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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. Thre are only a few lower half meshes left in SL. Most have gone to full bodies. GInc still has one that is more normal and then Sking, which probably isn't to your taste. Your other option is to look at Fusion. Since their uppers and lowers are separate, you can wear just the lower part.
  2. Yep...it's all about creating the image and yes, I've done dancing at a club.
  3. Good news though...Slink is getting ready to release their male body. The preview picture I saw has a nice buff bod but not muscle-bound so probably exactly what you want.
  4. Obviously some are in groups that aren't active. You can find a group that interests you and can get very active. For instance, Builder's Brewery and the Speakeasy groups. Rather lively chats about diverse subjects. Twisted Hunt group gets pretty raucous as does the Hunt for Your Inner **bleep** group. Don't let the names turn you off to some groups. These diverse groups can band together for wonderful things, like the recent Lexi Project where over 300 inworld creators donated items where 100% went to help Lexi, owner of AngelRed Couture, with her medical bills. (thank you Toxic and Heather for your hard work btw). The Second Life community has the biggest hearts I've ever seen. Relay for Life, Soles for Souls, Wigs for Kids, Goth group in GB(forget the name), LGBT charities, just to name a few, recieve thousands of US dollars in contributions. I know I wait every year for the sponsored events to purchase things. Like any large city or country, the community is made of up smaller subsets that have their own interests but will come together when needed. In RL look at the people that came from all over the US to help NYC after 9/11, those that came together after Katrina, those that came after the Indonesian tsunami and the Japanese tsunami and nuclear disaster. SL is a reflection of RL, including the best and the worst we can be.
  5. For Burlesque, true burlesque, rather than just stripping, hit YouTube and look for videos from famous burlesque starts such as Gypsy Rose Lee. There's one on there where she gives the history of burlesque. She takes off some clothes but leave still perfectly dressed. It's about suggestion and teasing, not showing your bits.
  6. Fortunately, your squatter looking for a place to set up will have a problem. Back in the day, abandoned land allowed anyone to build and no return. There was even a group to let otlers know where they could squat. LL has changed that. If the abandoned land they are in is allowing them to rez stuff and it is owned by LL, do a support ticket so they can fix the settings. As for the sex couple, tell them to search sex. There are plenty of place in SL that have free sex toys and beds for them to use. For changing, I know for a fact that The Free Dove has dressing rooms on the second floor. I learned in my first year how to change from the skin out in public and not show a thing. Problem is that with the generosity of builders/creators there is a whole new mindset in players that they are owed a place to have sex, dress, etc for free.
  7. Sounds like you are talking about a texture change hud. There are scripts available to create them. Basically each button is assigned to apply the texture assigned to it. Usually uses UUIDs in the scripting. You can look in the MP and find several different ones.
  8. When you compare cost, you get the equivalent, usually, actually, depending on where, you get more. In RL let's say minimum is about 8 usd/hour...which is about right for now. You work 8 hours, that's 64 USD...minus about 20% for taxes makes it about $51 USD. That's about the cost of a pair of jeans and a shirt at WalMart. Now in SL, if you are good at DJing, you can make 500L or more in about 2 hours. That's enough to buy a nice pair of mesh jeans and shirt with color change huds so potentilally more outfits. So you get the equivalent of jeans and a shirt for 8 hours in RL and the equivalent of jeans and a shirt in SL for about 2 hours...hmmmmm...looks like you're making more in SL when you compare purchasing power of the currency.
  9. Ignore the troll. If it's tats causing the problem then it's probably the Open GL glitch. The person wearing the tat probably has another applier layer on as well. They need to turn the alpha mask on for that layer and that should take care of the problem.
  10. Eyes check out IKON. As for the other...are you looking for a body builder (Niramyth Aesthetic out of the box), developed but not muscle bound (again the Aesthetic can achieve this with some tweaking) or more normal. For the last, I'd suggest Signature, Story Leaf or Immortals. All are Omega compatible which will help as designers catch up.
  11. Was it a host/hostess or the owner? If a host, contact the owner. Some of the host/hostesses get overly aggressive.
  12. All the textures I've purchased, the only restrictions I've seen are you can't sell or gife them away as is but are free to use them on your inworld creations in Second Life. If you're planning on using them in another universed, such as InWorldz, you'll need to purchase a license for that world. As for Torley's Textures...I have a vendor set up at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Nieun/202/119/801
  13. Remember that fit mesh can be tweaked. I'm not a big fan of the body builder type avi. For my male alt, I did get the Niramyth Aethsetic and tweaked it. Now it just looks like the guy works out regularly. That being said, it's my understanding that Slink has a male body out with it's beta testers now and Belleza has one in the works. You could also check Signature, Story Leaf and Immortals. Those have the advantage, like the Aesthetic, of being Omega compatible as well. IMHO, avoid TMP like the plague. The Style Hud concept is an epic fail, IMHO.
  14. If you're not wanting a lot of L, run around Linden Realms and collect the crystals. It doesn't take long to get a decent amount....and if you're a premium member there's the new Palentology one.
  15. First, you might point the landowner to the wiki article about land ratings. Child avis are allowed on Adult sims, they just have to stay away from actual sex play. Second, if your avi, other than the height, is obviously adults, as in adult proportions, gos somewhere else. Not worth the effort over a perosn that judges maturity by avi height. Guess they don't let petites in there either.
  16. You failed to mention what video card you are using. There are problems with some rendering some mesh. The black or white when dealing with mesh body clothing layers sounds like the Open GL glitxh. You could ask the person to turn on the alpha mask on their underwear layer and see if that helps. It's especially predominant when you have applier clothing on over a tat.
  17. Call billing and talk to them for suggestions. I used by bank account for PayPal. You could call and talk to them as well. Doesn't require a checking account btw. My sister used her savings account.
  18. First, don't accept TPs unless you know the person. Next, the ONLY person that can complain about an IP infringement is the original person. They have to file a DMCA. THe others can report until they are blue in the face and they will be ignored as they have no standing. If it is stolen/copybotted, doesn't matter if it's free or not, it would still be an IP violation. The only thing you'll get banned for or in realy trouble for in SL is child play as in child sex play.
  19. I'd use harassment and would AR...no telling what new residents they're scaring cause they don't know all the TOS yet.
  20. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: Seriously, Display Names with all their insane variations aren't enough for you? User accounts with surnames are long gone. The no last names has led to lots of creative ways of spelling names like Gwyndylynne or the addition of numbers for more common names. At least with surnames you didn't have to hunt for an unused spelling variation for a name you wanted. If the spelling you wanted was taken with the surname you were looking at...you could just change to another surname. You also were able to get some cute and witty combos like Sinfuldelight Fiul, Widget Engineer, Peppermint/Pepperment Twist, etc. At least with surnames you wouldn't see J#nn1f3r rather than Jennifer.
  21. Level of Detail. For a lot of mesh it has to be set at 4 to be seen. Not sure exactly how you change in in the SL viewer. I do know it's under the debug settings.
  22. If your account is put on hold, you should have gotten an email outlining what your next steps are. May have ended up in your spam folder. You need to follow those.
  23. First..all caps make it very difficult to read your rant. Next, AR's are needed whether you like them or not. SL investigates them so the AR parties, as you call them, really don't mean much. AR's give residents a way to let LL know about child porn (which is against SL TOS) as well as grefers. It's impossible for the Lindens to be everywhere an they, like your local police, depend you the residents to let them know when there's a problem. Gaming/gambling isn't going to happen. LL is incorporated in San Francisco and are subject to US laws. If you want to gamble, there are plenty of sites on the internet that allow it. SL doesn't need to be another in the list. SL supposed to be about meeting people, RPing, etc. I am with you in regards to being able to have a realy surname. Dropping that was one of the biggest mistakes SL has made. In the past claims were made that no last name was preferred but everyone I've talked to wants them back. There are plenty of free sandboxes now. Try starting from the end of the list rather than the beginning when you are looking for a place to build. Oh, and btw, most of those are privately owned, not sponsored by LL. You may not care about mesh, but there are lots of people that do. The sales figures for clothing and bodies show that. If you don't like mesh, you don't have to buy it. The new platform is going to be totally different from SL...just like WoW is different from Call of Duty, for instance. 2 totally different things. The new platform probably won't be connected to the current inventory servers, which is why the SL inventories won't be transferrable. Also, much of what we have in our SL inventories just won't work in on the new platform since it won't be supporting what we take for granted in SL...like basic prims, for instance. Right now everything is being designed in Maya. The physic engine is what it is. The new platform will work differently so may be better but no telling. Again, SL isn't a traditional gaming platform so things won't work in SL like they would in Grand Theft Auto, for instance.
  24. What video card do you have on your computer? Sounds like a rendering problem. I know the AMD Radeon card has has a recent problem so you might want to check there.
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