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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. If you are wearing clothes over the tat, be sure that you have turned on the alpha mask for the clothes. There is an Open GL glitch with common with alphas. All you need to do is be sure that you have on the mask. Nothing you can do about the glitch. It's a limitation of the software. It's the same thing that you see trees appearing to come through house walls that have a textured window in it.
  2. Try loggind in to another sim. One the splash page change to another location. Pooley is good. IT's a protected Linden sim. There may be a problem with the sim you are trying to lot in to. Then check the map for the sim you were trying to log into for the status. If it''s down, you can fille a support ticket for a sim that's down. What's the name of the sim you are tying to log in to btw.
  3. You won't get a time stamp...you just had to look at the clock A JIRA covers several things. https://jira.secondlife.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa? You can put suggestions for features or report bugs you've discovered, like the one in groups that you can't leave groups that have more than 5K members now. You have to ask to be kicked..which is a pain. It's something that broke when they tried to fix something else. If you were the first to discover it, you could make a JIRA to report the problem.
  4. you can but remember that they will take up a spot for real accounts. SIms usually hold 40 avis and homesteads upt to 20. Owners of private sims can up the number to about 100, but you're going to have massive lag with that number. Just something to keep in mind before you create that army. I have models that are registered as bot accounts. They just sit on the pose stands to show my clothing on various mesh bodies. But, I only have 4 out at a time. I've only seen LL enforce the alt policy once, and that was with a severe griefer that was targetting the sim I RP in. As long as you behave, it shouldn't be a problem, though you can only have 5 per email address.
  5. 24 hours from the time you abandoned the 5th home. Did this myself a few weeks ago trying to get one on the same sim my friend had hers. As as result, I also put in a Jira asking for players to be able to choose what sim so those that come in together could get homes near each other if possible, especially for the Quad homes if they want to share one...It was closed and told it wasn't actionable...meaning they can't do it...sighs
  6. You'd like mine, I think. I have a mix of some static along with some with minimal movements. As always, a work in progress.
  7. Problem is, a lot of new players are from places like WoW, League of Legends, etc, where the avatar is pretty much set up for them. They don't really have to do much of anything other than deal with weapons and armor. In those places, no one owns the buildings or stuff so they are used to everything belonging to everyone so to speak. So, they have to learn that this is similar to real life where places/homes/etc are owned by individual players, not available to everyone.
  8. Banning the Confederate flag shouldn't happen. It's history. If they ban it, they'll have to ban the Nazi flag as well. Doing either in the US in RL would fall under a first ammendment violation. Stores don't have to sell the flag if they choose not to. I don't think it's appropriate on government land other than in a museum setting. As for Sl, banning it would be impossible since all someone would have to do is upload the texture and make it themselves. Banning something would just make people want to do just because they aren't supposed to. Symbols are easily perverted by fanatics. The swastika, for instance, means peace and love to the Hindus. The Nazis co-opted and perverted it so that now, when you see a swastika, you immediately think Nazi. Funny story, some white supremecists in California defaced a Hindu temple with...wait for it...SWASTIKAS. The temple priests issued a statement thanking whoever spray painted the symbols for their wishes of peace and love.
  9. How about males wandering around with no clothes and their freenis or...even more classic..fully dressed with their erect freenis on on top ot their clothes.
  10. I had an outfit that I blythly put on and boy, was I shocked at the 800+ scripts in it. A very old resizer that had a script in every prim and there was a lot of prim work on this outfit; Layered skirt, studs, tassels, etc. Had to remove each one indivitually. Had it down to 200 when someone mention in the FS chat that there was an option to select an object and remove all scripts. Used it...all gone.
  11. Magic boxes have been in the process of being phased out for a while now. With VMM, they aren't going to work at all. You'll need to download the VMM project viewer and do your listings that way. Look on the Knowledge Base/Wiki for complete instructions and video tutorials on how to set it up.
  12. Check We Love RP (tends to concentrated on Midieval RP type clothing) and the current round of Cosmopolitan (which seems to have a Game of Thrones theme this go round). You'll probably find what you need there.
  13. This is absolutely true about land being offline. LL jumps on those tickets. They have a special group that deals with them. Especially helpful when they are doing the rolling restarts and the land doesn't come back on. Had a region in the estate I RP in that was down for 2 hours. FIled a ticket, back up 15 minutes later...there was a glitch with it.
  14. You beat me to the punch. I was going to say at least you get a hand attachement rather than a new hat now.
  15. If you are less than 30 days old, 7 Deadly Skins has a nice skin for new residents. If you add them to one of your picks, you can get another nice free one as well. WoW has a free one that' on the "coffee" table just to the left of the stairs as you go in. Demo, demo, demo to find the skin that you like...those will just get you off the newbie radar until you find what you like. I started with some from eStyle, I've got LAQ, 7 Deadly Skins, WoW, Glam affair, Pumec and Zoul that I use, so lots of good skin makers in SL. Try them and find the one that scream BUY ME...to you.
  16. Having done DJing in the past, most venues do not pay their DJs. Many DJs have to provide their own stream as well. So, I always tip the DJ and the venue. If there is a contest going on and I win, I'll use a portion of that to tip everyone as well.
  17. The shapes I sell are mod/copy, not a problem. However, you're saying that when a designer has taken the time to make the mesh themselves or spent the money to purchase a template, then used their time to texture it and, usually, done a texture change hud with multiple textures for a look they wish to achieve, they should also make it modable? ummmm...no..sorry, but no. It's not paranoia but, if the item was mod, what kind of business sense does that make? Setting an item up so that the player can now do their own thing rather than come back to the original designer for further purchases? It's not greed, it's not paranoia, it's a business decision on the business model they wish to use. If you wish to use the model where your stuff is mod, go to it. Others prefer one that has the purchaser returning to make further purchases of other items. Look at Lavian, for example. I know of 4 sets that use the same template but totally different textures. Why should they give that up and make the item mod?
  18. Except, who do the owners run to/complain to when they break it? Do they blame themselves? Most run to the creator and cry that their body isn't working, what did the maker do wrong so it doesn't work anymore. I see it in the Omega support groups all the time. Almost always turns out it's the player that messed up. In the meantime, bad comments go farther than good comments so the maker gets blamed for making an inferior product.
  19. Sorry to hear you are having problems. Too bad the people limiting by script count don't get it. It's not the number of scripts but the efficiency of them. My regular avi, I tend to run around 90 scripts wearing a mesh body, hands, feet, hair, weapon, sim hud and meter and admin meter. I'm an admin in an RP sim, btw. Most of those scripts aren't doing anything but being there. They are the scripts for running the body, but not actually doing anything most of the time. Most of the time, I'm running at a lower resource usage that someone with 50-60 scripts. Just depends on the scripts. Our meter has a sensor that measures the amount of lag what you are wearing creates and will actually turn itself off and no XP or being able to use it if your scripts are causing lag in the sim. It's not the number so much as the resouce usage.
  20. First and foremost, don't expect to rake in money....you won't. Clubs are notorious money pits. You might, after a couple of years, start to least break even. Do it because you enjoy it. Strippers are actually knda passe now. You want a good DJ. You'll have to decide if you want to provide the stream or if they need to. Don't depend on the "best in whatever" contests to bring in people. They'll come but won't really spend any money. Do choose a theme for you club. Those that follow a theme tend to stay around longer. One of your major investments is going to be in your dance balls. Make the investment in a couples ball, like Intan, and in good dances. Same for the singles. You don't want to load it with the tired freebie dances that have been around for 8 years or more. Invest at places like Humanoid, Akeyo, MyAnimations, etc for good mocap dances.
  21. That is exactly the one I have on my male model. How many of the clothing layers are you wear? You don't need to wear them all, just one shirt and one pants. Those can add lag as well.
  22. Mesh bodies are often no mod for a very good reason. Some can break if you try. A mesh bod has to have the layers added/script onto them and trying to change any of those can break it. That's why you have the appliers for those layers; a scripted way to add the textures without breaking the body scripting.
  23. Or the Omega one...they both are simple enough to do. Basically, you'll just plug in the UUID in the applier for the lower half and you're done.
  24. Sounds like you're still wearing the hud. Once you get things set, you can take that off. I have the Aethetics body as well as L&B scripted pants and shir and I'm only running 88 scdripts. You don't need to wear the hud all the time. If you are wearing genitals, take those off. You only need them on if you're RP that kind of scene.
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