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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. Stop that 'poor Lindens' act. LL is a professional company, with professional staff after all these years, not a startup with 5 employees and 3 computers in moms garage.
  2. A run of 18 years, based on the same ideas created or better stumbled upon 18 years ago. Software that holds so long normally has overhauled the concepts every 4 to 5 years completely. Sims, sims2 etc. Every time based on what is technical possible at that moment. LL never wanted to make that effort. SL is still bound to things that were possible and defined 18 years ago. They went for backwards compatibility. There should be a Second Life 5 by now or at least in beta release. What do we have? Second Life The Original, with parts still looking as if in beta. Let's say I invite someone into SL. He/she makes the effort to sign in, and I guide them to my Bellisserian home. What will happen on their screens? Grey, tons of grey. Not for seconds but for minutes. And then the textures keep adjusting and adjusting with no end. Really inviting to stay or start for yourself right? Okay that's my house, on to my boat. Nice. All aboard let's go. 100 meters into it: bump, bump, bump. A few meters further, rinse and repeat. Bump, bump, bump. Two minutes later: rinse and repeat again, with as special feature that the boat is gone and we are all standing on the bottom of the sea. Hey guys, how are you liking it so far? An adequate avatar only sets you back about 40 USD. That shiny house of mine only 10 USD a month. Do we meet again next week at your SL place? Yeah right.
  3. If they ain't discriminating men at LL there should be a few for fathers day any time soon now.
  4. You can sell passes for your land. It hasn't been a big hit as far as I know, but I don't come around much in SL to explore or listen to music the last years.
  5. I ain't gonna run ads for them. I do my job, the Lindens theirs. And if it all ends, 18 years is a real good run for a game. But personally I think the duct tape will hold the things together for a few more years.
  6. You might feel a bit uncomfortable or offended about my post above, but that is exactly what happens as well, when someone things he/she has to show off their spelling and grammar knowledge at expense of your own post.
  7. It should be totally not done, to criticize someone in public about their grammar and spelling. You only signal: "Look at me, I'm better then you, I'm such a miracle, I know the rules", by doing so. Well **** that.
  8. You apparently have no clue how much more effort it takes to write in a language other than your native tongue. Nobody is special because he/she knows the spelling and grammar of their own language. People who take the time to communicate with you in a for them foreign language, should get respect for the effort, how crappy the result may be, and no shame and blame because of the not totally perfect translations. In fact everybody should get that respect even native speakers. This is an international forum, not an English class.
  9. I don't think it will enhance the atmosphere in a bar or club, when two people TP in and it then shows that one of them is blocked to hear the music. I doubt they will ask friends to join the party.
  10. How to ruin a happy ape's life in the name of science. ☹️
  11. Who cares if Bellisseria is mainland or not? And who decides in the end if that is the case or not, customers or the company? It has other rules, different pricing, no land sales. I can't buy as much as I want or do with it whatever I like. So is it really mainland? Doubtful. Anyway, IMHO Belliseria is nicer and more of a community than the traditional mainland, less eyesores, no partly ridiculous land prices. And that is what counts for me.
  12. But, does it mean one can simply ignore the copyrights? The internet licensing, especially for international streaming of music like the case in SL, still isn't up to par yet. That makes it very difficult if not impossible to DJ legally correct in SL. I still haven't found one that has a worldwide coverage for small potatoes streaming like in SL.
  13. [rant] I thought that the Grammar Police and The Spelling Mob left the Internet somewhere in the 90ties. It seems, that some people with their precious love for English spelling and grammar have difficulties to get their minds wrapped around the fact that the Internet is used by people of all kinds of cultures, nationalities and education levels. Standard English (not that it really exists other than in schoolbooks, literature and in lingual troubled minds) is not the first language for most people on this planet. People try to communicate here. They don't try to win the Nobel price for literature. [/rant] Sorry Adec, I can't help you with an answer about the music you are looking for.
  14. I only got a card with the dates off vaccination, my personal data and two tiny stickers with the batch numbers of the vaccine on it. O, and a cup of coffee in the waiting room afterwards. We have to wait 15 minutes after the jab to make sure there is no acute allergic reaction.
  15. The equipment they use for the vaccination in Germany and NL is huge, I have been told and witnessed. There was that guy where the needle came out at the other end of the arm......... 😂
  16. Yes, I feel more confident too after the second jab, but I'm still very careful. Yesterday I was for the first time since February last year in a supermarket during peek hours. I didn't feel comfy at all to be honest. So next visits will be around closing hours or early morning again I guess. The party isn't over yet.
  17. The secret magic word if you want to travel fast in SL is............teleport.
  18. According to the info Rowan provided Sl is about 3.500 km2, So yeah, still almost as big as Rhode Island. RI = 4005 km2 (water and land) land only is 2700 km2
  19. Is life really that great, to want to live forever? So far life has been a meaningful experience for me, but forever is awfully long. I wouldn't volunteer for such feature.
  20. Silence is golden. Unless you have kids. Then silence is suspicious.
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