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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. My 0.02 L$ on this: Here in the NL the music industry is even after barber shops and dentist waiting rooms where they play music to entertain/relax waiting customers. That counts as public performance even if you have just a radio station on. When you buy music it is for private use. Public space and streaming is always public performance, even if it is for less than 25 people. It is one of the main reasons I don't DJ in SL. I loved doing it in RL when I was a teen and a young adult. I never had to bother about royalties. That was covered by the venues. But in SL the DJ is the one that is streaming, so responsible for that stream and I guess in the end responsible for the royalties.
  2. 1 open the bag of salted cashew nuts. 2 start eating.
  3. Did you guys ever noticed that birds don't use airplanes? You know why? They can fly themselves. In SL we can fly too. Page Up > spread your arms > there you go. Relatively smooth sim crossing 99% of the time. With vehicles SL has its sim crossing issues. No exceptions for airborne objects. These issues will probably not been solved before SL comes out of the beta stages. 😂
  4. There thousands of other possibilities to open a website. But this is theirs. Nothing more to it IMHO. I like the video. Would I have made the same one? Probably not, but it is still a nice video. / me with a deep dark ringmaster voice: Dreaming about another world, my world, your word, our world. Second Life. Come on in, and have a go.
  5. I use my dashboard page as landing point on the website. The home page is more for first time visitors IMHO. And I always stay logged in. Is it maybe your cookie settings in the web browser or an add-on that logs you out?
  6. You are right about the last part. I never thought about thw possibility that the item could only sell inworld.
  7. Point is, I have tried several times to build a Sid Nagy with mesh demo's that would be acceptable for me. Never worked. I'm probably to stupid to handle those hud's and incrowd technical terms or I'm not interested enough or both. Last efforts are all in the bin again. So... The Nagy is still a classic and as it looks right now will be for a long time to come.
  8. @Chris Nova Still. I really really really don't want to mingle with those narrow minded people. They may do whatever they want with their land, sure. I may do whatever I want with my SL. And if these two things don't match.... kudos for them. Nice not knowing them any further than. The town is big enough for the both of us. Thousands of other sims to hang out in.
  9. Those are exactly the sims where I really really really don't want to be then. What an immature people there then. I left high school more than 45 years ago.
  10. Polishing things a bit is pretty normal when advertising.
  11. You won't sell Second life with showing ban lines and desolate main land pictures on the landing page ....
  12. The difference: My money is not involved when I browse the webpages that I do. With my SL viewer my money is involved. And I'm no 14 year old clicking on every link that is presented to me. I've been around on the web since the acoustic modems where a novelty. So I guess, I know what works for me and what not. And when I use security add-ons then I have to accept that some content will not show. Just like I have to accept that I don't have certain options\features when not using a TPV in SL.
  13. Why? Because you say so? I still have an standard avatar body. Do you have orders\demands for that too?
  14. I don't know if it is technical doable but a mechanism like "Merchant not online inworld for a year (2 years?)? > Merchandise offline". That would help a lot to de-clutter the MP without bothering active merchants IMHO. Or: "An item not sold for 2 years? > offline it goes" If the merchants thinks it is worth keeping online, he/she could activate the listing again for 2 more years. If he/she could not be bothered, than it tells a lot about the merchants faith in the automatically unlisted product.
  15. Must be a very windy place. Hair moves while the model is standing still.....
  16. In fact it is so simple: Dress the way you like, wear whatever you desire. Who cares what others say, wear or think you should wear. I hope we all left high school thinking and sorrows behind us by now.
  17. My RL hair does it too. Every single one of them (that is still left).
  18. IMHO if a chunk of people find it necessary to cripple content in a browser with add-ons for whatever reason, you don't want to beat that as web developer I guess. It is those peoples choice to do so. They miss out, but still see a decent website without the video running.
  19. I had my second jab this afternoon, so the WiFi transmitter software should be activated by now. But, damn, I still have to use my keyboard to get this message in this thread. If that's still the case tomorrow, I want my money back! Oow wait, vaccinations are free here. ☹️
  20. Each his/her own opinions, but I think that Bellisseria is the best project LL ever did so far. Would I have done some things differently if it were my project, of course I would. But is it a failure because it is not 100% like I would have done it? No of course not. It is not even 80% the way I would have done this project when at the wheel, but I still like the Bellisseria project a lot.
  21. People are herd animals just like chimps and other apes and monkeys. Like it or not.
  22. Sure, whatever you say. All people who studied medicine like doctors or virologists are fooling us all. Right. Thanks for enlightening us. 😂
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