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Arielle Popstar

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Everything posted by Arielle Popstar

  1. There are grief support groups out there that can be very helpful and non-threatening for newly bereaved people. Perhaps suggesting such an avenue to her might be of help. Once she tones down on that and seeing the benefits, she might be open to going further.
  2. Maybe the wage appears low because they subtract room and board after the tax deductions.
  3. Perhaps it is different in the USA but in Canada they have made court ordered rehabs illegal. They can be offered as part of the sentence but I believe the prisoner has the right to refuse.
  4. In countries where the right to bear arms is not a constitutional right, I would agree with you but the more I hear and read of the prevalence of guns in the hands of regular US citizens, I simply cannot in good conciounce agree with that. You don't bring a billy club to a gun fight! OK, you didn't watch the full video then. They pulled George out of the front seat of his vehicle which is where he parked to go and pass out counterfeit money. It would therefore be likely that he drove there while under the influence as the store clerk reported he was acting strange. It may also be that his medical conditions were a part of the issue as the autopsy mentioned his arteries were 90% clogged and he had an enlarged heart to boot. At 90% one is well within the heart attack range, especially considering he was in the process of committing a felony while under the influence of specific drugs which are known to potentially cause a racing heart condition. In fact if you watch the video carefully, you will note that he actually collapsed at the point he went to the ground. He wasn't pushed. The cop may not have realized that as after all, they aren't trained to be medical personnel. It doesn't excuse the cop but it is worthwhile to understand the background in the right light. Another thing you might not realize if you haven't had the experience is that some the drugs that were in his system can make one explosively powerful if the adrenaline gets triggered. I understand the cops wariness of George as George was a big man who as a former inmate and bouncer must have been a dangerous opponent under the right circumstances. Just because George appeared meek and surrendered doesn't mean he couldn't have turned the tables very quickly.
  5. Couple points. Whether one uses God, the universe, Bhudda or even the Higher Self, it has been proven work as it is the 12 actions or steps that is the process leading to someone losing the obsession to drink or drug. The "Higher Power" is in effect a pathway to the unconscious mind which makes recovery a lot easier then the white knuckled sort of sobriety that results for some of those doing it on their own. YMMV. In any case, if you found something that works for you, great! Personally I love the ability to attend what is in effect a long term after care with people who understand me because they are on the same path. Court ordered rehabilitation programs I would say actually make the typical alcoholic/addict worse because it is just another grudge to hold onto. Besides, some of the jails and penitentiaries have even better drugs then what is out on the street. Some institutionalized prisoners actually commit crimes to be able to go back in for that exact reason.
  6. Here is some statistics you might want to consider.....or not: https://www.drugfreeworld.org/course/lesson/the-truth-about-prescription-drugs/abuse-international-statistics.html And rehab is only effective for those who really want it. Very small percentage of the ones who go through some government sponsored rehab, will actually last much more then several years before they go back to their drug of choice. This is especially true for prescription based drugs because well after all the Doctor said it was ok!
  7. I ran across this article the other day that questions your assertion by the statistics: https://altoday.com/archives/34952-gaslighting-a-favorite-weapon-of-the-blm-movement-and-the-ways-theyre-using-it
  8. Been there, done that. There was a time when my own unresolved angers, grudges and hostilities came to a head and because I dealt with mine through the application of lots of alcohol and drugs, finally dragged myself to a 12 step program to deal with that. It was there I learned that my particular addictions were just symptoms of my negative emotions and dysfunctions. With the help and support of the groups I attended, I worked through the 12 step process and freed myself from years of negativity very quickly. I still maintain by continuing to go to those sort of groups because they can creep back in if I'm not careful and I find being with others on the same path, helps me to be honest with myself. Hope you find the path that works for you and take heart that you have at least taken the first couple steps in acknowledging a problem and looking for a solution.
  9. There already is an android viewer that's been working for S/L since 2013, but since the developer is no longer around, LL should be picking up the reins and putting one out that is at least comparable. Not sure were you are getting this idea from that it in itself would need content dumbed down but having said that, there certainly is work being done to try to make things run more efficiently for all the old window machines that hook into Secondlife. No offence but it isn't about what you need for you as you are already sold on S/L. The question is what is needed to draw in a more new users. For Secondlife, the android device market is a large untapped source of potential new users. If LL started to promote that it had a graphic android viewer available, I would bet there would be quite a flood of new users and if they kept that viewer at about the same level of difficulty as Lumiya was, then the learning curve would be substantially lessened. Consider too that when Lumiya was on the Google Play store it was downloaded over a half million times at $3 a pop. That certainly says something about the popularity of an android viewer, especially in light of the fact it was only advertised as an option in the third party viewer list instead of S/L's own download page.
  10. Use a regular viewer then if you need to build. Changing clothes was doable in Lumiya so not a problem that way. Point is S/L is not pulling in enough new users nor retaining the new ones they do get. Stats. Considering android phones and tablets have a larger market share than Windows, doesn't it make sense to you that a viewer usable on those devices might help bolster the S/L user base?
  11. One show not on that list but should be is the new Dr Who. Not because the Doctor is female but because it just comes across as condescending and patronizing. The falling fan base attests to its getting broke. https://cosmicbook.news/doctor-who-ratings-drop-loses-million-fans
  12. Couldn't the sit pose be overided with a custom one specifically for the avatar height used? Qavimator would be able to do that.
  13. S/L is/was capable of running on "inferior devices" like android phones and tablets through a 3rd party viewer called Lumiya. Though it is no longer maintained it did prove that Secondlife can be run quite well on those devices and still look quite good at a limited draw distance. Myself I am hoping the new investors might be agreeable to LL putting more emphasis on viewers for mobile devices and even web browsers like IMVU has done, thereby opening up the gates to a lot bigger market. As you mentioned elsewhere, the inworld build tools are not used nearly as much anymore so they wouldn't be needed in such a viewer while still allowing people to access Secondlife without requiring the latest and greatest in hardware. Try this address http://opensimulator.org
  14. The signs of this were showing for a little while already, to the point I asked/commented in a meeting whether something was up a month ago.
  15. Impressive that it took them only 3 months to come up with the start of their mobile app.
  16. I didn't say the complaining of the Blacks was an effort to usher in a socialist state (though considering BLM's stated objectives that could be argued) but wondered if it was yours. Yes, I'm sure there is still predjudice against Blacks, just as there is against whites, asians and aboriginals, as there is against skinny people, fat ones. short and tall ones. The list of potential discriminations are as varied as there are people on the face of the Earth. As far as the Youtube videos I come across, I don't have to dig for them. Seem to be quite a few out there, even more then one's focused on the racism. What they point out is that perhaps there is more then one solution to racism. And honestly, I think it is too important of an issue to drag it down with petty politics.
  17. At around 2:57 she mentions that maybe white sjw's have this white guilt because they really do feel a sense of superiority but basing it on an illusory privilege.
  18. You assume a lot, so much for an open mind. No wonder you can only see what you have already decided to see. I question whether the experience of the poor black is much different from the poor white. Is the experience of the middle class black much different from the middle class white? I haven't seen much difference and have lived in both those economic states. I have also had a wild youth which though I thankfully survived, also showed me that my "whiteness" didn't mean squat when it came to not being beat up by police in a late night empty subway car by 4 policemen, given the maximum sentence every time I faced a judge, overdoses, DUI's, profiling etc. Makes me wonder if these white people who think their color has given them some sort of privilege are just nice people who had a reasonable upbringing, in a nice neighborhood, did their schoolwork and went to college and started their careers without any major run in's with drinking, drugging or other dysfunction and now comparing their "normal" lives with the often dramatized stories of the underprivileged. Start doing those sorts of things and you will quickly realize that there is no magical white get out of jail free card unless you have a good lawyer and even then it will only go so far. It is interesting that when I post links to talks by black people who don't see the racism you claim, they are Uncle Tom's or black conservatives. Ever considered that maybe they just had a fairly functional life that didn't put them in harm's way like white "privileged" people? The privilege comes from living a functional life that doesn't put you in harms way and that comes down to making wise choices. Not the color of your skin.
  19. I have seriously been wondering whether your main concern here is the actual discrimination of Blacks and other minorities or whether this whole thing is just a convenient piggyback ride to political upheaval and the ushering in of a more socialist state?
  20. Some of like to check out both sides of the controversy, not the just the Luna one.
  21. You perhaps misunderstand. The word "woke" is from the black community referring to their own view of the paradigm, not what the rest of the population may or may not think.
  22. She defined it well enough for where I am at but at the same time she pointed out that those with white guilt and yet still feel superior, may have a harder time with being able to recognize that they really are not privileged.
  23. The way I understand her, she is pointing out how not to walk into the gas chambers voluntarily by taking on a victim mentality. She along with some others I have posted already, are better examples of what it is to be "woke" as originally defined: "Stay woke became a watch word in parts of the black community for those who were self-aware, questioning the dominant paradigm and striving for something better", the dominant paradigm being that which the masses of people you refer to as holding on to.
  24. After listening to this gentleman, one the recommended videos to play next was this woman who I think gives some good rebuttals to his talk. (for those so inclined, some of the comments below it are insightful too)
  25. Your encounter rang a bell for me as a couple years ago my partner and I found a big afro hair while out shopping. We both grabbed a copy in case it would ever be useful for any themed event and it was less than a month later that at an inworld dance we were attending, the DJ played a set of 70's style funk that we were really getting into, being both old enough to remember when those tracks were hits on the radio. I messaged my girlfriend that this was a perfect opportunity to wear the afro's we had picked up, both to be in theme and as a tribute to the DJ for the great tunes being played. Certainly no intent as any sort of put down of either. The hair and event I am talking about was actually in Osgrid , not Secondlife but on the off chance that this happened to you there also, I will just say that I am sorry you were offended and that in our case at least, causing any hurt with our outfit selection was the furthest thing intended.
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