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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. This is only an issue when you are downgrading from premium to a free account. As long as you have the sqm free it doesn't matter. Because you are holding the 1024 whether you are actually using the sqm or not. So once you sell or abandon your current land you will have that sqm free immediately.
  2. I am in the same boat as you. I need to sell 512 sqm because I used it not thinking that the new homes would be out so quickly. I set my land for sale the day the preview region opened. There is no problem whatsoever with going back and forth as long as you have the sqm available. So once you have 1024 sqm free you will be able to get a new Linden home. If you decide later that you want to go back to mainland, all you have to do is abandon the Linden home and you can once again use the 1024 sqm for a mainland parcel. You are good to go as long as you have the sqm free.
  3. No thank you. If that's what it would be, I'd just keep my mainland. I'm actually selling some mainland to get back 512 sqm so I can move to the new Linden homes.
  4. It is going to be Linden Homes. If you want to see the covenant governing the regions you can do so now by visiting the Linden Homes Preview region currently on display at the Home and Garden fair. Skyboxes will not be banned. They are acceptable at 2k m or higher only. Here : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Linden Homes Preview/20/14/24
  5. It only showed up three maybe four days ago. It's been added and assumed that is where they are going to drop the SSP continent when it's ready.
  6. I've been thinking about all that mountain area laying empty .. what's going to go there????? And then that area where the orange buildings are .... urban? Could be!
  7. forget the movie .. but Even that other person was never this arrogant!
  8. Let's see popcorn and a movie or this? I wish you all would stop so I could just go watch a movie!!
  9. Been thinking the same and wondering if an alt might be at play.
  10. That is changing with the new Premium Homes. Skyboxes are allowed at 2000 or higher.
  11. I completely support a resident's rights to do so. Should a griefer use your property to grief my region then I would AR that griefer. If said griefer routinely uses your land to grief without being banned from your parcel then unfortunately I'd have to AR you as well. But I hope that never happens. While griefing is still an issue, it's not nearly as bad as it was in the past.
  12. This whole thread is too deep for me .. think I'd rather wear prims.
  13. Perhaps I've been around too long and have too many memories of running from giant male organs. I'd rather play it safe.
  14. I have no issue with rez zones in the new water channel. I just don't want to see rez zones inside the premium home area being used by griefers to attack the Linden Homes regions. This is exactly the reason why I only use premium sandboxes.
  15. I really am a small time creator. I doubt the ones I've contacted even knew I was a creator. I'm much more visible now as Debi than I ever was as Blush, and it wasn't until very recently that the Debi/Blush connection was even visible, so I seriously doubt that this had anything to do with their responses. My approach is that I know they don't owe it to me, but I'd be ever so grateful if they could help me. And then I explain my needs, and thank them for considering my request. I never approach any creator as though they owe me anything. I really think this is the reason I nearly never have a poor response from a creator. Also, I don't contact them for trivial things. It's really got to be important to me to make the effort.
  16. Rezzing areas in the Linden home continent should be just that for premium members .. it's why we pay premium. IMO
  17. There is another aspect to this. I wear an old flexi hairstyle most of the time. I get lots of compliments on that hair even in this day of mesh hair with flexi constantly being put down. I have modded the heck out of that hair. I've made it shorter, I've changed the parameters of the flexi in every strand of hair, so essentially the only thing that really looks like the original is the textures. A lot of people message me and want to know where I got the hair, so much so that I wonder how many are just checking on their own and not asking me. The problem is should anyone go buy that hair thinking it's going to look like the one I wear they are going to be disappointed because it truly is not the same. Now do I have a problem with that, of course not, and I assume the creator doesn't either as she sold the hair mod. But it still stands to reason that customers who want that hair are going to be disappointed and wonder why the hair they try on at the store is so different from what they saw me wearing. I just hope they don't message the creator and complain about it. By the way, when someone does message me I do tell them where I got the hair but I also tell them to demo carefully because what they see on me is not what the actual hair looks like.
  18. I'm sure rezzing areas will be available, but I'm hoping they will only be available to premium members. Even with rezzing zones available I'd rather walk out of my houseboat onto my dock and untie my sail boat than having to travel to a rez zone. It may be silly but I really like the immersion affect of it. Of course when I'm not living in one of the houseboats I'm going to want to be able to sail as well, so having a nice park with a boat unloading area for launching watercraft would be nice.
  19. I've mentioned many times that most of my gacha items come from the MP. I haven't had any issues at all getting customer support from the creator even though I bought the item from a third party vendor. One time I was retexturing a wall and accidentally dropped the texture on one of my fave little gacha items. Well of course, I destroyed that little favorite. I contacted the creator explained what I had done and asked to exchange the destroyed item for a new one. He quickly agreed and that was that. I have many times contacted creators asking to exchange the no-copy items for copy items, and again no issues were encountered. If a creator makes an item transfer and no copy, it doesn't negate their responsibility to provide customer support to whoever currently owns the product. So I really think it's a bogus argument that buying gacha items from third-party vendors means you will not get customer support. Unfortunately, I think this kind of belief probably prevents people from even contacting the creator thinking that they won't get any kind of response.
  20. I did, but I think it got overlooked with all the pics.... what's more interesting a bunch of text or pics??? lol
  21. Most of the photos I have posted were made in the preview region with me wearing furniture and walls; however, the pictures made in the house with the orange walls were done in the SSP region. Patch teleported me to the region so I could test the fps and compare it to what I had been getting in the preview area. I had very temporary access which included rezzing rights in one of the houses. Also, my fps nearly doubled from the preview region while in the actual region from which the preview region is copied. The reason you see a bathroom in my example is because I made the dividing walls and installed the doors. I divided the larger room at the top of the stairs into a bedroom, bathroom, and closet. There is amble space to do so. Thanks @Chic Aeon for responding while I was getting dinner. I appreciate it!
  22. You may have noticed that I took some pics with furniture and walls in the preview region where you cannot rez. In that case, I actually attached the furniture/walls to my avatar using avatar center. Anyone can do that if they want to see how their furniture will fit inside one of the houses.
  23. It was a test to see how my fps was in an actual region rather than the preview region, and while I was there I was given access to one of the houses. It was only temporary and now I'm waiting just like all of you. But I'm making lots of drawings of things I'd like to try.
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