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Saphera Jansma

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  1. I am in a poly relationship as well and would love to see multiple partner boxes on the profile, why is it only one? why should I have to choose ? I am currently partnered to one man but the other two parts of our relationship are there as well and deserve the recognition of being my partner as much as the first. I know many people some poly some not that agree there should be the option of multiple partners.
  2. your reply makes no sense and is ignorant please unless you have useful information dont bother replying
  3. I keep calling them I will not let this slide nor will I sit by and wait, I have been waiting and I will not do it i have things that need to be done today with that money
  4. I am so frustrated with Linden Labs Billing "Support"! They are NOT supporting anyone! They can't even come up with a unified answer to a single question..... I initiated a cash out of 80 USD on the 20th into my paypal.....now i know it says up to 5 business days but we all know that once its started PayPal is pretty well instant. so I waited a few days... then called and I got told it WILL take the entire 5 days to be put in my paypal, and that it would be here on thursday..... well we all know that this thursday was Thanksgiving... and a holiday so nope no paypal transferes from LL were done on that day.... totally understandable its a holiday. Called again on wend before thanksgiving and was told not to worry it would be there on friday the 28th as that is 5th business day...... Guess what... its the 28th still no money... so i call again and I get told oh well it wont be until AFTER the 5th business day so its really not going to be there until Monday the 1st, so angry I hang up and call back because i want to speak to a supervisor at this point ( I'm told they don't exist btw by the LL billing support) so I say again i was told my money will be here today she tells me " well the day isnt over you need to wait till the end of the day if its not there then call us on monday we will put in a ticket" ARE YOU KIDDING ME LINDEN LABS?!!!!! First of all your customer service is crap, been in the business for 15 yrs myself and wow do you suck, second of all PAYPAL IS INSTANT!!! YOU ARE HOLDING MY MONEY FOR NO REASON! is there anything that can be done about this?!!!!!!!!
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