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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. May have based it on your termonology, word choice, etc. and thought he could guess...so basically he's a moron. i tend to use termonology that is younger than my chronological age. Depends on what you read and what you watch on TV. Ignore him. It's like I was in an RP sim on an alt. Had a guy come up and start to RP then IM'd me and wanted to know how old I was. I told him what the approximated age I was RPing. He wanted to know my RL age because he didn't want to RP with anyone over 30. It's roleplay, not real life. He was obviously looking for someone to hook up with as a girlfriend rather than roleplay. Just ignore the idiots and enjoy your SL where you are only as old or as young as you want to be....Your world, your imagination.
  2. First, what mesh body? That's important for us to know so we can help.
  3. If you are using the Firestorm viewer, there is a sound explorer. You can open that and see who is making what sounds.
  4. Check the sandbox rules as well. Most don't allow weapons unless they state they do. Report the players to the sandbox owner.
  5. The Omega Maitreya hud was just updated. Get the new one. Should take care of the problem
  6. Wish you had asked. I'd have told you the Niramytth Aesthetic body. Even has mesh made for it. You might find some mesh that will fit Tellaq.
  7. Sound gestures are odd. Usually you only hear them within chat distance. That being said...you can hear them if you cam in to the person using them. That's because any sound clip you use is going to be loaded to everyone in the sim, whether they are within chat distance or on the other side of the sim. So...long ones can be really laggy in a busy sim. I know I can hear the sounds of my fountains on my parcels even 2K meters up in the air but again, that's because of the way they load. I am, however, polite and have limit sounds to my parcel checked or everyone on the sim would hear them.
  8. Physics depends on your FPS. Do Ctr-shift-1 or it's under performance tools in your advanced menu. If your FPS is low, you aren't going to see the physics properly.
  9. That really looks lheike you don't have the full body alpha on and have your default body showing through. Try taking it off and putting it back on.
  10. The notecards floating around that have the numbers for standard sizing are a good place to start too.
  11. If any breast implant is Lola compatible, it's Omega compatible. Sooooo, if your breasts are Lola/tango compatible, they should work with Omega out of the box.
  12. Slink and Omega appliers are the most popular and will bring you the widest audience. Most mesh in SL, with the exception of Slink and TMP, are Omega compatible so one hud and you're done. Omega also just added a materials hud and many of the higher end mesh bodies like Belleza and Maireya are materials ready. The other body is the TMP. I try not to discourage anyone however TMP has some issues that I just can't ignore. First, the textures are loaded into an off world database. So, if that server goes down, the customer can't change anything on their body, which also means if TMP decides to leave SL, the owners are SOL. Also, if you do decide to do TMP appliers, check the TOS/EULA for your textures and templates if you don't make your own. Some of the won't let you use their textures on a server outside of SL, which TMP is.
  13. And sometimes the scripts get corrupts. Also...sounds like you are using tthe Maitreya body. You do have to wear the Omega hud at all times when you are using the appliers. It's a relay between the Omega hud and the Maitreya body. If you do have the relay on, then I'd suggest getting a redelivery of the body.
  14. For the second part of your question, the exchange rate does vary. Tends to be more L per USD during the day and lower at night.
  15. What she just did just moved her into griefer territory. Do another AR and use harrassment. What she did was intending to disrupt your enjoyment. of your land. You should also include in your details that she is disturbing the peace with object littering. Oh...and any place you do rent, you should have the perms to eject, ban and return on the land you rent. If the landlord won't let you do that...keep looking.
  16. I have display name then user name set. I'll call people by their display name unless I just can't read the font or they have weird characters. As an admin in an RP sim, for our reports we have to use the user name to keep track of them since display can be changed but user can't.
  17. In your viewer, go to help/report abuse. Use land encroachment objects or textures. Put the name of the person the location...be sure you are standing next to the object and facing it when you open the report abuse tab. LL will send someone out within a few days to return it. I've had it happen before.
  18. I always check profiles, especially their groups. Groups will tell you what their interests are. If it's full of sex-oriented groups and you aren't interested in that, you can move on, for instance. It's a great way to find out if the person has similar interests to you. If they don't want people to see the groups, they can set it so their groups don't show. Mine are out there for all to see.
  19. Dura would have some as well. If you can wait, you might also wait for the Hair Fair that start on July 15. Most of the major hair makers will be there.
  20. Yes, L&B has been around for years, but they are right in step with current clothing. Their S'Wear line is almost all mesh with texture change huds. In fact, for men, they have started releasing mesh clothing specifically for the Niramyth Aesthetic mesh body. Don't discount system layetrs with well-made sculpted attachements, like some of the stuff from L&B is. If you are going layer, like your picture is showing, you're probably going to want your pants or shirt to be system layers and the duster and weapons in mesh to help prevent cutting between your clothing items. Not everything on your bod in the way of clothing has to be mesh. A mixture of system under mesh, if well-textured, can give you a striking look.
  21. It''s not a limit you can rez out per se but a limit to how many you can rez on a sim in a parcel. Those are set by LL and sim limits. 117 per 512 sq meters. That's a hard limit and really can't be changed. I have land in 3 different sims and have quite a bit rezzed out.
  22. Check out Ruby Skins. She has avis and skins that aren't the "pretty boy" and show some years on them. As for the clothing. look as S'Wear from Lapointe and Bastchild as a starting point. Razor is another good one.
  23. If you are going to just have your bots standing around, you might want to check into a text program like Radagast or Metabolt. I have 4 instances of it running without a major problem on my little netbook.. Metabolt and Radagast both have a nice autosit feature that if you are using a pose stand, like I do, you can put the UUID of the bot in the description field. The bot will then autosit on that pose stand when it rezzes in. Radagast has one other added feature. It have a VERY basic visual interface. You can touch stuff and move around but mesh isn't going to rez. It is helpful to get your bots in the right spot though.
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