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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. You are describing communism. Communists always tried to hide their status behind the word socialism. But they were no socialists at all.
  2. You can be in SL for free or for little money. It is all up to each and everyone personally how expensive or cheap SL is. If I can't justify the money for something I will not do it. If others put in more money than me it is their choice. I have a SL budget and that's it. If it is not enough for my plans, I rethink my plans.
  3. The whole space program of these 3 billionaires is only to shoot filthy rich people a few millimeter in to space in the future. And than quickly back before they get bored or find out the inconveniences that come with being in space. So basically this space program is to to sell bragging rights in the future. That works better if it is surrounded by some media attention.
  4. The vaccines work. Here in the NL we have a huge new break out, mostly among the younger people in their teens and twenties, who are not or not completely vaccinated yet. Hospitals don't fill like the last time with such a peak outbreak. They don't fill with people having side effects from vaccines either. So they are safe. We started now with vaccinating children from 12-18 years as well (on voluntary basis of course just like the adults). Fingers crossed the virus will not mutate into a variant that is not caught by the vaccines.
  5. It won't be any time soon, so no worries. It's only a what if question.
  6. I'm personally not really interested in that field, but I see the big scientific value these telescopes have. Far better value for the money than those billionaires shooting themselves a few millimeters into space for a few minutes, mainly to sell bragging rights to the wealthy people in the future..
  7. Just keep your mouse pointer on your name a few seconds, and there are the points. I just added one on your account. I hope it helps.
  8. An Agree and a Hug button added would be a nice improvement IMHO. I like the way reputation points are handled at the moment. Visible for everyone who finds it important, invisible for those who could not care less.
  9. Yeah, just image someone IM's and needs some customer support. You need to go onsite to get the picture what is needed and then you find out the address is at the other side of SL. Real fun, to have to use half of your available SL time to travel to the customer and back. Fingers crossed that nothing happens at the 179 sim crossings.
  10. There was a software update, that has these featured turned of as a standard. All depends on if the Lindens notice it and find it important to restore. If there is someone who find this stuff important best files a ticket. Personally I don't really care.
  11. What do you think would happen with your roleplay sim, if one of the main roads to the Mat.....a body shop would lead through your sim?
  12. I would call it practical in this case instead of conservative. And since when is going back in time progressive?
  13. There are more inland parcels available on private sims than waterfront ones. Guess why? A lot of people like to see the sun go down or rise over the sea. They see other peoples and their own eyesores all day long in RL already. SL should be a world where it is possible to make your dreams come true. 4000 and 8000 m2 private islands in the middle of unsailable see would be big hits if LL would introduce them IMHO. I would go for it for sure if obtainable priced.
  14. How would I ever get off my parcel that is on a private owned region in the middle of the unsailable see? If I could implement one thing from SL in RL it would be teleporting. The best invention since sliced bread. Just think of all the precious recreation time lost when you only can walk, fly, swim. And what is the advantage of stores clustering together? It would only mean more lag. Have you been to SLB's shopping events? Why do we need to fulfill Philip's ideas? He had more bad ideas that never made it, like terraforming with bombs. Sorry, but I vote against it.
  15. If you are worried about micro chips in the vaccines, you better read this as well. (From a totally reliable source of course).
  16. C'mon you know better than this as experienced forum user. If someone doesn't quote, they react to the post right above theirs. So I was reacting to what Rolig wrote in that case, not to what you wrote. Now I'm reacting to one of your posts, because yours is right above this one and I did not quote.
  17. Imagine LL patrolling and dealing with all the in world drama issues. Her top accentuated her nipples on PG land, he ignored our formal dressing rules, call the keystone eh LL cops. Would SL still be livable and how much would premium and land cost in that case?
  18. Not all places have 24/7 entertainment. You might join groups to get notifications.
  19. People (mostly female) who think that totally overblown hips under a small waist is super sexy. People (mostly male) who think that a totally overblown gorilla chest with ultra short arms is super sexy.
  20. You could make a demo ring around the clothing as well. There is no rule that it should be above your head. At least one male body demo has that too, if I remember correctly.
  21. SL would have been long gone if there were no drama opportunities in it.
  22. Gacha stuff is normaly no copy. If you sell them they are gone from your marketplace store I guess. (Never sold gacha stuff, so not 100% sure how it works)
  23. As a costumer customer I hate demo's with a time limit. For the rest I don't really care if the word demo is on the texture or above my head. As long as I get a good impression of the goods.
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