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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. They require payment for several reason, including tracking the money. You can use something like PayPal which will keep the info from LL, if that's what your problem is.
  2. My main statement for the OP...if you want to be paid a RL wage...work in RL. SL money comes from players, not profit from selling stuff for the most part. 500L for a 2 hours set is good. Side question, does the venue provide a stream or are you having to provide your own? Keep that in mind if you want to DJ.
  3. Rather than compare RL to SL , compare SL to SL. You get paid 500L. Now...what can you buy in SL for that 500L? A great pair of shoes? A nice jacket or suit, depending on where you go. Compartatively speaking, in RL terms you'd get enough to get a cheap pair of shoes or knock off jeans. In SL with the 500L you get, you can get a really nice pair of shoes or boots, great texture change mesh pants, a decent skin, at least one if not 2 nice hair styles...the list goes on. So, rather than ranting about not making a RL wage, compare what you make in SL with what you can buy with it in SL as opposed to what you can buy in RL with the RL equivalent.
  4. Actually, I disagree. Yes, it completly eliminates the magic boxes. But, it also eliminates several steps for listing an item. No more loading to the merchant outbox, then have to log in to the MP, go to your listings, manage listings, then fill in the info to list it. Now when you list, the listing info page comes up for you when you click on the item in your inventory. Also, when you need to update, say you made a mistake with the original package or you come out with an update for the item, like mesh bodies/parts/weapons/etc. All you have to do is add that item to the original folder and activate it so that the new version is the one sold. Huge time savings as opposed to having to go into the MP and do it manually.
  5. Actually, if you wait and let LL migrate it for you, all your current listings will migrate as is. You'll only have to worry about new listings. I didn't have to do a thing when they did mine as part of a test program. I've since added a few things with minimal problems.
  6. Extending the belly sliders is how most people do it. There is a mesh baby bump by Apple May but not many do appliers for it since it has to have textures from both the upper and lower torso for the applier. You're really are just better off expanding the belly sliders.
  7. You might also check out the Berlin 1930's RP sim. They probably have some shops or lists of resources for the proper clothing.
  8. Some of them have huds that will allow you to change the expressions a bit. As for kits...I don't really keep up with the mesh heads other than in passing since I worked too hard to get my look and have no intention of putting on a mesh head. You'll have to look around. Some may have them by the heads to pick up. OThers, like Slink, probably, you'll have to apply for.
  9. Just a point...technically, mesh bods can't use standard system clothing. However, the appliers that are used use the system clothing templates. Mesh bodies do allow you to have smooth curves with no peaks. The Maitreya/Slink/Belleza, I've had no problem wearing any of my mesh clothing with. Yes, I've had to use the alphas, but I had to use the provided alpha with my standard body too so same difference.
  10. None will follow your defaul avi's face and they don't have a lot of expression. As for appliers, you'd have to get the skin developer kit and not all makers have made them available. That's research that you, as a potential user, will have to do. Not to be snarky, but I'm not going to take time away from SL to do your research on something I have no interest in....sorry.
  11. Instead of fooling with the quartering...use the full texture and use the offset. Even better, get the Omega kit and use that since it is totally compatible with Lolas. The advantage of the Omega is it uses the total upper torso without you having to worry about cutting the texture.
  12. Send him a notecard and suggest that he set his parcel be set to limit sounds to his parcel. That will solve the problem. Do AR him as well.
  13. I only use the LL viewer for the VMM. My understanding is it will be in the next release of Firestorm. The others will be following since MP will be migrating everyone over whether they want to or not. I keep the LL viewer on my puter to check for problem replication as well since LL will blame any problems you might have on a third-party viewer if you aren"t using the official viewer.
  14. THere are a lot of full perm templates with textures provided. Some "creators" just use it as is and sell it without personalizing it. Others of us that use them use it as a base and then texture it to suit our preferences. You'll see a lot of Meli Imako templates, for instance.
  15. Is it sad I remember using Wordstar? As for SL2/Sansara, It's not going to be a new and improved SL. It's totally different. Comparing it to SL is like comparing apples and oranges or WoW and the Sims. Totally different and no comparison. Even after it's up and running...at least 2016 at the earliest, it''s going to take at least another year before there's much there. So, SL will be around as long as we make it worth it to LL.
  16. I agree with what others here have said. You only have to do what you want to do. Nothing wrong with exploring either. Nice thing about SL, you can explore things you couldn't in RL without having to worry about what the neighbors think. As for your shape, the ONLY advice I ever give a male is if you have one of the older shapes that are what I call the Ice cream cone wiith the cherry on top, you might want to make a few adjustments, mainly make the hips a big broader and the head a bit bigger, just for proportion's sake. Other than that, look how you want to.
  17. Thank you for the defense. As stated, at the time of the original post, there were very few male bodies and a boatload of female. Personally, I don't like the TMP system and won't design for them. Placing even the UUID is a violation of the EULA for one of my texture sources. Currently you have L'uomo,Story Leaf, Immortals, Niramyth, Signature, Orange Nova, Serious, and Sking For the Omega appliers to work, for instance, the body has to use the SL UV map. That leaves out Niramyth and TMP though the Niramyth clothing layers do take the Omega clothing appliers. Since I design applier-friendly clothing, I do try to keep up. Since TMP is a closed system, the designer has to apply for the kit and then they have to trust that TMP won't violate their info since, with the proper scrioting, all you need is the UUID to apply a texture. The scripts in the appliers themselves use the UUID, not the texture loaded into the applier. For the non-stadard skin UV, this requires the skin maker to go back and redo their skins, basically recreate them, to fit the body map. I know Izara with 7 Deadly Skins talked about it taking her 10+ hours to redo the hand texture for the Belleza hand since they don't use the standard SL UV. Please be sure you are aware of what it take to create skin and clothing appliers for the various bodies. This also involves uploading the textures as well, an additional expense not all can afford. I personally only make Omega and Slink clothing appliers. I won't violate the EULA for any of the textures I use.
  18. For a human, skin, hair, aproportionat shape, ao that doesn't have you running or skipping around/side splits/etc when you are just standing. Oh, and not the Oracul female free AO that has the animation that makes you look like you're looking at your feet trying to figure out what you stepped in. That AO, though nice, is so totally overused. For a non human, decent texturing for the skin..no cut and paste textures from animations like the Sonic, Yu-Gi-Oh, etc. You want an AO that's appropriate for what your shape is. I have a neko alt that one of her "stands" has her sitting down on her heels. That wouldn't be appropriate for a human but totally works for a neko. You can get a lot of quality free stuff for a human avi. You have to work a bit more to find it for non-humans.
  19. Actually, I looked at the description and see the problem immediately. 4 sizes included: . size XXL: fits for Dahak-MK6/Gundam avatars from D&D and/or avatars around those heights. The XXL is what's throwing it into the adult realm. I make shapes and have to list the size as Extra-XS to avoid the adult tag. XX=adult.
  20. As for the answers section. I've not found it that helpful. You have to ask the right question to get your answer, phrased so the search engine recognizes what you are wanting. For some, it's not that easy, especially for ESL players. There are very experienced players in these forums and you can usually get an answer that makes more sense than what the answers section spits out.
  21. Why not just mod what you have then save it separately with "older" added to the name? Chest is easy to adjust in the Torso section. For the face, decrease jowls and cheeks. Those 2 are the main difference. As we get older we lose that "baby fat" in the face and the face gets leaner.
  22. Inworld, most people are using CasperVend. You can go to any Caspervend redelivery terminal and see everything you've bougtht through Casper vendors and get them redelivered. I don't remember if Hippo does that or not.
  23. Basically, you're going to use an applier. I'd suggest the Omega. The developer kit is free to make appliers with. What you'll be doing is find a template for system clothing you like or a place that has the full perm already made, like Ominous Code/MB. You'll use the UUID from the completed template in the applier. If you want to customize it, you'll have to export the template to your computer, or, in some cases, download the Photoshop (PSD) template. You'll need a program such as GIMP, which is free, to edit them. You'll also have to start collecting textures you like....It starts getting complicated but there are some good tutorialls on YouTube.
  24. There is one other factor at work here as well. THe Delicq has more polygons than the default avi so the texture reflects the light differently. That's also why they look fine with a mesh body since the mesh bodies also have more polygons than the default avi. Check Zoul skins. Their appliers are free for their skins so you'd be able to get a demo then use the applier to check your matching. Good luck
  25. No reason why it shouldn't be. Microsoft is offering it free to all Win 8 and 7 users, following the Apple business model of offering free upgrades as an incentive to move away from older versions.
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