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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. As a moderator of a group I have to regularly make ARs on accounts that have been hacked and are being used to post phishing links in group chat. As such, I always have my chat windows open to the pertinent information so that the screenshot included in the AR shows the violation clearly. It's not that hard to do.
  2. Decided to vault the ceiling in the upstairs room. I think I'm going to put my bedroom up here. I absolutely love how the light comes in the room in the morning. I'm going to steal my mudroom/laundry idea for this home too ... so this is going to make a super nice laundry. Made the banisters this morning. Interestingly it was 74 prims before meshing it. Now it's down to a manageable 13 land impact. That might be a lot for some but for all that detail - I'll take it happily!
  3. Seriously love this idea. Imagine it would be lots of fun. Have to admit I've never watched any of the "Real Housewives" anything on tv ... so have to imagine what kind of dramafest it must be.
  4. I use Catwa and Lelutka bento mesh heads. Both come with animation huds that have smiles among the many animations included. I think most, if not all, bento mesh heads come with an animation hud or are available to purchase separately, such as the LAQ mesh head HUD. I know there are some animators who have made huds for face animations. I prefer using animations made specifically by the head creator so I don't have any experience with those particular HUDs. If I were you I'd go grab as many demos of mesh heads that I could find and demo the heads and pay close attention to the animations included to see if you can find a smile you like.
  5. I've always been a forums junkie; however, I was a reader and not much of a poster. I think my first post in the SL forums was back in "08 when I asked for advice on how to remove facelights from a hair I had just purchased. I hadn't ever tried to edit any hair up until then. I got great advice and cheers from several who didn't much like facelights either. I tend to read the forums instead of the "newspaper" with my coffee in the morning. This has been a habit of mine for many, many years. It was my quiet time before heading off to school and my hectic classroom and morning duty. The habit followed me into retirement where I still take my coffee with the forums. Forgot to mention how I found the forums. I think I most likely googled Second Life Forums.
  6. Making progress on the windows ... still needs a tweak but it's pretty close. Managed to stay fully clothed too!
  7. Oh you jogged my memory ... I made working 4 pane windows ages ago and I think these might actually work with this build. I gave my neighbors a show when I rezzed a set of these windows. Somehow I accidentally "wore" the lower window and it replaced my top. I didn't realize it until I cammed out to see how the window looked. /me chuckles
  8. I have a set of full perm builder windows that would match well enough but they are not operational like the ones in the actual home, so I'm thinking about just making my own set that will match the homes and also open. Windows are really quite easy to make.
  9. I've taken quite a break from playing with my Linden Homes. I haven't played with the Winchester since that very first week after the initial release so thought it was time to look at that house again. Not all that long ago I made a house that had a garage so inspired by that old build I decided to try a garage add-on. This is what I've come up with while playing with prims.... nothing in mesh as of yet .. but this is where I'm headed. I need to extend the driveway to the road yet .. but time for that later. I wanted a nice bright room above the garage with loads of windows. I'm going to have to mesh some windows that actually match the ones in the house. For now these placeholder windows at least let me see that I'm headed in the right direction. I'm not too keen on having two sets of stairs but I don't see anyway around it if I want that room above the garage. Not sure what I'll use this room for that's between the old exterior door and the garage door. But it too has a nice open feel with windows and the new exterior doors. It's funny how clean everything looks on the interior before I start texturing the walls. Sometimes I'm tempted to leave them that way!
  10. That's not true. You absolutely add your own personality to whatever you do. My add-ons are just a canvas. The owner is who brings it to life.
  11. I completely agree .. block whomever whenever you like.... but in my years of being a moderator in the Maitreya Lara Friends group we often see someone saying that the redelivery terminal isn't working for them or that they never received an update when updates were being sent out. This happened because the person had either intentionally or unintentionally blocked Onyx. So do keep that in mind if you block a merchant and would like to receive updates or redeliveries. That said .. block is one of the best tools for keeping your SLife happy, IMO.
  12. In order to get the walls to match for my houseboat add-ons I had to make new textures using the ones provided in the content package as a starting place rather than using the actual textures because they do not match. Of all of the houseboats this seems to be more pronounced with the Wallower than the others which is one of the reasons I've not made an add-on for that particular houseboat as yet.
  13. My question is in regards to the post by Linden Lab, which isn't letting me quote from the previous page .. so I paste it Q: Will EVERYONE who uses Second Life have to agree to the new Tilia TOS and Privacy Policy - or just those who use credit processing in USD? A: Only those who have a USD wallet need to consent to Tilia’s ToS. If you have a USD wallet, these will be presented to you when you log in to your SL account on the web. This is not about paying money or giving personal information but about whether people will have to agree to the TOS. It's clear that if you have a wallet (as yet undefined by LL in regard to Second Life) you WILL have to agree to the TOS.
  14. Please define USD wallet. In Sansar it's very clear what a USD wallet is as illustrated below I don't see anything in the Second Life account labelled as wallet. I can assume what it is but I shouldn't have to. This should be clearly defined. Thanks!
  15. Love, that was in response to his response to my commentary on his blog. I actually deleted what I was going to say and then ended with my saying I was disappointed. I have known Ryan for awhile. We got to be good friends in Sansar. I respect him and enjoy his blog. I read it often. Now, you can keep stirring this up but I'm not going to respond any further.
  16. No, I couldn't. My being disappointed is personal. My reaction and commentary on his post isn't.
  17. This is not a question I will respond to unless Ryan asks me personally. My reasons are mine and I will gladly share that with him person to person.
  18. I was quoting Vanity ... I don't believe LL is deleting posts to control the conversation. I do believe they are deleting posts that simply keep repeating the same basic question or those that are in essence simply venting in the form of a question.
  19. Nevermind. I'm not going to get drawn into a debate on fair reporting with you or anyone else. Just really disappointed.
  20. Because they both wrote blogs about it and as such are spreading more rumors that are based on what .... a mistake?
  21. I'm really disappointed that you took this approach, Ryan. You know I hold you in high regard. So it's not easy for me to call you on this. Quoting from the official thread: Please use this space to ask your questions specific to the announcement and we'll continue to review and respond where we can. For general comments that are not in the form of questions, we recommend that you continue to use the other forum thread, so that the focus of this thread stays on direct questions and answers. Off topic commentary may be removed or moved from this thread. We'll also be holding a Tilia Town Hall event inworld in Second Life on Friday, July 12 at 1 p.m. (SLT/Pacific). For those who can't make the live event, we'll make available a video and transcript soon thereafter. That thread is there for a specific reason. Questions that are repetitive or not objectively stated may or may not have been deleted. The point is there are other threads to post in or vent as many have been doing in the guise of asking a question in the official thread. A link to the other thread is given at the beginning of the official thread. The information about the town hall meeting is also given. Please don't jump to a conclusion about the motives in regards to why some content has been removed from that thread. I do not for one moment believe that Linden Lab is using censorship in order to control the conversation as you stated in your post.
  22. The main reason I can see that everyone needs to agree to the TOS is to show that everyone has been told how the system works and understands the provisions of that system and agrees to the provisions should at any point in the future it might be necessary to use the system to withdraw USD$ from their account. Whether you use it or not it is prudent for LL to have records showing that you were made aware of how the system works and agreed to the terms governing how your USD$ balance will be maintained.
  23. Thank you! That was my main, Debi Baskerville, in those shots. I recently bought new mesh heads for both Debi and Blush so it was time for some new pics. Here's Blush. fyi I'm using the Annan Adored Light Explosion II windlight for these pics. All pics were taken in Bellesseria. There are so many beautiful photo opportunities there.
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