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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. First step has to be to ignore the human involvement in the climate change any longer, like tons of conservatives and conservative politicians all over the world still do. And it will have to be backed up by laws and tons off governmental regulations and interference. And because only suggesting this, is almost as bad as cursing in a church for large parts of the USA, I will not hold my breath until changes start on a scale that could make a difference in the US.
  2. Earth warmth is easy to use everywhere without having to interfere with Yogi Bear's habitat. It is everywhere and it starts already pretty near the surface. There are ground source heat pumps on the market already. And a nearby town here has city heating projects in several buildings and blocks, based on the ground water temperature in abandoned coalmine tunnels underneath the surface of the city. Here in my community they are making plans to reduce the use of gas and oil for heating by using earth warmth as well.
  3. This is the moment when I buy my coffee in the supermarket in RL. During 2 for 1 offers. 50% discount is a great deal. If you still don't take that offer, waiting to get a free pack of coffee, you most likely drink a lot of water before that happens. IMHO: When someone isn't happy with a nice chunk of discount (the gift card), that person is not a potential customer but a free stuff hunter. So a discount tool is a better marketing tool than a freebee in my book. It drives in people who are willing to pay for products and ignores freebee hunters. And that is why you (general you) become a merchant. To sell stuff, not to give it away for free. Yes, I know a lot of merchants give things away as freebee to get things out there for people to see and inspect it, but back to my coffee story in the beginning: I would not buy at 2 tor 1 if I knew that they give the coffee away for free every three months for a week. Giving away samples (demo's) is smart, giving away for free doesn't bring in much money for the seller. Maybe it is a good idea not to call them gift cards in this case but a discount card. With this card you get ...... L$ discount on the first product you obtain in my store.
  4. When 1 linden above the market price LL still estimates a 2 day fill. Yes, I have very little experience with the Lindex, but I know the difference between 30 seconds and 1 or 2 days.
  5. If I buy 10,000 L$ and I want to make 2 USD by using limit buy over instant buy, LL gives an estimated time to fill of 2 days. That sounds a bit different than the 30 seconds you are talking about.
  6. I do remember that my Christmas decorations are in the folder Christmas stuff, which is a sub folder of my House Decoration folder though. No matter what the creators called it, it is there when it starts to itch somewhere around the first of December.
  7. Well, I buy Lindens through the viewer, I do know this forum exists, I know that I'm paying extra for an instant buy. I do so, because that is what I need: an instant buy. I mostly pay with Lindens coming from my MP shop. Most of the time that is sufficient. Sometimes not. I wait as long as possible if I get the needed L$ out of sales, if not I buy instantly. And when I do, I buy plenty to keep fees reasonable. I guess there are more people around who do the same.
  8. It's like a busy car workshop that gets lots of cars brought in with very specific but general engine problems, so the management team decides to hire a few good paint experts extra. "Sorry we are unable to fix the engine problems, we hardly have mechanics for that, but look how the paint is shining on your car".
  9. Why not yourself. File a ticket. I can hardly do that for you. I don't have that experience whatsoever so far.
  10. Can you imagine a SL without drama, self importance or FIC behavior? It is part of the package.
  11. To show that they will ignore it? As in, no feedback, so no further action needed. Or they want to get a broader discussion about it, best thing to do is to put it in a more lively environment then. That is possible too, of course. Added: And yes, I'm totally in favor of the proposed name change to General Land Discussion. That would give less confusions IMHO.
  12. And level one being: How do I get that box of my head?
  13. As soon as I get the feeling there is someone at work and has put a lot of effort in the music choice, I will tip if I'm hooked to stay for a longer period, no doubt about that. If I hear a heartless effort, maybe a Spotify stream or so, then I might TP out pretty soon without tipping,
  14. In Zindra everybody can at least take their clothes of, so that a few more people can be crammed in if needed.
  15. To me it is not about if it should be done, I'm perfectly fine with how the inventory works at the moment, but more if it still could be done.
  16. Maybe it could be done with special folders. Like everything in the folder Clothing (and in all its sub folders) is treated like clothing. Everything in the folder Hair is treated like hair. Etc. Everything in the folder Junk 'n Stuff is further ignored by the system and the user.
  17. I thought money chairs where put up to generate traffic. Who cares if there are alts among them? Or am I missing something?
  18. When in doubt, it must have been from Abraham Lincoln.
  19. I agree with Prokofy that LL is concentrating too much on shiny and too little on usability of the platform. I think that the problem is that for most of the usability problems there are no easy fixings. Putting the stars behind the moon sounds a lot easier to fix to me. But I can be wrong, I'm not that technical. Let's wait and see how the retention rates sky rocket, now the moon is fixed.
  20. I'm very happy with my outfit gallery. And yes, sometimes one changes a bit on an outfit, but it is no big deal if the picture doesn't match 100%. I don't care that my tux package now has a red tie instead of the blue one on the picture. As long as I know where that tux avatar is when Christmas is near, I'm fine.
  21. Are there really people longer than a few month in SL, who don't have at least one alt for whatever reason? Must be a gadget from the drama department.
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