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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. It is all a matter of take it or leave it in the end. If you are not satisfied you take your business elsewhere. That is the normal procedure everywhere. Supermarket A gets to expensive? I try supermarket B. The quality of the jeans at store C is not as good as in store D? I go to store D. Only thing is, where is elsewhere when it comes to SL? And another fact of life is: There is no such thing as a free lunch. LL has to pay the bills and make a profit. It is a business. Not a charity organization.
  2. I still remember 14 years ago, I was a noob only a few days old, there was a place that catapulted you into the sky and then you came down with a parachute. Only I forgot to get the parachute. That felt as a real sensation, I was totally worried that my avatar would splash in thousand peaces at landing. So yeah, parachute diving is an option too to enjoy SL.
  3. Pictures on the marketplace are ads. No professional advertiser will skip the enhancements of photos used in their ads. So full time merchants, who want to live RL (partly) from their SL income, will try to do the same. Most important are the demo's available or the possibility to check inworld for certain goods, like avatar parts (skins, clothing etc), furniture (especially the ones with animations) and houses. If there is no possibility to check those items upfront it is simple: no sale.
  4. I always keep an eye on the 60L$ weekend website, but hunts ..... basically wasting time. So I do that very seldom.
  5. For both then and than we only have one word in Dutch: dan. That makes it a bit complicated. But I do my best and Google is my friend when in doubt.
  6. SL can cause heat problems in laptops and in extremes can eat the video card over the years. I would consider a stand for the laptop with an extra fan underneath it.
  7. The simple fact that monarchs have private conversations with the PM on a regular basis gives them already more influence than every Joe or Joyce Avarage in the country.
  8. Send me all your irrelevant money please. I don't mind taking care of it. If it is irrelevant, why are all royal families so keen on the Euro (and the pound sterling in case of the UK)? They even let their face to be pressed on the coins. So everybody knows where they really belong.
  9. I think it all depends on how far we get the covid-19 virus under control in the next couple of months. There are a lot of uncertainties yet: Will herd immunity kick in, how long will the current vaccines protect, how will the covid-19 virus mutate (for the better or the worse)? Depending on the answers we might have to formulate rules for a new normal.... or not. Best is IMHO to do what you can to protect yourself (and no, a non medical mask or a face shield is not as safe as 6 feet distancing), wash your hands over and over, and lets wait and see what comes up in the next six months or so.
  10. My niece 45, no medical history, so theoretically at low risk. She works in the funeral business so a lot of people around her, no possibility to work from home. Son 19 and daughter 17 work both as starting nurses in care centers. Husband works from home, no significant medical dossier either. So a low risk family to get severely ill. They manage to work and stay clean from the corona virus for more than a year. Careful people. And now all of a sudden: My niece in the hospital last week with breathing problems, got extra oxygen in medium care, husband is lying next to her also extra oxygen also breathing problems. The two kids at home, exhausted and milder breathing problems. All four infected and seriously ill. The doctors in hospital already announced that my niece and her husband will need months to fully recover from it. My niece came home yesterday, is totally exhausted if she comes out of bed, goes to the bathroom and back. So please don't even try to believe that bulls**t about lower risk. The virus can take anybody down. At random.
  11. They certainly do good jobs. Our king as well. We are lucky 4 times in a row now. And the next generation will do fine too in the NL. She seems to be a smart girl. Our 3 first kings were disastrous though. Especially Willem II and Willem III. And that is the risk of monarchies, it is not about capacities, but to be born in the right cradle. No skills whatsoever required. Even the simplest of jobs need qualifications these days, but not the one of head of state in the UK and the other European kingdoms. That does not feel right IMHO.
  12. Of course they are different, thank the force for that. 🤪 The Republic Of The Seven Provinces (big part of the current Netherlands) was the first republic in the western world. Napoleon Bonaparte made The Netherlands a kingdom again, with his brother as king on the throne. Our current king is only the seventh ruler in succession from the house of Oranje Nassau. And we did not make the historical mistake to keep the king/queen head of state of our former colonies (or better the former colonies were smart enough not to chose such a construction). But no matter what, the British royals are as undemocratic and obsolete as in all the other monarchies in Europe IMHO.
  13. It is not only the amount of LI (prims), but the kind of textures (seize and number), the number of active scripts, the way the passengers are dressed and use resources. It is the total package.
  14. Look at Germany. A ceremonial president. Works just fine. The royal charade in the Netherlands (I don't know about other kingdoms) is extremely expensive. The king gets a personal salary higher than the president of the USA, his wife gets one, his eldest daughter the moment she turns 18 this year. The 3 palaces they use are maintained by the state, they live there for free. They pay no taxes, while the family is filthy rich, like most monarchs who still reign. If we had a president it would be much more democratic and a lot cheaper. For the rest very little would change. We are a parliamentarian democracy and the role of the head of state is almost completely ceremonial. But a lot of people still love the pictures straight out of a fairytale on occasion of the opening of the parliamentarian year in September with the tour in the golden carriage. Very photogenic. Just like kings day when they try to act normal among their nationals. So they are in good nick for at least another generation. The taxpayer pays.
  15. We have a royal charade in the Netherlands as well. This stuff belongs in the fairytales from the Grimm brothers or Hans Christian Andersen not in 21st centuries modern democracies.
  16. My prediction for SL in 2021? It will be around. No spectacular new features or improvements. SL is aging, and it starts to show. Look at the paint on the brand new themes in Bellisseria.
  17. This is the one we will gonna win with for the second time in a row:
  18. Maybe it helps with the sim crossings, that I'm still have a classic avatar with only basic mesh clothing (shoes, shirt, pants). No hair, no jewellery. Only extravaganza are my glasses.
  19. I'm 1.91m in RL and that feels as tall. I can easily look over the crowds most of the time when walking in a city. I'm 1.91m in SL and that feels as medium\small. There are giants everywhere.
  20. Region crossing is much better for sure since months already in the LL browser. I can ride my boat very comfy on the waters of Bellisseria and on foot it is almost not noticeable when I cross a sim.
  21. I want my kudos back. The swift loading only seems to work when you log out from Bellesseria and then later log in again. This morning I logged in on my private land parcel and later teleported to my home in Drinkwater (in Bellisseria): The usual grey world to start with....... slowly popping up as ever. Good thing is, I read more of my newspaper this way.
  22. I was just generally speaking. Not about your club specific. Why should I, I don't know the place at all. And VIP stands for Very Important Person. Nothing else. Meaning "drama ahead" way to often in my GENERAL SL experience if people badge themselves with such titles. GENERALLY speaking. And see, were cheesy remarks can lead to.
  23. To be honest, whenever I see VIP in a groups tag, I read: possible drama ahead. And this cheesy one can be passed on to Rowan's BDSM greeter: "Welcome, Rowan Amore!! Owww, I love that lady, even when she hits me with her hand bag."
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