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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. I responded earlier from a merchant perspective now I'm going to respond as a shopper. I do like having a hud because I like wearing many different colors and it's always hard for me to make up my mind which color I like best. But at the same time for things like jeans I rarely will buy a fatpack because I just don't need all those different shades of denim. Prices also make a difference in whether I will spend the extra to get the fatpack HUD or not. I'm not spending an arm and a leg just because I can't make up my mind on a color and sometimes that means I'll just walk away and not buy even a single color. I adore HUDs that let me color different parts of a garment or shoes. And if the item isn't mod, meaning it lets me tint said item, then please add a tinting panel to your HUD if it's feasible.
  2. 4 premiums x72 = $288 no tiers because the 4 premiums = 4096 sqm minus stipend 4 x 300 = 1200 x 52 = 62,400 = $228 $288 - $228 = $60 if you rent 4096 the annual cost is $72 Going with 4 premiums is still less expensive than renting. And that's if you can even find any 4096 decently located for only 400 $L a week.
  3. I've been in SL for a very long time. Skins with the bits "painted out" on the vendor cover have never been A rated.
  4. I haven't been anything else but calm and polite. To me it seems from everything you've said that you only misunderstand their motives. I won't be replying further to your responses as I feel it's pointless. Your mind is made up. I do wish you well.
  5. It was an example of a landlord needing capital to continue doing business with those expenses being factored in and as a result rental fees having to be raised. I didn't mean to imply that SL needed repairs; however, I do believe making the move to the cloud is going to create some rather substantial expenses in the short term. Also, the Lab has already said it takes more manpower to comply with new regulations which takes money as well. You seem to be of the opinion that LL is just out to grab your profits for no good reason. That everything is just hunky dory and they are squeezing every drop out of the turnip so they can play with a new idea. It is obvious to me that they have thought long and hard about Second Life's future and are putting their best efforts forward to insure that SL is still thriving 15 years from now. It's too bad your focus is so short sighted that you can't comprehend their motives.
  6. Yes, what I'm saying is that even for the actual product, not the demo, if you paint out the bits on the nude body you will NOT have to list it as M. You can have both listed as G unless the jewelry itself is adult rated.
  7. If you "paint out" the bits on the nude body in the display pic I don't know why you couldn't list the item as G rated. I did a search with only G enabled and found full nude body with the "painting out" as I suggested. I think you won't have any trouble as long as the bits are disguised.
  8. I prefer to type in SL as well, even with my aching arthritic fingers, but when in Sansar I readily voice. I'm not sure why that's the case except possibly that everyone .. well nearly everyone uses voice over there.
  9. Lol, I'm prolly old enough to be his granny! You're too funny!
  10. I don't change my eye color but this method works for anything using an applier as is the case for eyes. I simply attach the applier and save the outfit with the applier attached. I also include a notecard in the outfit folder named with the color I wish to use from the applier if the applier has multiple color choices. Then when I switch to that outfit the applier is automatically attached and is a simple click away. After clicking, I detach the applier. Easy peasy.
  11. As a retired teacher, may I compliment you on a beautifully written sentence!
  12. These are nearly meaningless when used to denote a given time as they mean so many things to so many different people. Gimme a number please Might as well just say soon!!!!
  13. I had to do a double take .. thought at first you said peeing in the windows ..
  14. While this is true, why miss the opportunity to help someone new to SL learn that the term also refers to people?
  15. The reason my pension is so small is because I took time out to stay home with my child. I went back to work once he was in 5th grade. During that time I home schooled my son and ran a free-lance graphic arts business along with sewing projects for individuals, and making wedding cakes occasionally. All that kept me extremely busy and was a nice outlet for my creative side while enabling me to do what I wanted to do most, which was be the best mom I could possibly be. I didn't realize at the time that the social security I was paying into would be significantly reduced due to also having teacher retirement. My SS is reduce by more than half and because I didn't spend a full 20 years teaching in the public school system, my pension is penalized significantly as well. So, I paid a price in retirement benefits, but I wouldn't trade those years for all the money in the world. It was a choice given my circumstances, very much like the same choice we are given here in SL with deciding if we can make it with the fees or not. Sure we may pay a price if we stay, but for some of us the price is worth it. Don't get me started on government sponsored GMOs!
  16. Ahh the gulf between a socialist and a capitalist. The only thing I think society should do is respect the rights of the individual and provide a safe environment. Personally, I think everyone is an artist in their own way. I think it's appalling that you seem to believe that "creatives" are some how more entitled just because they are artistic. Hogwash!
  17. You can listen to bad advice like this and then make it harder on yourself when trying to get help. There is much to learn in SL and the terminology is one of the most important. Welcome to SL!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have for years and years.
  18. You are totally wrong!!! Yes, I'm retired but as I've stated before my pension is tiny. It only covers my monthly apartment rental. I use my SL income for food and utilities. I didn't need the income at all before I retired. So that's a bogus argument. I haven't been retired long and yet I've been creating in SL for years and years. Having a full time RL job did NOT keep me from creating. But I never imagined that just because I'm an artist and it's hard to make money as an artist that anyone owed me a living so I could pursue my passion.
  19. Yes, that's totally an option, but I must say I hate those kinds of vendors. They drive me nuts in fact and scream 2008. I hate having to wait for each texture to rez as I try to flip through the selections. I avoid them as much as possible when I'm shopping.
  20. Example scenario: A group of hairdressers rent booths in a local shop. They pay a monthly rental fee. The shop is older and needs repairs but the owners can't make the repairs unless they raise the rental rates. The company has no choice but to increase fees if they are going to make the repairs. If they don't make the repairs it's likely that the clients who come to that shop are going to want to go elsewhere where the facilities are nicer. So the hairdressers must come to a decision. Do they pay the increased rental fee or find a booth space in another building? Sure they can refuse to see the necessity of the landlord raising the rent and demand that the landlord make the repairs and just eat the costs. But if that landlord can't afford the repairs then the building will go into decline and eventually not be usable and then everyone looses. The land owner has lost his investment and the hairdressers have lost their booth space. In the end, the real looser would be the land owner. The building would cost much more to repair than initially. The hairdressers could easily find booths in another building and most likely their clients will follow them though some will not as they didn't like the drama that unfolded while the owner/hairdressers were fighting over the issue. A smart land owner would say to the hairdressers that they regret having to increase the rental rates but that it is necessary and that they understand if the tenant must move on because the person can't afford the increased rental rate.
  21. Nothing is wrong with it. But when those of us who agree with the increase get slammed with the label "LL cheerleader" then I'm going to respond. That's name calling. Why can't you understand that it's wrong to do so?
  22. I think she's talking about how many vendors it takes to rez in her shop when she is selling single colors. If I were in your shoes, and I have been, I'd keep the best sellers and new releases in your shop. Then retire the older items to the marketplace with several signs in the shop stating that older releases are in your MP store. I'd also make each of those signs a link giver to your MP store. I'd be sure to have all the single colors in the shop while you consider them to still be a new release. Once the initial rush has died down or you see that they aren't going to be best sellers, then I'd retire them to the MP store.
  23. Putting boxes together was pretty much the ONLY reason I joined. It ended up that meeting people from around the world and broadening my horizons was a big motivation to come back and stay, but the primary reason I have stayed all these years and log in daily is the enjoyment I get putting boxes together. Notice I didn't say taking home a paycheck. That's simply a bonus. While I take offense at what I perceive as a slam in you're calling those of us who understand the increase "the LL Cheerleading Team", I will go ahead and claim it. But I don't cheer anyone on unless I believe they are doing a good job. I'm not a blind member just being positive for no reason. I'm also not wearing rose colored glasses. I get frustrated with the lab from time to time as well. It's just in this case I understand the financial climate in the world today and realize that for SL to stay healthy this move is necessary. If it's not meeting my financial need I would move on and find something else that would, which is exactly what you do in RL when your job doesn't provide a large enough paycheck or if you're self-employed you either close down your business and move on or go bankrupt. The fact that people can't make it on their meager income from SL is not LL's problem. Their problem is keeping SL healthy. And if you think that having some creators close up shop is going to be some kind of death nail, then I think you don't really understand SL's history.
  24. I completely understand and have no issue with anyone speaking up to present their case. I don't think it's appropriate for someone to start a petition that is worded in such a way to make it sound as though all merchants have the same opinion. I would have no issue with the person or group who wrote that petition signing their names to it and then inviting others to add their names at the bottom. That is the way petitions work.
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