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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I'm gonna like any post that has Maggie in it!
  2. I know coveting is a sin, but I'm gonna do it anyway. I want this parcel right here! It is facing west with a beautiful water inlet just east of the backyard. It has a lovely picket fence in front and fairly open side yards. Perhaps in a year or two from now when playing roulette with the new homes isn't so dangerous I might just try spinning the wheel to get this land or one similar. It even has this cute little boat.
  3. Thanks for the clarification @Dakota Linden. I've always censored bits so never really had an issue. Glad I didn't make the mistake of not censoring and then listing as M.
  4. The moonlight is so bright in Bellisseria.
  5. You don't want to miss the Shop and Hop this year! Fortunately it lasts a couple of weeks and they have a lot of regions set up for cam shopping.
  6. Follow this thread and enable email notification for updates.
  7. Go stand next to a house that's not ready and look at the name of the region then walk next door to where a house is claimed and being used. Again, look at the name of the region and you'll see it has a different name because they are NOT both in the same region. When the homes are ready they will be released.
  8. I very, very, very rarely will pick up gifts because my experience for the most part is that at least 95% of the time I trash the gifts because they're just not something I can use or like. So for me as a shopper, it's not a good use of my time. I'd rather just buy something I want than pick up a box on the very slim chance I might actually like what's in the box. I really do appreciate it when a merchant puts a picture of the item or the item itself on display so I can decide if I want to pick it up. Same goes for hunts! Oh, and wait for a timer?????? You've got to be kidding!
  9. We were doing just that with subscription boxes. I bought several so yes, I would. People are still doing it with Powder Pack. I guess it just depends on the circumstance.
  10. Then why keep bringing it up as though Linden Lab should take that into consideration when deciding to raise the fees? Leave it out of the discussion please.
  11. VAT is not the responsibility of LL. If you have a problem with VAT take it up with your politicians and government officials.
  12. Gorgeous photo! Love the light and the color of the water! I leave my LOD set to 3 but I do reduce it to 2 when testing my mesh to be sure it renders well at 2. I don't really have an issue running at 4 but find that at 3 nearly everything loads well these days. What boggles my mind is when I see a notecard included with an object that recommends setting the LOD to above 4 .. I've seen as high as 8 recommended. Now I wouldn't ever buy anything from anyone with that kind of recommendation. I've seen this in some of the gifts that I've occasionally picked up at an event. Needless to say I didn't keep the object nor would I take the time to even check out a store that makes content that needs LOD set so high to look good.
  13. So true. Private message is a better way to go in some cases. I'm not so sure that it is warranted in this case as it's a very simple issue. I know when I read the first response I thought it was a bit snippy .. but only slightly so. The real issue as you pointed out was triggered by the responses that followed.
  14. Point taken. While I believe it's always a good idea to point out where the terminology of SL differs from standard use, I don't agree with how the person responded to the question. It would have been easy to offer the information asked for while also politely distinguishing the difference between Lindens, employees of Linden Lab, and $Lindens, currency.
  15. And there are those who keep their sun at midday 24/7 and never know what night looks like in SL even on powerful machines. I just derender things like this when I see it.
  16. I love how you end these kinds of questions with (Asking for a friend)! It always makes me chuckle.
  17. I'm really surprised that you of all people would poo the idea of learning the terminology that is specific to Second Life. What a shame!
  18. It's been in effect for a couple or so months.
  19. You have to personally block them not just ban them from your store. I recently had to look that up.
  20. Considering that this increase is really quite minimal, if they can't afford it with this increase they likely are not spending much money in SL currently anyway. I seriously doubt that it's going to hurt LL's bottom line. I understand that it will make a difference to the user in that they won't be able to afford as much $L as before but the difference really shouldn't be that significant.
  21. The bits is what makes it M .. so yeah. It pretty much has to be sexual in nature to be A. Bits are just anatomy unless actively engaged.
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