sim owners might be suckered in - but at the end of the day just ignore it and move on mute him and anyone else who threatens you and report if they harass you, SL is a big big place and you will meet a-holes all over - so what if yopu said a nasty sentence to them ...from your message sounds like they probably deserved it and are spitting their dummy out cos you had one over on them!

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LuciaRiley wrote:

And no, I'm not talking to the user about it either. They refuse to be reasonable, and I want an opinion.

I was told this by a person on SL just for calling someone out for being a sex fiend.
"i will get ahold of all the land owners grid wide and tell them about this drama and they will not allow u on there land as well"
end quote. Can people -really- do this, or is this unjust? 

The only person who could get you banned everywhere is you. It's a lofty goal--I don't think anyone has yet succeeded--so you'll need to be diligent about it.

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