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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. The fact that it's gone up many times in a short period just means it was stupidly low before they started raising it. 5% is extremely fair IMO.
  2. I enjoyed it. It is kind of bugging me though how Jo kept saying they have doubled the processing fee, which is true, but why not mention that fact that the fee was really quite low to begin with, only 2.5%, so doubling it to 5% is indeed doubling, but it's still a very fair fee, IMO.
  3. Community sites in Bellisseria are not private. I believe she said community.
  4. Giving said person the benefit of the doubt that the post wasn't just meant to stir up trouble, perhaps said person thought you meant across the grid and not just across Bellisseria.
  5. Couldn't agree more. I love bringing the outdoors in so the lack of windows in the traditional homes is my only frustration. I really believe in the end the reason I like the Alderley better than any of the other homes is because it has a higher window to wall ratio than the other homes. It's also why I build wrap-around porches so that I could be "inside" with open views to the outdoors. So, I'm really hoping they make homes with much larger and more numerous windows in the upcoming themes.
  6. Me too! With low prim prizes .. no money rewards please or we will end up with gold farmers in our midst. And please, please, please do NOT take away my ability to fly when hunting.
  7. Add to this furniture or really just about anything except lights set to full bright! I have seen commercial buildings with the interiors set to full bright with full bright vendors.. that's fine and helps with shopping .. but not in residential builds please.
  8. There is no business sign at the Apple Pie house. It only has an open house sign that does not use a business name at all. Personally, I like the little faux businesses that some have built. I'm not all that keen on builds that totally eclipse the Linden Home structure though, but that's just my personal opinion. When reading the covenant it doesn't say it's not allowed, so as long as it complies with the theme I suppose it's allowed. I tend to believe that freedom is more important than compliance at times though. I really don't like the idea of busy bodies policing their neighbors, and I'm not saying you are doing that by questioning. I have seen it happen though in these very forums. Fortunately, most of those posts have not been met with acceptance by the majority of those responding.
  9. Quoting from the https://thebellisserian.wixsite.com/news. I love this statement from Abner Mole. Anything else you would like to share? Yes. Please keep making predictions, guesstimations, and conjecture based off some little thing you saw somewhere and you think you know what it might be. As Moles, we find that stuff wildly entertaining. Sometimes you guys are close. Sometimes it makes us think "Hmmm." And sometimes we ask, "I don't know what they are drinking, but I want some." So keep those predictions coming. /me puts a pitcher of that special ale on the table for all to enjoy.
  10. That's exactly how the Luxe Box subscription group worked. The description is exactly the same. There were gifts given sometimes as well, but it was still a subscription box.
  11. Pretty much ditto for me as well, only Debi was born in 2003. I was spirited away to WoW as well by friends. By the time I came back Debi was long gone or so I thought so Blush was born. After establishing my little business in SL I decided to try getting Debi back. I wasn't successful my first try, but as one who has a hard time giving up on anything or anyone, I tried again and voila that time it happened. So Debi was reborn. I still didn't use her much for a couple of years, but as my business became more demanding of my time, I started using Debi when I wanted to be social and not have to deal with business IMs. Debi quickly became my main at that point. Though over time I realized that I really couldn't keep the two separate as I am me no matter where I am. Currently, I don't think of them as main and alt but more like flip sides of the same coin. They just have different jobs and inventories. LOL .. many of my friends say I remind them of Sybil. Let's see how many get that reference.
  12. I'm not mixing up anything. I have made applier seamed stockings for bodies for a very long time. At first I made them for several bodies and the headache of getting those seams to match at the ankle quickly made me decide it just wasn't worth the the time invested, so I dropped all but one body. It's just impossible for two different creators, no matter how superior their skills, to perfectly match up that UV map so that they all match. I know they all use the same map. That's not the issue. The issue is that you have different people stretching that same map across their mesh and they don't line up perfectly with one another. Sure in some instances it doesn't really matter but there are many, many instances when it does. We will continue to have to adjust our textures to work with different bodies or have mismatched seams, nipples, navels, and the like.
  13. ahhhh ... well poopers! I know from time to time my old rezzer system would not completely derez all the parts when rezzing a new item and I'd have to manually clear the leftover bits... pain in the butt really. Fortunately, my new system doesn't do that at all.
  14. Have you tried resetting the mailbox and then rezzing again?
  15. So now you're into putting down women as though you are better. That's just sad. I'm not going to be drawn into your little game any further.
  16. All those I mentioned have been in business for at least 5 years. Blueberry being the newest the others I would guess may be as much as 8 to 10 years or longer. They are some of the top names in fashion here in SL and have been for some time. Mention any of those names to any fashion blogger and they will know them. It's not a matter of who's idea what fashion is .. my taste are most likely different than yours but that doesn't change the fact that those names are highly recognizable by those in the fashion industry in SL. The only reason I brought it up was because of your suggestion that those boxes contained unknown commodities and consequently you would not have bothered to join the subscription, my point is that those names were so well known and to be offering fatpacks that many considered it a great deal and didn't blink twice at subscribing.
  17. Lol .. so you read the notecards but not the HUD? /me giggles. I said you wouldn't like it, but the point is that it's there. She at least tried while no other creator has even attempted. So kudos to her.
  18. Nuff said. I won't make the mistake of speaking about SL fashion with you again. I've learned my lesson.
  19. Nope, won't leave. Won't give up even one of my premiums. I have three. It still is a great deal and I'm happy to pay the price if it means keeping SL healthy.
  20. I don't think I've actually heard that from a Linden though. I do know that they will use the mailbox to do updates and that the system is very flexible. The question is why would they invest more time and expense to expand a current theme when they are better served using that time to make new themes.
  21. It can be alpha'd out like any other part of the body maybe that's why you are thinking it's an attachment?
  22. It's not an attachment. It's part of the body. Do you have a slink male body or are you guessing? I bought it for my male model alt way back when it was first released. I have experience with that body. So I know it's not an attachment.
  23. How is it not part of the mesh? And it's better looking that the 6ft long freenish I was assaulted with way back in the day!!! How in the world did you guys walk with those? lol
  24. Can you say for certain that they don't? Why pass judgement when you don't necessarily have all the facts? Those Luxe boxes .. for 1500 linden had multiple fatpacks from the likes of Blueberry, Tres Blah, Reign, Ison, just to name a few. They were soooooooooooooooooo worth the money. Which is probably why the creators stopped .. they really were just giving away their work. And ... omg . so serious .. lighten up a bit!
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