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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Slink, Belleza (don't know about Jake), and Maitreya all have static foot size. TMP as far as I know is the only women's mesh body that has fitmesh feet so the size of the foot changes with the sliders. The biggest difference between Maitreya and the other two brands is that the Mait foot is rigged so the foot is slightly higher making the lower leg a tiny bit shorter. I think that's the case I've not actually compared the knee placement of all the bodies but that's my guess. An easy measuring device for foot proportion size is that it should be approximately the same size in length as your forearm from wrist to elbow. I recently made Debi and Blush shorter because I felt like their feet were just too small for their height. They are both 6.13 in flat feet. They used to be 6.30.
  2. My Skinnery body and head appliers match perfectly at the neck. I don't use any special windlight to make them match either. I keep my graphic settings pretty high as well. But to be realistic .. lets think about RL for a moment unless a woman is going completely without makeup her cheeks typically don't match her upper chest - lower neck either. And there are shadows that naturally fall from the chin. So if you're not taking that into consideration perhaps you might be happier with the results if you do. Unless you're wanting a comic book character that's been colored in with just one color crayon. If that comes across snarky, I don't mean it to. I'm just saying unless there's a pronounced difference at the neck join and not a subtle nuance of color/shading then I'd just go with it.
  3. There is no way that you can even begin to think that all the mesh body/head makers can make all their creations match each other. That would defeat the whole purpose of having different bodies and heads. They are different. Stop thinking that BoM is going to make anything one size fits all. You're just going to have to deal with it the same way all the mesh clothing creators have to deal with it now. The time to have one UV that actually matched ended with the first mesh body creation. That ship sailed a long time ago and it's never coming back to port.
  4. Which is totally the right of the consumer. For many of us though we quite enjoyed the surprise of it. Different strokes as they say! And I certainly wouldn't call it a gift. I highly doubt that owner of the group is calling it a gift either.
  5. This sounds more like the subscription boxes that were somewhat popular a couple of years back. I believe it started with Luxe Box but most of those have gone by the wayside. The makeup boxes ... can't think of the name atm .. but it's for two of the major mesh head brands is still going as far as I know. These aren't gifts. They are simply using a group to organize and collect funds for the subscription boxes.
  6. @Chic Aeon I wonder if this is what you saw in SSP when you talked about red or orange chimneys. Does this look like what you might have seen? From futher away
  7. This really isn't about camming but about region and parcel owners who disallow flying and the suggestion by some in this thread that the fly override in Firestorm is a problem and shouldn't be allowed. My point is that stopping people from flying doesn't prevent them from seeing because we all know how easy it is to cam.
  8. The thing is that preventing someone from flying does not prevent them from camming to view the content the creator has deemed shouldn't be viewed from the air. Unless it's an RP situation or a game with quests I still cannot see the need to prevent someone from flying. It's just being too controlling IMO.
  9. I made a wall in that room for personal use. It didn't have a door but an archway because that room to me felt cramped with a wall/door combination.
  10. LOL ... I thought about smoke but it's summer! lol Guess I need to update the package with a little prim you can drop in and attach if you want smoke.
  11. If a region/parcel owner is going to have me teleported home for flying I don't want to be there anyway. That will simply make me put that location on a "too crappy to visit again" list. It is my understanding that there is nothing you can do in Firestorm that can't be done in the Linden Lab viewer by adjusting debug settings anyway. So this function is available in all viewers; it's just more convenient in viewers that have the toggle in the UI. In all my years of using the fly override I've never been teleported or sanctioned for using it. My only reason for using it is because it gets me from point A to point B faster in laggy situations. I will continue to use it.
  12. Nope, because I don't care. It's in FS, the only viewer I will use, and that's just one of the big reasons I won't use the LL viewer. By the way, there's no s in Linden Lab.
  13. The argument that purchases should be able to do whatever they like with something after they've bought it applies here because if that argument is true then a person should be able to whatever I like with the viewer, which allows flying. The discussion isn't about you but your remark that there are valid reasons for denying one the right to fly.
  14. You don't want creators to sell their products no mod and yet you want to take away my right to fly... uhhuh!
  15. Oh, and don't get me started on disabling flying. There is no good reason for this ever, IMO. I can see how one might want to prevent flying for certain RP, but that should be up to the honor of the participants and if someone is breaking the rules then eject them from your group but don't disable flying for the region/parcel. And events that disable flying cause they don't want you to be able to see things far away? Please! I can cam anywhere regardless of where my avatar is located. Disabling flying is not going to keep my snoopy eyes from seeing what you're trying to hide.. so just stop it!
  16. Me too! Eyes that don't follow what you're looking at look dead to me.
  17. O Lordy! You all know I get ideas from y'all too. That's the beauty of this thread. We can share and learn from each other. We can find different ways to use things we already have in our inventories or find new things that will complete that certain look we've been trying to achieve. We ALL have something to offer and we ALL have a unique way of doing things that benefits EVERYONE. Please keep sharing and never hold back!
  18. I'm very intrigued by the "yard sale" comment in his post. Can't wait to see what that entails.
  19. The way I read the post that would be forbidden. You can't direct people away from Bellisseria to make purchases. What he did say is that a merchant who has a Linden Home can give out LMs to the model home in Bellisseria at their store.
  20. My newly installed water garden at the houseboat, and my beloved koi. I think I could sit here listening to the dragonflies buzzing and the bullfrogs croaking all day. What a lovely way to relax!
  21. Some homes, like mine, have no fence. I kind of wanted to have a fence but the longer I'm in my home the more I realize not having a fence can be a bonus.
  22. Look what I found in my garden. Seriously the cutest gift I've received in years. I adore this little family even if it means they will get more of my fresh veggies than I will. I'm running out of prims now. I have added some vegetation to the backyard and updated the railroad ties that make up the structure for my raised bed garden along with a potting area on the back porch. And since I have no plans whatsoever to sell the porch I made for the Alderley, and because I wanted motivation to keep me from starting over again, I have listed my home in the Bellisseria Tour of Homes. Now I will keep working on improving my home's use of resources. Next on the list is descripting things that no longer need scripts and finding objects that use too many textures and then swapping out textures and/or objects that are resource conscience.
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