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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. Firestorm does not have Area Search set on the Toolbar by default so I didn't know about it for quite some time but once I realized what it does, I've use it regularly. Saves a lot of hair pulling. A customer frustrated with not being able to find what what they originally came for, tends not to be a good impulse buyer.
  2. Though you are quite right, the other side of the coin is that hopefully such insensitive ones are ok with being kicked, griefed or spammed even though usually such are the first to be filing a peeve wherever there is someone who will listen to them. One should expect that the law of karma will give back what one puts out.
  3. Actually left of center according to one of those bias tests you like us to take but I guess not as far left as you, which seems to qualify me as being in that "nefarious" conservative group you don't accuse anyone of being in.
  4. What do you think a seller would lose by doing that? Probably lose a sale considering some only wear an outfit to one outing before it is trashed. Why bother buying it if a demo will last long enough for that. 10-15 minutes seems reasonable to me to allow enough to time to see if its possible to colour and style coordinate with other accessories. 5 minutes is nowhere near enough time and to my own chagrin, I don't have the patience to go through the process of having to grab another copy through the Marketplace.
  5. I believe it is "attempting to guide the group" where civility starts to go sideways. Consider we are all fully autonomous human beings with our own experiences, viewpoints and opinions. Those opinions may change when a rational argument is posted for others to consider but most will dig in their heels when they start to feel controlled through guilt and manipulation that they "should" have a particular viewpoint or they will be considered bad. This is especially true when the one trying to guide/control the group is not directly involved and is acting as a facilitator of a therapy group. Smacks of codependency.
  6. I suspect the forums would be much more civil if one had to post from inworld while within chatting distance of the one being disagreed with.😎
  7. /me counts the posts it will remain about nothing.....nature abhors a vacuum.
  8. I don't think so. These days those hubs are about the only place where people still chat in local as a lot of other places people congregate, it is all IM. If LL was to get rid of anything it should be private messaging or make it a premium perk so only premium members can do it. Might see a few more new people stay once they realize that S/L is an actual social world.
  9. The forums would get boring pretty fast if noone new ever stood up the plate for others to get their dose of being offended about. Kudos Bagnu!
  10. "Intimidating" was the exact word a couple friends used though my look is in no way Domme so I didn't want to use it here in case it gave the wrong impression. Same on the paler skin seeming to be a factor in approach-ability too as well as the western styled clothing. It isn't something I am overly concerned about but it is interesting and motivates me to experiment with different looks and outfits to see the response.
  11. Though not lacking in friends I have met over the years that are still active, I was a little curious why I was never approached when I was at clubs and venues while out on my own. Like you I spend quite a bit of time shopping, dressing and adjusting for the best possible looks with good bodies and heads. A few months ago I logged in with an old alt account that I had never updated to mesh and since I didn't want to spend a lot on it, I purchased a 300L$ KG complete mesh avatar with clothes and hair. It's a cute look but not the best of quality. I took it out to a couple clubs and to my surprise was almost immediately getting swamped with complimentary IM's and just friendly chats. It happened on more then a few occasions and just as a test, I would log out of the alt account and log back in with my regular account and would get nothing. I talked to a few friends about it asking why they thought there was such a difference and most put it down to that the cheap avatar just seemed more approachable because of its imperfections. Since then I have toned down a few of my main account's outfits and started to get a little more interaction.
  12. Assuming you are using Lumiya on Android, there is no option on it for abandoning parcels/homes. You would need to log in with a regular viewer on Windows, Mac or Linux machine to access those options.
  13. Self actualization is what I saw in each of the Black Americans that were anti BLM, in that they realized that BLM as well as many liberals are promoting an unhealthy dependency on the state and its leaders. They reject the idea that Blacks as a whole are subject to the systemic racism constantly being waved in their faces as they understand that believing so makes them a victim and inferior in an underhanded way. They collectively seem to reject that they need the coddling and condescending overtures put out by certain parties looking for their vote through white savior policies. Rather than it distancing them from the Black community, they become a much greater part of it, their lives setting an example for those who start to question the white lies fed to them since they were toddlers. They are the a-wokened ones, having not just recognized that there is discrimination but worked through it so it no longer affects their individual destinies, regardless of whether white people wake up and smell the coffee.
  14. This might have been true years ago but nowadays it really is no longer a valid assumption. 2 cases in point- Earlier this month, a good friend of mine who is a card carrying native went a bit ballistic on his landlord after watching too much BLM stuff. Landlord served him an eviction notice and my friend called the welfare agency, leaving a message about his eviction and need for help. In less than 24 hours he was in a conference call with the welfare worker, her supervisor, the agencies lawyer, a rep of the Indian affairs and a representative of the local township all trying to get him sorted with a place asap. He quickly received a cheque for some funds, offer from the lawyer to fight the eviction notice for free, an offer to be given a place on any of the local reservations, an increase of welfare funds because his wife had passed away a number of years back, etc. etc. All these government officials bending over backwards to get him sorted as quickly as possible. A white friend on the other hand, a few months before, was basically told "sucks to be you." Case 2. A few years ago when i was doing some contract work at a hospital, I was asked to supervise a small crew of workers from both the housekeeping and maintenance departments to prepare a new wing. Work got underway but after 15 minutes or so one of the Black housekeeping guys walked off the job. I waited a while for him to return and when he didn't, I tracked him down and asked what was up and that I needed him to return to help out. He refused and stated he would complain of racism if I made an issue of it. I went to the housekeeping supervisor and mentioned the problem and he just shook his head and said to leave it as they could not be bothered with the headache of dealing with a race card, legit or not, each time he didn't want to do a particular job. Us whities don't have a race card to pull out when something doesn't suit us. We lack that privilege.
  15. She was a he and had criminally damaged 5 police cameras. The police bullet proof vests were a dead giveaway they were police aside from the bike cops with plainly marked Police uniforms that arrived on the scene right away. Probably had his rights read in the car when safely inside which seems rational considering its the middle of a protest that could have turned riotous given the right trigger. I suspect you would have a tough time winning a case for any constitutional violations but hey, it sounds good.
  16. In a nutshell I would say it is a documentary meant to empower Black Americans (and other minorities) regardless of the opinions, prejudices or wokeness of white people.
  17. It's a free country on both sides of the border
  18. There is more prejudice between French and English speaking parts then between whites and blacks in Canada though not entirely non existant as I have it from different sources that there was quite a bit of animosity between bikers and blacks as well as normal racism in prisons.
  19. Not quite valid as BLM as an entity has spilled over into Canada as well as many other countries and the demands for reform pretty much the same everywhere. Those of us who are not American but throw our .02 cents in are every bit as much a part of this forum and thread as there was nowhere in the OP stating that it was only for Americans.
  20. I have a "bias test" methodology that I have used for quite a few years already, that showed me the prejudices I had and then worked through them to let them go. I continue maintaining with the same for anything new that comes up or was deeply buried. From that I have learned that it is a long process that only starts to make itself known as I am capable of healing from it. And therein is where I see one of the flies in your solution ointment. Recognizing a wrong behavior/attitude is only 50-75% of the solution. Stopping the manifestations of the behaviors and attitudes can take years of therapy for those inclined that way or months for those using a spiritual methodology as each layer is uncovered, recognized and dealt with. All of that is entirely dependent on the willingness that one maintains to keep doing that work. To change society as a whole would take generations and quite honestly, I think It has done so in spite of your (collective) unwillingness to admit it. We are nowhere near what it was like 50, 100, or 200+ years ago.
  21. Well with all due respect, you have lots of excuses for why things are the way they are but yet no solutions other than trying to lay the blame on others. Maybe you need to come to see that in the end, you are so close to the situation that you aren't able to see the forest for the trees.
  22. Many of the "Uncle Tom's" out there all point to the same reason for the high percentage of poverty. 73% single parent families! In this day and age, it is next to impossible to be above the poverty line on one single income with several or more children whether white or black. So perhaps before they teach sex education, it should be taught how poverty will be the curse if one starts having sex and children before having a committed partner? Does that sound rational?
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