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Lucia Nightfire

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Everything posted by Lucia Nightfire

  1. Apparently, the method with potential for event flood was replaced with a method with potential for memory stack heap. "I can't decide which is worse." - Tom Petty
  2. I don't use it either, but I was doing "hopefully" thorough testing and noticed it. I know there are some that do rely on it, though.
  3. So llLinksetDataCountFound(string search) & llLinksetDataDeleteFound(string search, string pass) are coming. You can currently test them in the region Cloud Sandbox 2 on aditi. Both behave similar to llLinksetDataListKeys() in regards to regex input. The first returns an integer that is the regex return key count. Applications are primarily ones that involve pagination. The second returns a two-integer element list of the number of found keys deleted and the number of found keys not deleted (primarily if the password did not match). Applications are primarily ones that involve cleanup without the need for repeated calls to llLinksetDataListKeys(). One concern is that llLinksetDataDeleteFound() will trigger the linkset_data() event for EVERY found key deleted. This has the potential to event flood every script in the linkset that has the linkset_data() event present in state. I'd like to ask everyone's opinion on what you think would be a better or alternative approach. IMO, I think a third integer input called event_handling could be offered where an input of 0 would not trigger linkset_data() at all, 1 would trigger linkset_data() every delete, 2 would trigger a generic 'deleted' message, similar to Experience KVP deleting and 3 could return a CSV list of key names (how many, IDK). What are your opinions?
  4. Would you happen to know what the mesh creation date is for the Zooby Cat 1.0? I have yet to see anyone wearing less than 2.0. I do see a lot of other obscure brand mesh avatars created before that, though.
  5. Maybe only allow it if the account you're trying to change existed when the name of interest was originally available? I have older alts I would like to have the last name Nightfire, heh.
  6. Premium and Premium Plus can attach 2 animesh characters while Basic and Plus accounts get 1. Everyone gets 38 attachments.
  7. Flexi is old, but some styles can still look ok even when everything else worn is rigged mesh. https://gyazo.com/7056c6b588fd6e1aa12b620b5a4218d4 We need dynamic bones and colliders so hair can fall over, on top of and be moved by our joints/limbs. Almost every other MMO, at least ones that are UN/UR based, have such support.
  8. An owner change should clear any stored permissions. If it doesn't, file a bug report with minimum repro steps. https://jira.secondlife.com/
  9. You don't navigate it. You deal with it. This has been a problem with couples animations since SL's inception. SL does not have IK support, only hardcoded animations. And by this, I mean the ability to insert/piggyback an IK track into an existing animation that can make one user's hand(s) or other limbs follow another user's body part(s), their own body part(s) or the environment (prim/mesh/ground physics shape). The only thing we have is an uncontrollable generic system IK that turns your head toward a chatter, turns your head or eyes toward what is alt-cammed, points your head, hand and arm towards a selection or make your system feet align to SL terrain slope. And unless LL's Puppetry project solves this IK problem, I feel it will be yet another half-implemented feature that doesn't get much use.
  10. If we're lucky, it will go out on Wednesday to one or more RC channels.
  11. And don't restrict them from telling starry-eyed noobs with money to burn the creative limits of the platform at the risk of them taking their money elsewhere.
  12. The "pill" is the root prim of the body. It is a trademark and low bar watermark in the shape a medicine pill. It is a similar concept to mesh hearts in bodies or mesh brains in heads.
  13. Convex Hull should be the minimum requirement, not mesh, nor materials. It's what I've used with my legacy prim KFM tests for years now. I'm not saying it is the only means, though.
  14. I have a bunch of people on my friends list who change their names and profiles and it makes me forget who the hell they all are, heh.
  15. Pray https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-134139 or https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-232687 comes some year...
  16. Seems the nails on Erika use the same mesh face for each finger and hand. This means you can't have individual colors per hand, nor finger. This also means you can't hide nails on only one hand nor on only one finger.
  17. What new enhancements? You're basically talking about URL persistence. Of course it is possible. You only need land in one region and land in another to test. Allow the experience on each parcel. In the RX object, store the newly created url in your experience KVP db and have the TX object read it and send an HTTP. I've used my grid-scope experience to maintain communication between update servers and end-user products this way. Many others have used their land-scope experiences to maintain communications between regions. Experiences are not bound to regions or land. They are not like LSD which is object bound. Data gets written to remote servers. Land-scope experiences, currently, only need to be allowed and/or not blocked in the region/land in order for data r/w to be possible. There was talk a few server meetings ago about removing region/land allowance as a requirement for KVP use to function with land-scope experiences. If that happens, more content can use experiences anywhere for KVP r/w purposes. Permissions usage will still require region/land allowance, though.
  18. It allegedly is to support the inventory thumbnails feature that will come later.
  19. I instantly felt old when I read this (cause I remember them). Stop that! I also remember Showbiz Pizza where you'd pay money for tokens to put into games to win tickets to cash in for crappy prizes which you couldn't just buy outright with cash. Talk about a runaround/ponzi scheme...
  20. This wasn't the "v4.3" body I saw many wearing weeks ago as it was 35 links and the zero body is 4. The new creator was the same, though.
  21. The lack of update posting on the forums was brought up at the last Server meeting.
  22. The HUD does state this, but only with the first attach. Once you close that message floater, you will never see that disclaimer again.
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