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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Neither would I, but I'm not giving away all my ideas for free in this forum. lol ... Stay tuned!
  2. I don't feel happy about the long, drawn out process. I don't think it's going to be a long, drawn out process. But I will happily admit that I am a half glass full kind of person so tend to look on the positive rather than the negative until I have overwhelming evidence that it's not going to be that way.
  3. If I were to use the idea, I would erect a door where I like then cover the door with a 98% transparent prim with a teleport script inside. That way I could tp to whatever destination within my parcel I choose. I'd use the nearly transparent prim to house the script because no matter how fast your computer runs if using a visible prim to tp I typically will see that prim momentarily until it returns to its original location. You'd need a script that tps on touch without having to give permission though to not break immersion. Personally, I'd rather use a different approach by adding an addition at the back door of the house and constructing a whole new master suite with lots and lots of windows.
  4. If that is true, then it's more true for Asia and Europe.
  5. Take a closer look. None of the inhabited regions have unfinished edges. It's only the empty regions that run up against an unfinished edge. And you know what the missing parts look like by looking at the SSP continent. I suppose if I thought that it was going to take months for them to completely move the SSP continent into place I might be disappointed but I seriously doubt that is the case. I'm so glad they are not creating artificial edges and keeping true to the original SSP continent shape. I would be alarmed if they were to artificially complete those edges. If anything that would indicate that it's going to be a long drawn out process, the very fact that they aren't is encouraging to me.
  6. I doubt that initiating the phases will be a long drawn out process. But I for one would prefer them to release them in phases rather than waiting until every last part of the project is completed before releasing any of the regions that are now ready. I think having to wait would be much worse than moving to a yet to be completed continent, especially since it's very easy to see what that completed continent looks like by searching for SSP on the map. This isn't at all like Gaeta, Zindra, or even Bay City for that matter. They all have regions that just stop and do not have finished edges. We can easily see that SSP is completed and beautiful.
  7. Since Ebbe did mention that the Linden Homes would be done in phases at that Town Hall meeting all those months ago, I wouldn't be surprised if this is what the first phase is with the remaining SSP regions not moved yet coming at a latter time. Still it's just speculation. Time will tell though.
  8. They are still visible in the original SSP ... open map and search SSPE and you'll see they aren't there in the area that has been moved. btw .. my guess on SSPE ... super secret project exposed ... lol
  9. Yes, I know but having been a world cultures teacher, I know I have heard on more than one occasion from Canadians say, "You know you're not the only Americans." American is more than the name of a country. It encompasses nearly the whole western hemisphere. I think out of respect we should acknowledge that fact. I'm not saying we should call ourselves something else, but more than we need to be more inclusive of others when we use that name and not think we own it.
  10. I also think anyone from either North, Central, or South America are Amercians. I've often wondered what we from the USA should really call ourselves. I think it's rather presumptuous for us to call ourselves Americans as though we are the only ones. Somehow USAians just doesn't cut it though.
  11. Did you miss this? I never claimed to be French. I said I have French roots. I am totally American. Never said any different. Please read more carefully.
  12. There is a point to this. As an American, I still hang on to my European roots. Though my mother's family has been in the US for generations they held on to their French roots so much so that my mother's first language was French and not English. Her elder brother and sister did not learn English until they entered public school. My mother is in her 80s now so that gives you a little perspective. One thing that I've always loved about my country is that we aren't the so called melting pot but actually a salad bowl of cultures. Is that any different than many European countries? Look at Spain as an example. How many different cultures have made that country home and isn't it better as a result? I could go on naming other countries but you get the idea.
  13. Object entry is enabled in the new Linden Homes. I imagine it's so that we can travel on those lovely streets they've made for us.
  14. Move the mouth up and make the chin less deep. You may have to enlarge the head when doing this as it will make the overall appearance smaller. Also you can use the "egghead" slider in the head tab to make the head more forehead heavy than chin heavy which will make the forehead larger.
  15. The size of a parcel really has little impact on the value of the parcel. A 512 landlocked in the middle of a granite infested area is far different than one with protected sailable water with sunset views or sunrise for that matter. So using size to compare parcel prices really means nothing. And often times when you see exorbitant prices on parcels the seller doesn't actually want to sell the land. Their motivation is for attracting renters or simply to annoy the neighbors or any other of a number of reasons. The land market in SL is a complicated one. It takes careful study over a long period of time to even begin to understand the nuances of the market.
  16. or the ability of land merchants to manipulate the market and auctions ... .it's a two way street .. with need of repairs. Maybe I'm jaded but I really doubt this is going to have that much of an effect on the overall market... at least not any time soon.
  17. Comments about sailing features and connecting continents would probably be better served in one of the other threads about just that - connecting the continents. This one is about SSP and the new Linden homes. Not meaning you can't post here but that it's probably going to have a better audience in the other thread.
  18. 512 sqm on the North Channel between Bay City and Nova Albion in Barcola. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Barcola/53/146/26
  19. Unless there's a Homeowners Association and then he might find himself in court.
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