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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. Each his/her own opinions, but I think that Bellisseria is the best project LL ever did so far. Would I have done some things differently if it were my project, of course I would. But is it a failure because it is not 100% like I would have done it? No of course not. It is not even 80% the way I would have done this project when at the wheel, but I still like the Bellisseria project a lot.
  2. People are herd animals just like chimps and other apes and monkeys. Like it or not.
  3. Sure, whatever you say. All people who studied medicine like doctors or virologists are fooling us all. Right. Thanks for enlightening us. 😂
  4. I guess it all depends on how you perceive things in SL. To me my RL home and my home in SL are two totally different things. My RL apartment is very real and I would totally freak out if I found someone was/is there when coming home. My SL home? I like having one, but it is in the end just smoke, duct tape and mirrors on a computer to me. So I could not care less if someone is or was there. My avatar never feels like me either. Sid is the puppet and I'm the puppeteer. SL is in my computer and I'm at home in RL drinking my coffee. So I guess mileages vary a lot in SL.
  5. It is still there for me. The starting point of the mp4 on the webside is the big blue eye. The person behind the laptop is only seen after the first loop is finished. I'm on Firefox. I pretty much use it as it comes out of the box, with only a few add-ons that have nothing to do with displaying websites.
  6. I trust the AZ jab as much as I would the Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen (J&J) ones. Here in NL we have no choise. Different groups get different jabs, depending on what is considered best for that particularly group and availability. Best part: The infection numbers are dropping fast since more than a week now. The province were I live was in the group with the highest rates in Europe for weeks. The two nearby hospitals even had to stop accepting new patients for a few days. That was more scary to me, than the possible side effects of a vaccination.
  7. RL people dreaming another world perhaps? Hence the mix of dressed up people and SL avatars in the clip? (Isn't that where SL is all about? Your world, Your imagination and such.)
  8. If you only have an Atari game console it is even worse. 😱 And now I'm tiptoeing out of this thread, because I feel a lot of the usual LL bashing ahead. The light blue should have been light purple, the a**es fatter, the eyes further apart, the lips bigger. the moon brighter, no ...... bodies in it, there was no ferret on display,,,,,,,,,, and and and.
  9. If you are fat in RL you don't feel represented either. Duh....... In The Netherlands we have a saying that if you want to beat a dog it is always easy to find a stick. It looks professional, well made and inviting. It shows that you can dream your world once inside. A good first impression IMHO. And that's why it is made I guess.
  10. https://storage.googleapis.com/sl_mktg/hero-video.mp4 That is in place for the blue lady picture for me. I hope the link works. It is shown bigger and integrated with some text on the website page. And it is played in loop modus.
  11. I get a second AZ tomorrow. So thankfully I don't have to sort that problem out.
  12. I just tried, it is still there for me. But you have to be logged out.
  13. We are not talking about the forum pages, but the new homepage of secondlife.com. You have to log out before you see it.
  14. I agree, a very nice home page indeed.
  15. Seems the forum is back to normal again. I did not need the refresh button any longer.
  16. Nothing....... as long as it are the right socks. 🤪
  17. Some people love to ride their principles in SL. About the mesh body to use, where to buy your shoes, mainland versus private land, republican versus democrats, you name it. I would never discuss changing my name or socks in groups or on forums. I would just do it.
  18. @Silent MistwalkerWhat I noticed in this thread (and elsewhere) that it is generally accepted and okay to dwell with Firestorm, but ZOMG if you hold something against that. The official viewer isn't bad at all and because there is money involved IMHO safer to use than whatever third party software, not even produced by a company that can be held responsible when there should be a miss conduct. Honestly I have nothing more to tell about it. Some people think that their key under the doormat or that planter next to the door is a save solution as well when they leave the house. It has been safe for years already. Still their choice not mine.
  19. C'mon, lets discuss the IMHO totally not needed orbs again. That was the purpose of this thread.
  20. People acting if the LL viewer is inferior. That is what's bugging me most of the time. It is a great stable frequently updated viewer. My distrust of third party software is not limited to the SL viewers. It is a general distrust. I would not do my RL banking with third party software either.
  21. I told my reasons. I'm no fan of using third party software because there is money involved in SL. There is no need to further try to convince each other. It is no religion. 😆
  22. For me it is all about my username, password and financial standing in SL going through third party software is a big no for me. I had a reasonable flourishing business in the past in SL. Even if they would have golden buttons and pizza's with pineapple for their users, I would not take the risk.
  23. I don't know what gth is, nor DD32. Obviously I've lived my SL for 14 years without missing them, because I'm exclusively online with the LL browser. So how important can it be? Added: Yes I googled both now and they are both no reason for me to even think of changing viewer.
  24. You mean two puppets pretending to have sex? Wow, how exciting can it get. I think it has only emotional value for the two puppets involved. Peeping Toms can better go to other places on the Internet. The lousiest pron movie on the Internet beats that puppet sex with a factor of 10 to watch.
  25. I've been around in Bellisseria for quite some time now, building on a bunch of different parcels (because of my business) on different sims. Online daily. Never ever saw someone on or near my parcel except an occasional neighbor minding his/her own business. My personal conclusion: the orbs are mainly a solution for a hardly existing problem.
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