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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. Hello Habibah, From my experience. You pretty much have to maintain a group member level of 12000 or less, to be somewhat manageable. I have had to create 3 groups because if you get over 12000 you can no longer load the group names fully and the member mappings will not take place, or hangs up in the middle of mapping users . So it will not allow the rolls to load. It becomes very problematic at 13K It has been a thorn in our side for several years now. If you ever relog and relog into a empty sim. Sometimes you can load a 15,000 member group. If you ever do. Take the time to prune anyone that has not logged in in the last couple of years..
  2. That's pretty amazing Fantastic feat:matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  3. Always know where you have been Welcome to Second Life lol
  4. For a "NEW Resident" they seem to be well informed on how to use the forums and not name names... Newbie? Politics
  5. I think some peole make up the whole stalker bit to make them selves feel wanted. Stalk Soup
  6. Avatar Clouds and Naked unrezzed avatars has been on a serious increase the last week or so
  7. If it is not due to a rolling restart then, It is possible you may have a corrupt texture in your cache. every time you land there it loads that texture and crashes your viewer. I would suggest trying to clear your cache Open Preferences(ctrl-p) then click the Privacy tab and clear history, restart viewer
  8. Main Land regions allow opto 40 or 50 avatars on the region. You can invite as many as the region will hold. Private estates hold upto 100 residents clothing prims worn, do not count towards prim limits. Prim limits are for rezed prims only, not attached to avatars I would think having a personal wedding should be fine as long as it is not a continuing business
  9. Go to that club and right click on the system they use. and edit/ or inspect and get the creators name and store locations and get it for yor self
  10. kurt7D8 Avon wrote:Through the SL grapevine I did learn that a Linden was at my property and identified the griefer objects and removed them. Seems to me you got what you payed for. Be happy they rectified the situation, and read the faq on how they deal with the issues You could be more productive by just going on about your happy Second life rather than complain that LL did help you
  11. She had "faint" Second Life Hand on her face at the beginning also look closely..
  12. Disable Scripts on your land and rez the items and sort it out from there
  13. Group Invitation spam is what I am starting to hate. Repeat transmissions to everyone on my region. Sexual content being advertised thru group invite spam on a G rated region, and when you tell them to stop it they say this cheesy thing like " You don't have to accept it" Why Do I have to decline the smut advertising? I shouldn't have to. Nor should my guests. It is just the same as sitting down to eat dinner and some ass calls you on the phone telemarketing trying to sell you some piece of crap LOL. That's my peeve
  14. I notice Linden Lab relies on YOU to market for them. Getting you to join their face book., getting you into their twitter. Sometimes I come across a website and a Google ad will pop up about being a vampire in SL. . And every time I see that ad it is just about vampires. The strategy they use is weak. And funny thing I seen the other days that facebook teamed up with Sims Online.. And LL pushes Facebook to everyone what a slap in the face
  15. Very Nice Linden Lab. I have actually been using the feed and clicking the nice location button to show my location while posting. Very nice touch..... Love all the new little toys Good work guys
  16. I don't think they take griefing phone calls any more. you need to Use help at the top of your viewer and chose "report abuse" Include screen shots if possible and make sure you include times and dates. You can try submitting a ticket but you will more than likely be told to file a proper abuse report...
  17. Make darn sure that that club doesn't have 50% bots. That's a sure sign of having trouble. But the way Linden Lab has really been pushing the market place. Lots of malls are taking a hit . And look at he demographic of the club. Are they all kids with no money? How long has the club been in business? What is the general type of Mall/Club etc. If it is a rock club and you are trying to sell formal clothing then you may want to change the place depending on your product type.. You have to do a bit of research your self on weather or not your product is going to sell to the type of people. I have some people come to my mall wanting to sell wings. Well, my mall and Club is predominately formal and the type of people love formal clothing and more than likely wont buy wings. I let these vendors know this. I also tell them they are more than welcome to Try.. Just because a club has good traffic doesn't always mean they will be diving in at your product.. We try to do as much as possible for the vendors short of over spamming the guest. Thats not good for the club to always push product massively.. I have a showcase building down in my club area with all the vendors in there and categorized. But you really have to take a lot into cinsideration. Even if you are breaking even. you are still getting your name out there. And if the product is good. then your name will flow off the lips of residents..
  18. I use STX tech. You place the rent box out. once they rent it., the rent box deletes it self and then you have 1 Tier Kiosk location for all your tenants to renew their tier. They have a website where you manage all your tenants Very nice system and has been very relyable. And very very low lag... Use their land tier system I recomend it highly Their store in world = http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Stx%20Tech/128/128/22 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Stx-Central-Tier-System-for-sim-owner-25-users/1411319
  19. 13.3 This Agreement and the referenced Policies are the entire understanding between us. This Agreement, including the additional terms and policies referenced in Section 14, sets forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and Linden Lab with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings. This Agreement may not be modified except as provided in Section 1 or by mutual written agreement between you and Linden Lab that is signed by hand (not electronically) by duly authorized representatives of both parties and expressly references amendment of this Agreement. Seems pretty cut and dry to me lol
  20. Yep Search youtube. Lots and lots of tutorials http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=3ds+max+tutorials+for+beginners&aq=1&oq=3ds+max+tutorials
  21. Very nice. Much more advanced than my snippet gathering lol
  22. Pretty nice. I didn't know you could link several prims together to make 1 big screen.
  23. Here is a full example how to use it this is a notecard giver that uses limit 1 time per avatar (depending on how busy the place is) add_avatar(string name) { if(!seen(name)) { recent_avatars += name; if (llGetListLength(recent_avatars) > 25) { recent_avatars = llDeleteSubList(recent_avatars,0,0); } } } integer seen(string name) { if(llListFindList(recent_avatars,[name]) > -1) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } default { state_entry() { llSensorRepeat("", NULL_KEY, AGENT, 5, PI, 5); } sensor(integer total_number) { if(!seen(llDetectedName(0))) { // This line will pick out the first thing of the right type and give it to whomever triggered the event llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0),llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_NOTECARD,0)); add_avatar(llDetectedName(0)); } } } 
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