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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Be sure you have open in external browser clicked in your preferences. By default, most have use internal browser chosen.
  2. at the bottom of the inventory window you'll see a little plus sign. Click on that then create new folder...Just name it then. You can't create "system" folders, per se, but you can create folder and then sub folders under those to organize your inventory.
  3. Fair warning though. There's a gitch that will probably be fixed with the release pack due out in a few days. Internal power error comes up when you do anything that's graphics intensive...ie SL alone is fine. SL plus Photoshop, not. No such problem with Win7. Research I've done is it's a glitch dealing with the graphics card software.
  4. Actually, FB is probably going to have to stop requiring RL identity info for accounts. A recent court decision in Germany finds that it violates German privacy laws.
  5. If that's the shadow being referred to, what Whirly has there is your only solution if you are using a default avi. The problem is from the pixels used to draw the genitals on a female skin. The default avi has a problem with stretching in the crotch area because the polygon count is low. You go with the above solution or live with it, unless you get a mesh avi, in which case the problem goes away because of the higher polygon count on the mesh avi.
  6. It's a renderin problem. What viewer are you using? Be sure your LOD is at 4.
  7. What do you mean kinks? If your store has been migrated, you can't use the merchant outbox anymore but have to use the VMM method. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Viewer-Managed_Marketplace_FAQ#How_does_VMM_work.3F There are some excellent video tutorials there. If you are using a Magic Box, those no longer work. You'll have to follow the instructions for limited items to set them up.
  8. Check with your local bank and see if you can get a prepaid credit card. Your limit is how much you have depositied. Not sure what country you are in but that might be the solution for you....
  9. SL is currently having asset server problems. Just relog and you'll be able to get it off
  10. Your PayPal has to be verified. So it has to be linked to a CC or your bank account. Either way...LL won't see that info.
  11. Honestly, just change your Windlight setting or try demos. If this is for the default avi with system clothes, change the settings. If this is because of texturing on mesh clothing...get something else if you don't like the textured shadows. I do agree that some go overboard with the textured shadowing rather than letting the environment do it for them. Just avoid those clothes.
  12. They aren't as fiddly as the were when they came out. Your best bet for curvier are uLukie with 4 thicknesses to choose from, Fusion with several and the Freya body that comes with the Belleza mesh. All of those are Omega compatible as well. Lena is lovely but the alphas leave a bit to be desired IMHO. That being said, with the exception of the Freya, you'll have something of a problem if you're planning to wear mesh clothing since the hips in particular are not made to work well with the current fitmesh.
  13. I actually prefer to use PayPal anywhere I can. There are a lot of places I order my knitting supplies from that take PayPal so I don't have to give them my actual info. PayPal has a money back guarantee, which I've had to use a time or two. In fact, went to Home Depot yesterday and you can use PayPal to pay at the register. No more worries about my card being skimmed.
  14. You do have a buy limit though it does go up pretty fast.
  15. Go to your dashboard then accoun and billing infor. Click on the add a PayPal account. It then takes you to a PayPal page where you log in. Then you authorize LL and you're done. If it's not going in that easily and your PayPal account is ok...try calling billing.
  16. The times I've found myself a cloud lately...for some reason I'm missing one of the required elements....a shape, skin, hairbase, etc...Add that and I appear...A glitch when you logged in with a failure to load your full avi...it happens.
  17. My understanding is that seeing the member list when you open the group profile was disabled for groups with more than 5K in it unless you are an officer or owner in the group. It was disabled because it was felt it was unnecessary info for the average player and was causing problems with the group IMs. Disabling apparently has helped some.
  18. Check where your body is attached. If it's on your right hand you can move it to your avatar center. You can move any rigged mesh to wherever you want to. The default attachment for objects is to your right hand. It's a good idea to move all the stuff that attaches to your right hand to a better place. For instance, pants and skirts to a hip or a upper leg, a shirt/jacket/top to a right or left pec or upper arm. The less there is on your right hand the better.
  19. Chance are if you enter Maitreya corset, you're going to get appliers aka system layers. You need to look for mesh corsets. There are few, if any, specifically for the Maitreya body. I've not really had a problem with most standard mesh sizes with the alphas that Maitreya includes. You may need to go up a size from what you wore with your default avi, depending on the mesh.
  20. It's possible you are the victim of some ass that has the Soul Seize hud, one of those griefing huds that say it's just for fun so LL doesn't nab them. If you're on Firestorm and find yourself in this situation, go to Preferences > Firestorm > Protection > Revoke Permissions: Revoke on SIT and sit on anything and you're off the list. Block the person using it and report them for harassment. Flag this product on Marketplace as Spam or Disallowed Listing Practices > Harmful or disruptive content. I don't see something similar in the SL standard viewer soload FS and log in just long enough to use this feature if you prefer the LL official viewer. Well worth it.
  21. Don't assume anything based on the age of the avi. The account age doesn't mean the person has been in SL those 8 years. THre are a lot of people that set up avis and get frustrated and don't come back then come back later.
  22. Turn off your RLV and relog. Then do a character test. That will get rid of anything and everything that might be there.
  23. If you like to change your avis so they are different sizes for different things...try the Belleza. It comes with 3 different shapes, 14 different hand positions, 4 feet, 3 that are Slink compatible and one for one other maker. Just an alternative.
  24. Yep, she may not have changed her group title to the right one on that first page. If she doesn't, she won't be recognized as hving the proper powers...She needs to change and save.
  25. Check her role abilities and be sure that it's checked there and that she has the role name. She needs to change her role name on the first page of group info from the general title to the role that lets her send notices as well. She should have at least 2 roles there...the general one that everyone have and then the one that allows her to send notices. It should look something like this. https://gyazo.com/f91e4884e31900d984aa7e21f8444b8f https://gyazo.com/955325d8aa4b207b5bd7f97536edb31c You do have to have the correct role activated under your current title to be able to access the abilities.
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