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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. I have found that the ones that don't match are ones that use partial templates for the breast rather than using the full upper body clothing template and then usint offsets and repeats for it to be centered. Omega applier makers use the full template and so they match better.
  2. The owners will probably pull my authorization eventually but I have to be honest. The TMP, IMHO, has several major flaws that are deal breakers for me. First, Slink hands and feet are not compatible with it and their feet aren't compatible with Slink shoes. Next is the Style Hud. You get installers, not appliers. Designers have to load their texture UUID's into the TMP server. The installer installs the link to those textures and when you hit it, applies that texture from their data base. When their servers are down. you can't change your skin or clothing. So, if they decide to close up shop, you're stuck and there won't be anymore applier-base clothes for it. At least with the Slink, everything is inworld and, just as with Phat Azz and Wowmeh that are no longer sold, you will still be able to get appliers for it. Most of the other mesh bodies and body parts are Omega applier system compatible so no worries there. Personally, I also think the TMP body is overprices and overscripted...but as I said, this is all my personal opinion.
  3. There are 2 hunts coming up that you should be able to get a good foundation for your wardrobe. The Hunt For Your Inner **bleep** runs July 15-August 15, 2015 and is free and then the Addicted to Appliers hunt that runs 8/16 – 9/5 and will be 1L per give with only 50 stores in that hunt. In the meantime, check for MM boards and lucky chairs at stores that have appliers. I have 2 that change every 5 minutes. Also, rather than looking for tango appliers look for Omega appliers with system layers. They will work much better for you since most of those use the full texture and you'll be golden when you decide to get a mesh body to go with the Deliq...smiles. Good Luck
  4. http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.com/p/kitties-lair-instructions.html Complete instructions on how to install the scripts. You do have to wear the relay, same as you do for the Maitreya body.
  5. There must be a delay. I got it on one of my premiums but not the other as of yet. Per the grid status [Posted 11:12 AM PDT, 02 June 2015] We are aware that not all premium members received their weekly stipends. We are currently investigating this issue. Please keep an eye on this blog for further updates.
  6. I don't even bother to try to pronounce some of them. There was a person I knew that her name was her RL first name in bianary code; so a string of 0 and 1. SOme people get clever too. I miss the actual real last names. No more punny names, like SinFuldelight Fiul, Pepperment/Peppermint Twist, Variably Silent, Widget Engineer, Sweet Permisohn, etc. No more clever puns...sighs.
  7. Depending on how the bed was scripted and how you had your menus set up, you may hve clicked on it accidentally and that's all you needed
  8. The most popular mesh bodies, IE Slink, Maitreya, Bellez, uLukie, Fusion, Banned, GInc, Eve, come with a detailed alpha huds with slices https://gyazo.com/34025e55f81e48c0a180aee1f2562a89 From left to right, SLink, Maitreya, Banned. With those slices, you can get the alphas you need for just about any mesh clothing, unless it's got a really unusual shape to it. If you are going to do applier clothing, you need to do Slink and Omega appliers as most bodies take the Omega and Slink is one of the more popular. I usually have no problems wearing my mesh clothing with my mesh body. The only ones that really have a problem are those that go to extremes with their parts.
  9. It's actually already increased for premium members. If I read the announcement correctly, this is a pilot program and if it works as it should, more groups, though I'm sure not 60, witll be rolled out to everyone. This avi will be going premium when I get paid on Weds. I'm a merchant and I'm also an admin on an RP estate. Half my groups are related to the RP sim and then there's the store group as well as the various hunt groups I have to be in to participate in hunts. 60 is wonderful
  10. You shouldn't need to click on your mesh body since all it's functions, at least for most, are on huds. As for the breasts, try clicking the area right under your chin and from the side rather than straight on. That way you get the invisible controller ball rather than the avi itself. That should solve the problem.
  11. It doesn't look childlike. That being said, a landowner can eject for no reason at all. It gets old to keep hearing about people getting upset when they are ejected from a place. Just move on. No avi is entitled to go anywhere they want to. You can try and you may get ejected for it. Chalk it up to a place you don't want to go again and move on. Moaning about being called a child avi in here isn't going to change anything....Sorry...just tired of players that have this sense that they should be able to go where they want to and do what the want to and then get butt hurt when they get ejected or banned.
  12. And it's too bad cause I've used Twitch for teaching how to do building or basic skills realted thing in SL. Showing works better than text. I did IM the company and ask why they decided to ban SL. No answer yet, but who knows? I got a phone call on my complaint with Kia over their latest round of ads for the Kia Soul and its use of a song glorifying stalking as the background music. I don't expect anything to really be done in either case, but one can always hope.
  13. If they are sitting on a poseball, the security may not have been able to eject them. As for the bed, every bed I've seen in SL has the option to set it for owner only, group, only, etc for both the menus and the poseballs. All she has to do is set them for owner only. I know I keep my bed set on owner only unless it's in use by me. The guy getting his jollies with a random afk avi...shrugs....he should just visit some of the free sex sims; there are plenty of them.
  14. With land, if you have it for even 10 seconds in the billing cycle, you'll get billed for the entire month. That's in the information about owning mainland.
  15. Ursula Luckless has released her uLukie full body that is based on the Ghetto Booty. That looks like the Ghetto booty and the Deliq breasts.
  16. Try TPing to an adult sim. Should ask you if you want to change your preferences, Say yes..that should fix it...The names of 2 that I know of that you don't have to worry about being pounced on are Good and Evil. They are sims in the estate I RP in and are rated as adult.
  17. Under 18 in RL are only allowed in general sims. Once you hit 18, you can go to Moderate and Adult sims.
  18. TMP is limited when compared with Slink and those that use the Omega system. You can actually blame TMP for that. The Style Mode hud is overly scripted and much more complicated than it needs to be. They are set up so that what the hud does is actually apply that particular texture, bei clothing or skin, to the body from a server outside of SL. Many creatore, me included, are very uncomfortable putting our UUIDs, the code SL has assigned to the clothing template texture, onto a third party server. It also violates the EULA of some of the textures I use and the templates. Also, when their servers go down, you're stuck in what you have on until they come back up since you don't actually have the clothing info inworld but a link that's installed to your Style Mode that is attached to an outside server.
  19. Looks like a style you'd find at Truth or Magika
  20. Most of your "magic" huds involve particle effects that can be laggy. If you are on a metered sim, some of them cause damage. Where I'm an admin, we usually don't allow them because they are script heavy and cause both server and client side lag because of the scripts and the effects. So, as a previous poster said, check your sim rules.
  21. Slink, like TMP, is a closed system and only uses their appliers. Good news is most that make clothing appliers make Slink and Omega. TMP, for the most part, isn't as readily supported for reasons dealing with the way their hud and "installer" work.
  22. Now that would be a great addition to the MP. I know I have a list of favorites..things I'd like to get...that I've put there to get when I get the money. I know my RL sister has a list as well and would love to be able to get something off her list she really wants.
  23. To make them for sale, you have to have apply for the developer kit for clothes. For the skin, you have to actually have a shop. For personal use, you can get the free personal applier hud from the shop and just follow those directions.
  24. The Niramyth can be adjusted smaller than the default avi is shown. I have a friend that has adjusted it so he looks ripped but not muscle-bound. And yes, the Niramyth clothing is Omega friendly. As for the default avi, it can look really good with a little work. First thing, find a good skin that has the looik you like. DON'T max out your muscle sliders to get a "muscled" look; all you get is fat arms.
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