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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I'm loving the new hair at Magika. And you get all the colors in one package so you can shake up from time to time if you want to change hair color.
  2. I was born in '53. I might have been very young but you'd be surprised how much I actually remember from the late 50s. I vividly remember going to Disneyland in '58 and seeing all the construction. I remember watching Chubby Checker on American Bandstand in '60. And you might not think there are a lot of people my age in SL but believe me there are and I know many older than me even!
  3. That wouldn't help much. When right clicking an attachment and using inspect you can see all the linked parts as demonstrated in the following pic. It might prevent the HUDs but anyone with a Firestorm viewer can access this information with just a couple of clicks.
  4. I got up this morning and decided to test the size of the bedroom of my favorite of the new Linden Homes. So here I am with a prim attached, which is the exact size of the bed I have rezzed in my current home, standing in the bedroom. As I thought, there's plenty room for my bedroom furniture and to construct a small bathroom. So much for one person's opinion that you could only get a bed in the room.
  5. AFAIK, there is NO way to stop anyone from seeing your attachments. It's easily done using area search in Firestorm viewer or any of the number of HUDs available that will spit out the info for any avatar you select. You are fighting a loosing battle by trying to keep people from seeing your attachments.
  6. So driving my "car" through the gate made me wonder if we'll be able to choose either a brick fence or a hedge with the mailbox like we can choose house styles.
  7. Because I like to test things. I made a prim the size of a normal SL car and then I "drove" it through one of the openings in the fence. It fits!
  8. I use textures that match because I think it looks better. As long as the root prim for the driveway is in your parcel, I doubt that you'll have any issue with having it returned.
  9. Sure am!! I love the challenge of taking something and making it my own. I did that with the Barnesworth house and I will do it with probably all of the new LL homes. Just wait and see what I do with those! But thanks for calling my home a little gem.
  10. As a retired art teacher, I can tell you that every thing I make I consider as art. In fact this morning I nearly said would you buy a painting from an artist just to get the canvas? Seriously, I do consider my work to be little pieces of art. I completely understand the value of having mod items. Heck I love mod items and am constantly sharing info on merchants who do make mod clothing and shoes in the group I moderate. I won't buy a house that's no mod. I won't sell a house that's no mod either. I for the most part won't buy no mod furniture either. So yes, I get it. And I don't take issue with that at all. I take issue with someone coming in here and suggesting that creators, any creator, is shady because they sell no mod products.
  11. You certainly have the right to not buy my products that are no mod. If you purchase my products that are no mod then you have no right to complain about it since you knew it to begin with. It's rather simple. I'm not twisting your arm telling you to buy my products. If they don't suit your needs I'd be the first one to tell you not to buy it. Adding this because I hit enter too soon. I also think it's ridiculous for people to complain and insult creators because they don't like how permissions are set on a product. Don't like it. Don't buy it. Simple! It's what I do as a shopper myself. Do I go around bad mouthing a creator because I don't like how they do business? You know I might think it. I might even tell my best friend. I would not come to the forums or talk in group negatively about a merchant because I don't like their product. If I come across harsh here, I don't mean to. I do get passionate on issues like this though, and I'm afraid it shows.
  12. Thanks! But you know, it wouldn't look near as nice if that house were one of those too large houses. Making something look great is all in the details and when a house is too big it just doesn't work. By the time you get enough in a house, if you have enough prims, it gets too laggy with all those extras in it. So yeah, in this case small is definitely better!
  13. Just to show you that I don't have blinkers on .. here's a pic of my current house with a prim used to measure. Notice the edit window with dimensions. And here is the same prim compared to one of the new Linden homes .. again notice the dimensions in the edit window so you can see I have not changed the prim at all. As you can see the Linden home is larger than the one I'm currently living in which I purchased from Barnesworth Anubis. I posted about this house in the Home and Garden thread just yesterday. The house is small but perfectly large enough for what I want in a home. If anyone has blinkers on I think it's you!
  14. A big part of why your perception that the houses are too cramped is your camera angle. Try resetting it to be along your actual eye sight and you won't feel nearly as cramped. Also, if you're stuck back in 2008 mode with a very tall avatar .. maybe adjust that a bit as well. Honestly, these houses are sized very well and leave us plenty room to make adjustments and additions to the exterior.
  15. Attach the prim to avatar center .. not just center .. but be warned if you tp like that you'll probably loose your body. I position my avatar in the center of the space .. sit on the floor using a ground sit and "add" the measuring prim. It works pretty well this way.
  16. Thank you so much for responding .. this is awesome news! Can't wait to move. *goes back to packing*
  17. I always recommend to remove hair, clothing and shoes and use your flat feet when working on your shape.
  18. I don't think any of us would have taken exception to the OP had the word shady not been used. For some of us it's not just about money or even high on our list of why we do what we do. Sure I enjoy making money but I'd stop creating tomorrow if it was just for the money. I typically decide if I'm going to make something mod or no mod based on how badly the customer can screw up all the hard work and time I put into creating the items I'm selling. I feel this way, if a customer doesn't like the product I've poured my heart into creating as it is then I don't want to sell it to them. I'm not in the business of creating blank mesh models for customers to retexture or retint. There are creators who do that and I'd rather direct a customer toward them than sell them my creation as mod when I've decided to sell the item as no-mod. It might be their mistake, but it reflects on the creator regardless. People are so into window shopping what other people are wearing that HUDS have been made for this exact purpose. The "What's She Wearing HUD" is one of those very popular tools. If something looks like crap no one is going to care who made the piece of clothing. But even worse than that is people thinking what they are looking at is available in the store when it isn't. You might say well then the person can buy the item and tint or retexture it also to get the same result, well you know a lot of people in SL don't even want to open the edit window. I made a set of rings mod because I had been asked a couple of times to make my rings mod. So I made a set mod and since it was mod I didn't include a resizer to reduce script usage and since the ring only had two parts it was an easy task to use the edit tools to resize. I got more complaints on that set than any because people did not want to open the edit box to resize it. So yeah, I went back to no mod and using scripts. If the texture was not included in the purchase, you did not buy a texture. You bought an object. Just because that object has a texture on it does not mean you own the texture, which is another reason some creators sell their items no-mod because some buyers have this misguided notion that just because something has a texture on it that they somehow own said texture. It's ridiculous. ^^^^^^^^ This!
  19. I went shopping yesterday for one of those funky soft-wall above-ground swimming pools. You know the kind you saw pop up during the summer in nearly every back yard of those who could not afford an in-ground pool. And the side yard is perfect for a small vegetable and herb garden.
  20. Apparently I have too much time on my hands, or I've become obsessed with SSP, or both! But I had some fun with the map this evening. Since we're speculating .. I did some SSP floating on the map. Using those ghosted regions between Sansara and Jeogeot I was able to position SSP in between them. It almost looked like place savers it fit so snugly. If I were a betting person this is where I'd put my money. But for fun I tried two other locations. I was able to place in both locations without any interference from private regions. Both of those spots were completely empty. I have to wonder if Patch and the Moles are chuckling at us for all our guessing. But it's exciting. I can't help myself.
  21. It wasn't official. It started here with this comment.
  22. I recently renovated this tiny house from Barnesworth Anubis. I retextured most of it, added a room and a closet, meshed floor and crown moldings to match, and added a larger step at the base of the stairs. I won't be in this house too much longer as I plan to move to the new Linden Homes once they are open to the public. So, I thought if I'm going to get some pics of this reno I better get it done now. It really is a tiny house! I changed the siding and changed the roof from shingles to metal. When you walk into the double doors you find yourself in the office/kitchen/dining area. I added the little room in the corner because there was no where to put a bathroom in this house and I must have a tub for my soaking time. I love how open the house feels as a result of this screened in room that serves as my lounge area. There's a nice porch with rattan chairs and an umbrella in front. I love the view from the top of the stairs looking back down to the lounge. The bedroom is just a couple of steps away. I know it's silly but I love having a closet in SL. This little space next to the landing was the perfect spot to make a built-in for my shopping finds. I have a couple or so more weeks to enjoy this little house. Then I'll be busy with my new house in a new neighborhood. I'm excited! Oh! I almost forgot to show you how the bathroom turned out. It's small but cute.
  23. Could it be related to the fact that this is a temporary build for display purposes only? I am clueless when it comes to scripts so if that question seems stupid, it's probably because I pretty much am when it comes to scripting. Please be kind in your response.
  24. My old Linden home at 76 prims on a 512 Yes, I added a planter and a tree to the exterior of my home. Looks nice doesn't it? Anyway, the prim count on the new Linden homes range from 155 to 219 for the houseboats and 197 to 249 for the houses. Now to consider that the land size has increased so if we double the old prims to balance the new size parcels .. 76 X 2 = 152. So the new homes are still heavier in land impact than the new, but when you consider the level of detail in the new homes I think you'd agree that they are made very well. Have you been to the Linden Homes preview yet? If not, you really must go!
  25. Of course it's going to disappear after you zoom out past 32m. That's how you have your viewer set up. You've told it you don't want to see anything that's further than 32 meters. That's not a problem with LOD. I understand that the windows and doors might poof before the walls but that's what I would expect since they are much higher detailed than a flat wall. I consider that smart building. Here in this photo you can see that I have cammed out at 200m and the building holds well with a LOD factor of 2, which is the recommended. Check my settings. You can tell I'm at 200m away from the build as all the things in back of the house have poofed, and yet, the building has held shape very well. to follow up .. here at LOD factor 1 and at 0 .. only at zero from this huge distance do the windows even begin to distort Honestly, these houses are amazingly built. Great job!
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