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Mass banning from commercial land without no reason. Some thing good we should encurage in SL?

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Rival Destiny wrote:

Yes is correct, ban lines would not work that far up.  IIRC the max is 768 meters.

And I think perhaps I misread Charlottes comment.  I thought she was indeed banned but as a result of trespassing into the sky box.


You are correct, and that was my point. Banlines are a nuisance and don't even work for the intended purpose.

Passive aggressive is a good description. I actually thought of sending them a photo of my chilling on their couch, but I didn't want to disturb their sense of peace.

They are my neighbors after all.

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Well, there are a few reasons people use the built in land security.  One of the most recent changes, being able to stop other avies from camming into your land and/or listening to your chat, would be one reason.

Also, I think as soon as you use the list feature, adding those that are allowed onto your land, ban lines are shown to anyone that is not on the list.

It's very likely that many who use the ban lines but have sky boxes, are unaware of the limitations & believe that it works all the way to 4096.

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lol, yes.  One of the features in sl is the tp to avatar feature.  I've had a few people since tp to me at my work shop or even a sky box. 

If they are new I can understand the mistake in thinking that sl is open to the public.  But when you get someone who's been around the block a few years, tp'g to you, then it's ban hammer time. 

Unless of course they are using an old landmark but in the instances I mentioned, I had the sim before they were born so there is no way they are using an old landmark.

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Rival Destiny wrote:

Well, there are a few reasons people use the built in land security.  One of the most recent changes, being able to stop other avies from camming into your land and/or listening to your chat, would be one reason.

Also, I think as soon as you use the list feature, adding those that are allowed onto your land, ban lines are shown to anyone that is not on the list.

It's very likely that many who use the ban lines but have sky boxes, are unaware of the limitations & believe that it works all the way to 4096.

ya thats what was happening to me lol

i was way up there..but when i would go to the ground i would never see them..so out of sight out of mind..

i'm just glad  my friend seen it before the sim owner did..

all though she is very nice too and would have told me they were on in a nice way..i just wouldn't want her to get the impression that i went against the rules..cause they don't allow them..

i thought  it would have said ban lines back then..

where i thought the public access stuff was something different..

i was still in my first year of sl then  lol


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Charolotte Caxton wrote:

Really? Tp to avatar? I don't think I have ever had anyone directly tp to me... or have I?

Hmmm, is this like for third party viewers or is it in V3 also?

i think it has to be on in the sim where they are at..i always see something in my land settings that is about allowing or not allowing direct tp.

then again..that may be for the double tap tping also..

some things have had so much added to them that i'm starting to feel newb again lol..

i remember when i first got here..you could map and be mapped and people could teleport right to you..and there wasn't the option to turn that off yet..

it did come a little bit later..but it was on by default for the longest time also hehehe

the strange thing was.i never thought it was creepy back then..i just thought that's how it was here..

now it's all like..hey how you find me if you can't see me? \o/ you know mah sekrits and i'm unna tell lol

it is kind of creepy now that i have been in for a good while..but then it was kind of handly for my friends..because i was always shopping an never answering IM's..they would map me then tp and then yell at me ..CEKA!! ANSWER YOUR IM's!! been IMing you for 20 minutes now!! \o/

i would be like.. oh ok sowies hehehe

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<<they won't be able to participate in the Hunt....she didn't like that they were keeping people from joining or participating in her Hunt>>

The sim won't be allowed in the hunt, or is this just affecting one or two merchants there? While I think it is very unfortunate for any merchants who are excluded from the hunt, I see this as a step in the right direction. At least these merchants are being made aware that their landlord/group leader is practicing bad business that is affecting them. The more members who know about it, the more likely they will be forced to stop the behavior or go down the tubes.

Some might say that exclusion from the hunt is the same thing, but most of the hunts I do have rules about what kind of land (no Adult sims) and other accessability issues. Why let someone in your "gridwide hunt" if people can't get to the locations? This still leaves the door open for banning trouble makers, but makes it undesirable to use mass banning.

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Until very recently, blacklist bans only went to 768m above ground level, but that has just changed, I think grid-wide.  Now you can fly as high as 5000m (without flight assist, even), and the explicit bans now go all the way up.

(Whitelist banlines are much lower... 50m above ground level, IIRC.)

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Until very recently, blacklist bans only went to 768m above ground level,
but that has just changed
, I think grid-wide.  Now you can fly as high as 5000m (
without flight assist
, even), and the explicit bans now go all the way up.

(Whitelist banlines are much lower... 50m above ground level, IIRC.)

well this is good to know..just last month we were talking about this..

how high someone was banned from a parcel or sim...

this will be good for lots of people living way up there now =)

not so good for pilots that may be banned somewhere they don't know about  i guess though =(

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I can understand your frustration.  It sucks that people ban you for no good reason besides basis of your connections.  I've fallen victim at a time myself; I suspect I know why, but I don't know from the mouths of those who did it.  I can only speculate, but honestly, I don't care.  I come here to build, market my small shop, have fun and leisure, and talk with true friends.  The only explanation that I can offer is that we can never understand the mind of the paranoid and self-indulged.  What I have done is move forward and do my best to work around it. 

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When I see what has happened to Mac, Honey, Rosemary, Tess and Thaddeus and others that I know who have also been treated badly by the same group - it just pees me off that these are lovely and creative people who are just trying to work on their own businesses in sl are getting treated badly for petty and childish reasons.   Selling in sl is difficult enough during these tough economic times without a group banning them and treating them badly simply because they also choose to be associated with me and my group.

Both groups were started wtih the purpose of helping designers in sl and offering residents good shopping experiences and I know at least our group has continued to do that over the last year.   I dont care if designers want to belong to other groups or have stores on other sims, good for them, thats their choice and if it helps them to grow their business, thats great.

Yes people have the right to ban whoever they want from their land and this is necessary for privacy or protection from griefers and trouble makers, but this isnt that situation.  And in the end this other group is only hurting themselves, their shoppers and the designers they purport to help. 



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Heavenly Villa wrote:

When I see what has happened to Mac, Honey, Rosemary, Tess and Thaddeus and others that I know who have also been treated badly by the same group - it just pees me off that these are lovely and creative people who are just trying to work on their own businesses in sl are getting treated badly for petty and childish reasons.   Selling in sl is difficult enough during these tough economic times without a group banning them and treating them badly simply because they also choose to be associated with me and my group.

Both groups were started wtih the purpose of helping designers in sl and offering residents good shopping experiences and I know at least our group has continued to do that over the last year.   I dont care if designers want to belong to other groups or have stores on other sims, good for them, thats their choice and if it helps them to grow their business, thats great.

Yes people have the right to ban whoever they want from their land and this is necessary for privacy or protection from griefers and trouble makers, but this isnt that situation.  And in the end this other group is only hurting themselves, their shoppers and the designers they purport to help. 



what that other group is doing is trying to dictate what someone can and can't do with their own business..

thats what happens when people feel a little power and it goes to their head..

when they start pulling those kind of stunts like they did to your friends and you..

it's only a matter of time before they self destruct..it's best not to be around them when they do anyways..because who knows how many groups may end up banning everyone in that group at some point in time..

either way ..it sounds like they are doing you all a favor by saving on future headaches anyways..

you don't want to do business with those unstable types that can flip a lid for no reason at any moment anyways..

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Mac Shoreman wrote:

"Has he contacted the sim owner and explained this to them? Perhaps they will let him participate. "


Why should I be needed to do this in the first place?

Um... duh?

Because you got banned.

Someone bans you, and rather than ask them why - you to a random internet forum and start making angry posts about it into the wind?

They did not act rationally, and now, neither have you.

As a result - nothing good is accomplished.


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"Um... duh?

Because you got banned."



Why did I and many with me get banned in the first place WITHOUT ANY REASON??????? I should not be in the position to crawl to the ovners feet and licking asking why in the first place. Ofcause I IM'd both owner before I posted but as you migt see from others been banned etc no one gets an answer.... Duh!!!

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