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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Both do...just do a search for Maitreya and Belleza. Maitreya has their own sim and I believe Belleza does as well.
  2. As I said, that clock thing is broken. When I crash, I just keep trying to log in until I get back in. Actually, there is a very good reason to do this too, though it doesn't happen like it used to. Sometimes your avi doesn't disconnect properly and gets "ghosted." Basically, you can see the avi there but you can walk right through it. Had one that it took 3 days before the sim owner came back from the weekend and restarted. However, you can get back in, even without the sim restart. What you do is you keep trying to log in as fast as you can. Every 15 minutes or so, there is a brief window when the servers are resyncing. If you can get yourself logged in then, you can knock the ghost off. I've seen it happen btw..Avi was ghosted in front of me. The owner kept trying to log in on her home spot and got in. I saw her walk across the sim line and the ghost disappear.
  3. LL was doing a pilot program. They decided to end the program. Since Lindens can be exchanged for real money, LL has decided to control the purchase end as well as the sell end. They do have to protect themselves since the RL money to cover the Linden exchange comes from their pockets. Someone uses a fake credit card to purchase through a 3rd party and then change them out for real money through LL, LL is on the hook for that money. It's a matter of keeping the exchange of RL money and Lindens under their control.
  4. The top bodies that are easiest to find clothing for are Slink, Maitreya and Belleza. If you want curvier, uLukie but be aware that you'll have a problem wearing mesh clothing with that one. Stay away from the TMP body though....It's not supported well as far as appliers go. Slink, you won't have problems with appliers. Same goes for Maietreya and Belleza. For the latter 2, you may not find appliers specifically for those, however, both are compatible with the Omega applier system with the addition of the hud from the Omega store (1-3L if you join the group and buy it in the store). Get the demos and look at the alpha cuts to find the one that will work with the clothing you want to wear. Also, if you have a skin you love, be sure they make the skin appliers for the body you choose.
  5. That's just a canned answer that comes on when you crash. It's broken..Used to give a time like 15 minutes later...now it's 15 hours or something...Just ignore it and keep trying to log back in. You'll be able to get back in as soon as the server disconnects you.
  6. I have been saying all along to the naysayers that SL isn't going anywhere as long as it is a sustainable business model. I've been in SL for 8+ years and have enjoyed every minute of it, even through the breakups and fights I've had with people..SL has been great. I'm disabled and not able to get out much. It's been my lifeline to being able to communicate with people from all over the world. I have friends in Germany, Denmark, England, Italy, Austrailia, New Zeeland and the US and probably other countries I don't know about since I don't know where everyone lives, just the ones that volunteer the info. I've got 2 virtual stores in SL and enjoying the creative outlet since my diablity limits my movement. Just look through my past posts and you'll see that I'm constantly telling people SL isn't going anywhere. I'll be here until LL pushes me out and locks the door behind me.
  7. I forgot one thing. The reason our inventory won't be transferring over is that the new platform won't be sharing/accessing the inventory servers from SL. An FYI...in SL, it takes 3 different servers to support your avi. And they may be in 3 different cities even.. The first servier is the basic on you created your avi on. It has what's in your library that everyone has on it as well, which is why, if your inventory isn't loading properly, you can still do the character test: it's on the same server where your avi info is. The second is the server that has your inventory on it. The third is the one that the sim you're standing in is on. Those 3 may be right next to you or seperated by yards or miles or be in different cities.
  8. Here's what I know from my housemate that's done some scripting for one of the Alpha testers. LSL won't be used at all...currently all the designing for stuff is usins Maya, a rather expensive program that produces a different kind of map than Blender, which most people use. There won't be land, per se, not like the SL model anyway. You'll pay a yearly fee for a domain and host your land yourself. Since the new platform won't be sharing the inventory server with SL, the stuff you have isn't going to trasfer over. As long as SL continues to be a viable, money-producing platform, there are no plans to close it down. With the model the way it is for the new platform, it won't be for casual users like SL is.
  9. A tip for the detach...All objects default to attaching to your right hand. So, if you have 10 items attached, it seems the last few detach when you TP. Cure? Move the attachment point. With rigged mesh, it doesn't matter where you attach it, it will still show up properly. First thing to do with anything mesh is add it then see where it attached in your inventory. If it attaches to your right hand. Take it off then right click it in your inventory and chose attach to...You'll get a whole list of attachment point.s Mesh body works well on the avi center. Move pants/skirts to a hip or upper leg. Shirts and jackets, you can move to either pec or upper arm. Hair can be moved to skull, nose, left or right ear...anything like that. Since I've done that I've had almost no detachments on TP. As for the body, be sure you have the latest update if it wasn't auto delivered to you. Find a private place and experiment with the hud so you learn exactly what it does. If you're going to use applier clothing, be sure to get the Omega relay to increase the availability of clothing choices. Fortunately, the Maietreya is one of the easier ones for appliers since it asks you what layer you want an applier added to. Just remember that mesh bodies are old school for layers..like is was when I first joined SL...one applier per layer. So one tat, underclothes, shirt, pants per layer, unlike the default where you can apply up to 5 items per layer.
  10. I agree that the TMP sucks big time. As I've stated before, the shopping experience is horrid with their hud you pay money into then spend from the hud. Anything left, too bad so sad...you spend it in their shop or you lose it. THe Style Hud is an overscripted overly complicate nightmare. As a designer, I made the choice to not support TMP with my stuff after the first few things I did. Biggest reason is the way their "installer" works. Creators have to upload their UUID's for their stuff into a server that is outside of SL. That alone was the major deciding factor since it violated the EULA for many of my textures and templates that I use. But...I also don't want to leave my customers high and dry. Since the "Style Hud" essentially adds the texture you want for use and calls in the textures on an as needed basis...when that server goes down, you're stuck with what you have on. You can't change the layers, skin...nothing. On top of that...if TMP decideds to close up shop, they'll be turning their servers off so you'll be stuck with an unusable piece of overpriced junk. At least the other bodies handle everything inworld so that even if the designer leaves or stops making the product, like Phat Azz/Wowmeh/Ghetto Booty/etc, creators inworld are still creating appliers for those parts, though some are getting dated now. The newest body updates for most of the bodies inworld now have the clothing layers materials ready, which is going to vastly improve the appearance of the clothing. Bottom line, if you are going to buy a mesh body, Slink or something that is Omega compatible is the way to go. Those two formats are readily available. Most of the mesh breasts in SL are compatible with Omega out of the box with nothing additional needed. Things have changed and improved dramatically in just a few months and with creaters like Belleza, Maitreya, uLukie, Slink and coders like Chellynne Bailey, the creator of the Omega system, things are looking up.
  11. Is the money you just spent on the ticket for the latest movie wasted? And what about for that soda and popcorn? SL is partially entertainment. I like my avi to look good so I use a part of my monthly entertainment budget in SL...It's an ultimately perishable commodity. Some of the clothes I spent L on in SL years ago now look dated and I no longer wear them. Even in RL, styles change so that what you bought 2 years ago looks dated now. Mesh is a personal preference. It's come a very long way since its release. The initial stuff look really bad compared to what's coming out now. I agree that the "mesh" avis LL sticks new residents with sucks. However, the mesh body makers inworld are getting better and better. Each new update is a vast improvement over the previous release. It all comes down to personal preference.
  12. Enough already with the "SL2". It's a totally different platform and will function totally differently from SL. Texture change huds are often used for mesh clothing to change the color/texture rather than have a bunch of seperate copies of each dress. Tangos/Omega etc are appliers for mesh attachments, something you have to buy extra. I'd start with mesh clothing and the default body and go from there. You might want to watch what skin you purchase to see if they have appliers for your skins in case you decide to get a mesh body later.
  13. Best fashion depends on what style you want. Lapointe and Bastchild, Razor for more urban for instance. Need an idea of how you want to dress.
  14. https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ The link to the FabFree 30 day web page
  15. Yep. I believe that's the starter skin for one of the classic avatar vampires. Hit https://fabfree.wordpress.com/fabfree-30-days-list/ for some stuff. WoW skins also has a free on in the store. Go in and just to the left there is a couch/chair/table set. On the table is a free skin. Don't forget The Free Dove either. Lots of good stuff there. If you hurry, you can hit the Hair Fair and get some of the gifts they have available.
  16. be sure to educate yourself on what you sell...For instance, if you sell furniture, be sure you know about poses and how to put poses in your furniture. If you are designing for mesh bodies, be sure you know about them as well as the various applier systems...either those made specifically for the body or Omega, etc. If you aren't informed, you'll sound like an idiot when you try to help them or sell something. Keep your ads simple. I choose not to put the price on the ad but I also have single item vendors. Try to use those or go to the larger multipanel. Either way, if you use the multipanel, don't have more than 2-3 pages to scroll through. More than that, your customers will get annoyed having to page through them. Caspervend is the best IMHO. You can get a free set and only pay a small percentage of your profit until you can afford the full set. When you do get ready to buy, purchase the fatpack. It's cheaper in the long run if you plan to have gift cards, lucky chairs, MM boards, gacha's, etc. One other advantage of the Caspervend is that anything purchased through that system, the customer can get a redelivery from any Casper redelivery terminal in SL, something many look for.
  17. Also check out The Free Dove. They have a lot of good stuff there.
  18. Most of the appliers no longer have notecards any longer so you're stuck with what the designer decides to provide...hence why I make Omega and Slink. I refuse to make TMP appliers for business reasons.
  19. I've paid for groups, skin in particular, that I've gotten a monthly free gift of a skin. One even has a box out with all the past group gifts, a 4000L+ value. Depends on whether you consider it worth it to you. Some charge a nominal fee, 10L or so, to discourage spammers. Some you get a discounts when you wear your group tag when you make a purchase. Some you get store credit with. Just depends on what's worth it to you. As for the guy getting kicked out...he might want to check his chat log, if he saves them, and see if his account was phished and used to spam the group. He could ask with a notecard, nicely, why he was kicked out...something like....I was removed from the group you own and I'm trying to find out why, especially if my account was used to spam the group with an advertisement. If this is what happened, please let me know so I can let Linden Labs know that my account was phished. Thank you...then your name.. I would change my password and make sure nothing is missing. You can go to your dashboard and check your transaction history for the last month and see if there is anything there and change your password as well. Generally, when someone is kicked from a group they've paid for, that's the explanation.
  20. As for the male mesh not being popular...I agree that the Tellaq and TMP, not so much. But interestingly, Niramyth has sold more than 10K and it's still in beta. However, the maker has been making mesh fantasy avis for a long time so he know mesh. He's also made the clothing completely compatible with Omega appliers and has made his mesh model available so that there is actually an even going on right now for Aesthetic compatible clothing. The fact that he's sold over 10,000 bodies to date tells me that there is a huge market for men. Lapointe and Bastchild has started releasing Aesthetic compatible clothing as well. Hopefully, these numbers will bring out some more makers. I have heard rumors that Belleza and Slink are working on male mesh bodies now, so we shall see.
  21. Sounds like you hit a sim that the owner chose to charge an admission fee to their area, which is within their rights as a land owner. As for the dire consequences you are predicting...Same song second verse...heard the same thing when gambling was removed from SL years ago and SL is still here.
  22. Please, for your own sanity, take that horrible thing off. You'll not find anything that will fit it or that you can use with it. Start with the default body and work with that. Once you get some Lindens, you can upgrade to a real body like Story Leaf, Signature, Niramythe Aesthetic or Immortals, all of which are compatibly with Omega appliers. The starter mesh body is a fail on so many levels, just ditch it.
  23. Once you get to the default body, you can hit the FabFree headquarters for some free stuff. There are also a lot of quality items available at The Free Dove to get you started. Good Luck
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