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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Funny being that you are still seeing Pods today when the OP said they were turned off as of Friday. I am even standing on the road outside of my place for the past half hour and not seen one come by either way to confirm they are no longer running. Most of us have long ago left that culture where hallucinations were the highlight of our day.
  2. I think you have explained the problem more so. Most of us like and accept them and therefore the pods become part of the backround scenery whereas your seeming intense dislike draws your ire to each one seen, amplifying how frequently they are seen as your eyes search them out specifically. Love the pods and you will no longer be flooded by this negativity towards them.🍦
  3. I've usually seen that as just an acknowledgement of each others presence/reality without any need to take it any further. Same as it would be in R/L if two strangers caught each others eyes in some random public area. No need to get into some long conversation, just a friendly acknowledgement of each other and life moves on.
  4. Just to chime in, until this thread I had no idea that the pods were not owned and operated by the Lab themselves. I liked them so much that when I went premium, I specifically chose a parcel that has road frontage on one of the Pod routes. Seeing one of the pods go by even if empty is nice in an otherwise static view and is to my mind a forerunner of a R/L future public transportation system. They are great for taking a leisurely tour through areas I would not otherwise ever get to and a reminder that there is more to this world than clubs and fashion stores. Hoping that the exposure in this thread will be of benefit to the actual creator in being able to continue her contributions and compensate her in some way for the time and effort that has gone into adding to the enjoyment of S/L for others. Ps, the empty pods going by were the reason I started looking into what they were in the first place. In that sense they are the advertisement that these things are available and more then worth the small resource hit to the region.
  5. The point was that for a period of time these people did not wish to think of S/L as they had/have other priorities. Some people's do have a real life. I've known people who have left S/L for a period of time to focus on college or university, family, a new job and did not wish to have their time shared between that and S/L. S/L was if anything, too important and they therefore chose to put virtual aside for a period of time.
  6. 2-3 years is much too short. Imvu has tried doing that in past and then making people jump through hoops to get the accounts reinstated. Its a fast way of losing customers who were awol for several years pursuing other interests for a time.
  7. It would be a great idea if they were to send out e-mails to older accounts, letting them know of new features on the grid or even just wishing them a Happy Birthday since after all, it is usually much cheaper to resell a product or service to a past client than a new one.
  8. Just to clarify, Canada had half the mortality rate per 100,000 of population, (24 vs 52 per 100,000) not half the total deaths.
  9. I do use eat/blend oranges with the rind as I get canker sores without it. "Whole fruit" is best for me in that regard.
  10. I was kidding about the pizza anyway as I haven't had that in years but do eat quite a bit of fruit daily. I used to make the smoothies too and even have the slow juicer but as I don't have any horses had to eat the pulp myself besides needing the fiber. Ps. interesting tidbit on the watermelon rind.
  11. Idly calculates the cost of that cup of juice and figures the pizza is probably cheaper and will keep me full longer. 😄
  12. Personally I am not going to blame politicians for how this went down as far as quarantines, distancing lockdowns etc. Its not like they are trained when they become a leader of what to do in the event of a pandemic. The medical establishment however is the ones that really dropped the ball for this, flip flopping from one supposed solution to the next. Advising against face coverings in the beginning, swearing they were of no value and generally minimizing any precautionary measures other than hand washing until the virus was well established in the population.
  13. Early in the start of my journey I was given a piece of sage advice: accept what people say at face value and try not to read between the lines. It prevents me from making an ass-u-me. Most of what I used to think people meant was pretty wide of the mark, as majority were not nearly as negative and pessimistic as I was of people back then. People have a lot less control over those things then you give them credit for. Being frustrated, overwhelmed, panic attacks, emotional meltdowns etc are not something you can just will away. Some/many can bury them through the use of alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals and loads of various addictions and dysfunctions, but they still negatively impact the quality of life as well as the decisions one makes. Control is just a figment of the imagination There is a little prayer in the circles i travel that goes like this: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and most of all, the wisdom to know the difference. It is through the surrender and acceptance of a problem that one starts to have the peace/presence of mind to come to the best solution, whether that is to make changes or accept what cannot be changed. Personally I get reminded how little to no control I have of anything the Lab does in my Secondlife every time I go to one of their meetings. In fact there is almost a paradox at work in a lot of it in that the more I try to control something, the more it evades my grasp whereas when I accept something the way it is and let it go, the better the chance that I get exactly what I was hoping for.
  14. Sympathy has value in the acknowledgement of an others pain, even if one is helpless to do anything about it. It is part of what makes us a community and a hedge against of what can be the loneliness of the human condition. To deny it is to sink into bitterness and self-pity in that one does not feel anyone else can relate to what one may be going through. A lot of life is having to accept it for what it is. The ones who most hate that is Mr/Miss Fixits who have an overpowering need to fix everyone's problems and negativity. They either need to try and present a solution or nullify that others may have a peeve they don't feel good about. The reality is that you are not responsible for someone else's peeve and the Peeved don't need you to fix it unless they specifically ask. That tends to grind for Fix it types as they specialize in unsolicited advice and tips as they can't stand the idea that someone out there is not having a wonderful day. Recovery is to acknowledge someone is peeved and wish them well in their search for a solution or acceptance that it is what it is. Ps. This is from personal experience of being a Fix it type.
  15. It was mentioned at a meeting a few months ago that the Lab was looking into something similar to Opensim's Var regions, which is multiple 256x256 regions combined into one simulator instance. There would in effect be no borders between them. Perhaps they have them on the grid now.
  16. How hard would it be to add a link to the full item from the packing box or even as a clickable obstructor etc. Some need to remember that consumers like me are lazy. From that perspective it is too bad that when "buying" a demo or any other thing from the MP, it doesn't open a new tab to do it leaving the original page on the browser instead of having to go back 3-4 pages.
  17. Only noticing Marketplace is overloaded. Any other sites I been to today were fine.
  18. It's Patch Tuesday in case that has anything to do with it. ie Microsoft updates.
  19. The age old question being are they laughing with or at.
  20. Pretty sure this came up recently in the Open Development user group and the response was that it had been looked at and some changes made but not enough to make much of a difference. I just sort of got the idea they just didn't have a lot of interest in taking it any further beyond what is already in place. Even a suggestion to be automatically registered to an S/L viewer group like the FS viewer does, seemed to be too much bother. Maybe the best answer is that LL should simply put a download link to a TPV that has a better support structure then the one they have.
  21. When you have your avatar to where you are satisfied with the look, take a picture and keep it for future or better yet, keep a reference outfit and compare the changes in 6 months, a year, 5 years. I have some from when I joined and on occasion put on and shudder and quickly hide again
  22. We do evolve and grow on a personal level in r/l (hopefully) so it stands to reason that our avatars will too even aside from changes in fashion, emotional states etc.
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