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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. And what was the point of adding this? Other than to announce to everyone that you've blocked me? Sorry, Love. I don't see that happening.
  2. You added emotionally. Regardless either way it is rude and baiting.
  3. You're not likely to see any performance issues when you are at home alone. But go to a busy event with lots of avatars with 200k complexity and watch your fps take a nosedive.
  4. I actually have a pretty good machine, but I run all the shaders .. all the shadows and ambient occlusion. I'd rather spend my resources rendering those things than avatars with complexity levels above 120k. It's just my personal preference. I love my shadows and ambient occlusion.
  5. Complexity rating is not based on scripts. There are plenty of places though that also set script limits.
  6. It was a shopping event. I can't remember which one now. But the limit was 50k .. might have been Belle ... but I really am not sure ... I go to so many of them.
  7. I typically keep my complexity around 70k. A couple of weeks ago I was auto ejected for having too high a complexity and my complexity that day was just under 60k. Personally, anyone with over 120k complexity is a jellydoll to me unless they are on my friend's list.
  8. Information is provided here in the knowledge base http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Death_and_other_worries_outside_Second_Life
  9. Creating isn't commercial until you put a price tag on the creation and try to sell it.
  10. Tipping a person's head is quite different than someone setting out a tip jar. One is self-initiated while the other is solicited.
  11. My mother used Tobasco. She said soap would give us diarrhea. lol
  12. Might want to have a look at this post in regard to tip jars in Bellisseria.
  13. children in RL swear .. lol ALL THE TIME ... retired teacher of elementary age children .. believe me they swear!
  14. If you had enough premium accounts to cover that 8192, granted that would be a lot of premiums but people do it, and had paid annually you could have been out of work for many months without any trouble at all because you wouldn't be paying monthly anyway. And the bonus is you wouldn't have to catch up on back payments once you were working again because there wouldn't have been any payments due. Of course you would have had to have the money to pay the annual fee up front, and you'd have to have some self discipline to not spend the weekly stipends, so that all subsequent years your actually out of pocket expense for paying additional annual fees would be minimal. I used to run 5 premiums so I could cover my monthly tier with no monthly payments. It was really nice and extremely economical to do it that way.
  15. I've actually been thinking about this a lot lately. I know for me the only reason I go premium is for the tier allotment. I do enjoy the perks and it is added incentive to stay premium but if I didn't want the Linden Home or the tier free sqm I wouldn't pay for premium. And since you can't use the sqm for renting land on a private estate that determines where I'm going to live as well. So, I've been wondering what the lab could do that would make premium attractive for those who choose to live on a private estate rather than mainland. I don't see how anyone would pay premium just for the perks unless they simply want to support the health of the platform, which is noble, but rare I would think. So, I've been wondering if it's even feasible for the lab to create a level of premium that is based on receiving lindens rather than receiving free tier. Economically I am having a hard time seeing how the lab could do this because the SL economy is based on residents buying and selling lindens between themselves. I don't think the lab makes all that much money on the trading fees. So that's why I ask is it even feasible. But considering how often I hear people say they refuse to go premium because they have no desire to live on mainland or in a Linden Home and would rather spend their money on lindens, I think it's worth pondering.
  16. I think those who believe Bakes on Mesh is the answer to wearing their old system clothing are going to be disappointed with the results. That's not really the best use of this proposed feature. Orwar is right on target with his explanation. I really doubt that we will see many of the bodies removing the onion layers, which is unfortunate, but as long as Bakes will not work with appliers, people are going to want those layers so they can use the appliers they've spend thousands of linden on to continue working. In the short run, I think the most successful use of bakes will be adding details to the skin layer, such as tattoos, freckles, body hair, and so forth. Right now with the alpha glitching between layers it's nearly impossible to use all those features on the bodies and heads at the same time.
  17. That's great but apparently some, at least one, also rezzed a tip jar which was sanctioned by you and the moles. So some got paid more than the other(s) because not all were aware that tip jars could be rezzed. I do appreciate the work you put into this event. My suggestion was for future events.
  18. In the future, if tip jars are to be allowed for special events, tip jars could be strategically placed around the event with a notice stating that tips are sanctioned and that all tips will be divided equally among those those providing the entertainment. Unfortunately, only one person (perhaps others as I'm not sure) received compensation, because not all were aware that tip jars were allowed.
  19. Yes, I've been there many times but not recently. Ziki and I have chatted in the past. Here's an interesting feature about Jeff Berg, better known to us as AM Radio. https://www.polygon.com/features/2014/7/9/5825936/second-life-am-radio
  20. If there is anything I could magically bring back it would be the builds of AM Radio. His builds were amazing not only in their appearance but in the emotions he stirred deep within the viewer. I literally spent hours just soaking up the ambiance he created in each of his builds. I feel nearly the same in regard to the jewelry creations of Random Calliope. I don't think anyone could torture a prim like he could.
  21. Tilia has no effect on anyone who simply sells their lindens for USD$. As long as you keep your USD balance in your account then fees for premium and tier will be taken from your USD$ balance. You will have to agree to the Tilia TOS only. If down the road your business takes off and you decide you want to withdraw funds (process credit) from your account, USD$ balance, then you will have to provide the necessary documents to prove your identity.
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