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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. When you buy/lease land you have to pay a maintenance fee every month/week to either Linden Lab (when your land is on mainland) or the estate owner when your land is on a private region. That is called paying tier. So buying/leasing land is the start of having to make regular payments for its use: Tier. About shraw, I'm 14 years in SL and I never heard of it until you mentioned it. So I guess, I need to learn something new too. Could it be a slang word?
  2. Maybe the Tilia fees had to be raised because Tilia is operating independent from SL now and has to show its own positive numbers in the books.
  3. First pull the sliders far to the left and then play with the tool, so it doesn't work agressively. Once you have the hang of it, it isn't that difficult, but as with almost everything you need practice. So it is no 5 minute job, certainly not when inexperienced. Top advisers: Pjotr Arsenjevitsj Smirnoff and Jack Daniels.
  4. LL can listen and listen, but whatever they do, they will please some and disappoint others at the same time. My pet peeves and wish list is differently than the ones from all the thousands of other customers and visa versa. There will always people cheer and others will whine, whatever LL decides to do. And don't believe too much of marketing blahblahblah in general. There are even people praying to a wall at a certain place in the world, because some said it helps. And they think it helps. I don't. A business adviser costs € 100 and upwards an hour + VAT.
  5. It is a take it or leave it situation IMHO. Nobody forces you to buy L$, change your name, pay upload fees, lease land from LL or the barons etc. etc. SL is a take it or leave it game. LL and only LL decides how they run their show (within the lines drawn by the US Laws of course). Do I like the fee changes? Nope. Do I understand why they do it? Yup. Generaly people are in business to make a decent profit out of it. Do I accept them and shell out the extra Euros? Yes, so far I do, because I can justify it to myself. Is that a guaranty that I will accept changes in the future? Nope. That depends on how much I still want/need/desire SL then. Would I do it differently when at the wheel? Yes,yes,yes. But it is not my circus and not my show.
  6. LL is still offering the classic homes, so they have always homes available for new premiums. When premium you have the right to get a Linden home. Not a Bellisseria one. So as long as there is more demand than supply of Bellisseria homes, the classic ones stay available I guess.
  7. I know a professionally on stage used routine, that flirts with telepathy. Very nice to get a dull party to the next level. Always works, no preparation needed. Just one person who knows the routine too. And it really looks like something magical is happening right in front of your eyes. But it sadly it is only make believe with a pinch of black magic (being the abracadabra of the performer). Like all the other telepathy bogus. David Copperfield can't really fly or let the Statue of Liberty disappear either. Welcome to the land of make belief.
  8. On the good old XstreetSL forums Sami (the banhammer man) would have stepped in by now and would have posted: "This thread has outlived its usefulness."
  9. The rest of SL stays as beautiful or crappy as it is for now I guess. The Bellisseria project is not finished yet.
  10. Last time I checked there was no law that people who develop something for MS Windows have to do the same for Linux and every other thinkable OS.
  11. Is it full moon or something? What an ugly thread... about totally nothing.
  12. If mankind should eat food out of the water, why don't we have gills?
  13. I would not hold my breath until they will lower the fees again. Prices normally go up. Seldom down in the long term. And inflation is starting to become an issue now the economy is recovering after the corona crisis and the national banks keeping interest rates (to) low.
  14. We have the same one in Dutch too, but only the short version: "Hij heeft het buskruit niet uitgevonden."
  15. How is it possible that such an experienced group of forum users lets itself been trolled for 15 pages already?
  16. Yes I have a bit of general RL information, like what languages I can use in chat, what I did for a living, In what timezone I live, an indication of my age. But nothing really specific.
  17. As long as they don't have another cash cow in their barn and SL pays their bills, we're good. Can be a few years, can be half a decade, maybe even longer. But one doesn't need magical skills to see that SL has used most of its lifespan, if there ain't gonna be spectacular upgrades and improvements on several fronts.
  18. /me tiptoes in and reads. Eh???? Now I all of a sudden desire some fruit cake. /me tiptoes out to another thread.
  19. Spiders ain't insects. So you can eat insects without fearing to eat a spider.
  20. For me there are only 2 really important data about SL: 1. How much did I get out of MP sales recently? 2. How much can I spend from that on useless but nice stuff like decorations and clothing or do I have to fork up Euros to do so? I don't need a special website for either of them. Only the MP.
  21. Abhauen is a German verb. It has more than one meaning: 1. cut off einen Ast abhauen to cut of a branch 2. to spitt Er ist von zu Hause abgehauen he ran away from home 3. clear off The way Rolig is using it. Sie sagte zu Ihm er soll abhauen She said to him to clear off. And yes, Hau aaf from the south of the NL is definitely related.
  22. I have hopped around on Bellisseria a lot, because of my building activities and always had the type of home that I wanted within a day. I never used an auto-refresher. Try to avoid American prime time, then the houses go really quickly. The houses are not always on a desired location, but for my building purposes always okay.
  23. Before the LL MP opened there was mall after mall in SL and business district after business district for main stores. In a relative short period a lot of those disappeared after the MP opened. That can't be just a coincidence IMHO. There is a correlation between those two events.
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