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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Your petition also misrepresents those like me, who are creators, who understand Linden Lab's reason for the increase. I very much resent how you end the letter signing it your residents. You are NOT representing everyone.
  2. I'm not keen on trying a VR headset at this time as I can't even go to a 3D movie without wanting to throw-up, but fortunately, it's not necessary in Sansar. Sansar is being developed with both desktop and headsets in mind. No one has to have a headset to enjoy Sansar. I do hope though that the technology will improve to the point that I can enjoy one before I die. I think it has remarkable possibilities.
  3. Actually, what he's doing is a perfect use of his talents as he heads up all the audio stuff for Sansar along with other duties as well. He's still in front of a camera quite often in Sansar and has made instructional video shorts for Sansar.
  4. Typically it only affects things that go on the skin and must line up with the various "bits", but in some instances if can be a problem with clothing. For instance, with my seamed hosiery getting the seam to match at the ankle and onto the foot is extremely difficult for some of the bodies. That would also apply in situations where you might have a problem matching up patterns with clothing. For instance, if you're going to make a pair of plaid pants and want the pattern to match exactly on the side seams. It might match on some of the bodies but not all of the bodies. That issue exists today and BoM is no magic cure for this type of problem. BoM wasn't envisioned to fix these types of issues. It's not the purpose.
  5. Gotta love your mom .. she did a good job!
  6. I use the Casper system. It gives detailed information on all my transactions. It is automatic in that you initiate the redelivery and then the system automatically sends it to your customer. You are not hand delivering it to the customer. You want to use the system in a way that is was not designed to be used. But there are vendor systems that will do what you want. They did document it I posted the link to the information. I don't think they are making it troublesome in the least. In fact, quite the opposite. I have been asking for the ability for my customers to initiate redeliveries for a very long time. That service is now in place making it easier for them and should I ever decide, not likely, but should I decide I don't want to use a vendor system my customers will still be able to get their purchases redelivered easily themselves. It may take some work on your part to initiate redeliveries of the products you have updated to your customers, but it's possible with the system currently in place if you don't want to invest in a vendor system.
  7. I was one of those who learned a lot from Torley's videos. I admit I was a bit star struck when I first met him over in Sansar. He is one of the nicest most genuine people I've met in SL. I admire his ability to stay positive even when those around him are being snarky. Personally I think we could all benefit from a few more Torleys!
  8. I rented one for a year and shared it with two of my friends. It was fun terraforming and playing with terrain textures and elevations but I got bored with it. I just feel much too isolated anytime I've rented private estate lands. I love mainland, double prim mainland or Bellisseria. I don't think I'd use private estate land even if it was given to me free.
  9. Here is the info in regards to redelivery when not initiated by the customer. This has not changed. The new feature that was added not long ago simply lets the customer initiate the redelivery.
  10. As far as I know there is no automatic redelivery for updating an item when someone wears/uses it directly from the Marketplace. The way MP redelivery works is that your customer can have an item redelivered, if you've not blocked redelivery, or you have to send out a redelivery. The only way I know of updating items automatically require an in-world vendor system that is also tied to your Marketplace store.
  11. I've had many customers redeliver their products without any problems. I'd check directly with the merchant and/or support to see what happened to your purchase.
  12. What doesn't interest me in the least is getting a homestead as the perk for the super duper. I have no desire whatsoever for that!
  13. I'm not really even saying it has to be on Bellisseria. What it does need to be is set up the same way with the uniqueness, attractive landscaping, and neighborhood feeling with an enforceable covenant. Or make Bellisseria bigger with a mansion district!
  14. Those are not Linden Homes. My suggestion is specifically in relation to Linden Homes. I don't care to live in regular mainland ever again. If they offered it for the areas you mentioned I would not be tempted in the least to pay extra for that super duper premium account. Also, the only thing that ever really temps me to pay extra is prims. I don't need anymore new features.
  15. Need more info though. Are you talking in reference to the Marketplace or a vendor system? If it's a vendor system then you will need to read your operating manual because each system has it's own glossary. For instance, my system doesn't do anything automatically. I have to initiate the process. But there are systems that you can set up so that a redelivery is triggered if a person uses an out of date version. So read your manual. If it's in relation to the Marketplace I believe you will have to initiate the process unless your customer has the item redelivered on their own.
  16. Give me a 2048 double prim parcel in Bellisseria .. I'd jump on that faster than a melting snowball in hell speeding bullet mouse eating cheese.... well fast. I'm not sure how much I'd be willing to pay for it though. But I'm easily tempted.
  17. Those who have been making appliers for any of the mesh bodies have been doing texture manipulation since the first mesh bodies were introduced. I have always had to tweak my seamed hosiery to be sure the seams matched, so much so that I gave up and only make for one brand now unless the hosiery is seamless in which case it doesn't matter as much. I don't see how this is any implication that BoM won't be adopted. We will continue as before with designating which brand of mesh body our system layers work with just as we have with our appliers. There are many, many reasons for adopting BoM and quickly as it will improve the functionality of mesh bodies. Specifically improving the issues with alpha glitching, providing the ability to use up to 62 layers at one time, not to mention, that with custom system alphas we will finally not have to rely on alpha cuts when it comes to creating necklines. I fear that those who drag their feet in adopting BoM will find it a big mistake with financial consequences.
  18. I don't think this will actually achieve your desired goal as anyone can cam inside a cube set to prim surrounding a piece of furniture and still be able to use that furniture as demonstrated by my photo. Of course once they stand up they will be moved to outside the invisible prim but that won't stop them being able to use the furniture that has active scripts or that you've not set the access to only allow you or your group members to use.
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm gonna put out bowls of cream for them.
  20. I got my very own visit this morning, well Debi did. But I was so surprised and enamored with the little family that I didn't think to snap a pic until they were running away.
  21. You got a little peek into the bedroom in the last post. I really did a number on that bed. It originally sat on the floor and didn't have a footboard but it's my favorite bed so I decided to turn it into what I wanted. I had to make the bedspread invisible as it hung over the mattress and onto the floor. Then I had to retexture the bedding as it had baked in shadows for the bedspread. I duplicated the headboard and attached it to the foot of the bed. I then lengthened to headboard so I could raise the whole thing off the floor. I love the result. It's exactly what I wanted but couldn't find anywhere. I really think I'm best at modding other people's stuff. Besides I love the challenge of seeing what I can do with what others have made. I still have that huge bathroom. But I wanted to use my super cute laundry area that I recently got so I added it to this bathroom. I use a very eclectic mix of furnishings from a wide variety of creators. Please feel free to drop into my home and inspect anything you wish. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Washburn/20/83/34
  22. I've rezzed out the Adams again. Since we've gotten the okay to use our parcels as display homes, I decided to furnish out the Adams for a few weeks. I am missing the light that streams inside in the Alderley though, so after the SL16B celebrations I will most likely go back to my favorite traditional, the Alderley. But here's what I've done with the Adams this time. This patio furniture and lemonade will probably be seen somewhere in my homes all through summer. I love how homey they make my home look. I had been missing my "bikeport" so I'm glad it's back. I may have to start using it with the Alderley too. Biking is so much fun in Bellisseria it's a must. This time I decided I didn't want the house's big room to feel so tight so I moved the living room into the entry area with the library. And now it's just the kitchen and dining on that side of the house. It makes the space feel so open. I do miss that morning sun coming in the kitchen window though. I'll show you what I did on the other side of the house in the next post.
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