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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. list recent_avatars; add_avatar(string name) { if(!seen(name)) { recent_avatars += name; if (llGetListLength(recent_avatars) > 25) { recent_avatars = llDeleteSubList(recent_avatars,0,0); } } } integer seen(string name) { if(llListFindList(recent_avatars,[name]) > -1) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } Something like that would limit per day . 
  2. Maybe you might be able to use credible Exhange in your country to deal with lindens Check out http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_Marketplace Scroll down to the third party exchanges. Many of them in many countries
  3. I Thought it was funny . . Odd But funny. Was the first time ever being abused and held responsible for somone elses prims. And the fact that prim got there due to a object entry bug. Lol Needless to say It was taken care of 10 minutes after my report. If the OP would have just done things right It would have been much less of a painfull process
  4. its not your viewer. Some regions are in fact running different versions. Some are RC versions they use for Bug testing and rolling out new Bug fixes. And region crossing can sometimes be buggy when running 2 versions of the software. You might try teleporting across the line instead of walking.
  5. A year ago you used to have to sit around for 3 days and guess which day your sim would be restarted. They have done a fantastic job by narrowing this down to 1 day per channel, I think the time frame your sim gets restarted depends on what host number it lands on. If you restart your region sometime in between rolling restarts, You end up positioning your region on another host number/location on the grid, which in turn causes your region to be restarted at either an earlier time or a later time from the last rollout... I kept my region on the same time frame for a long time by not restarting my region in between rollouts There is only so close they can narrow it down. But having it down to 1 day now is 100 times better than is used to be. Just my 2 cents lol
  6. Keep in Mind the Older viewers will not be able to view mesh
  7. Just because somone rezzes an object that happenes to be SET to my group does not make me responsible one single bit. I do not own the land. I do not own the object. I can not remove a prim from a land that i do not own. Even if it was set to my group. I am in no way responsible for the behavior of another resident weather he/she be in my group or not.
  8. Hello DigitalPhantom, and welocme to the forums )
  9. Mulan you will get the type of replies derived from the type of interaction you do your self. I have to ask why the "Land Owner" Of the land where the prim is encroaching on, does not turn on auto return? and why do they not turn off Object entry? Linden lab have provided all the tools needed and The fact you are using an Older viewer you are unable to also take advantage to returning prims that are encroaching on your land. Your inability to use the proper viewer and stay updated is why you are frustrated. You have been provided with the tools. Just time to upgrade to take advantage of them
  10. Mulan, the problem is not LL. The problem is your lack of knowledge on how to effectively report a problem in a way that LL can do something with. The actual location you provide is not the Exact location of the prim. If you expect LL to spend 20 or 30 minutes of valuable man hours, to Figure out what prim, and where, on their own, then you are sadly mistaken. Your issue is with your inability to follow proper protocol in reporting issues or even handling them. The notecards you sent me were rude and demanding, Which is why I ignored them for 4 weeks (and there was nothing i could do) before I finally got fed up and contacted you. I clearly explained to you that there is absolutely nothing I can do. Despite telling you this. You still demanded that I take care of this. After of which I have muted you. Honestly If there was something I could do about it. I would have cleared it up right away I think your approach should be about asking others how to affectively get this taken care of, rather than be accusatory and demanding. Most Second Life residents are always happy and willing to clear things up, if there is a problem. Personally I feel bad you may be having this issue. But the problem can be remedied if you changed your approach If the land belongs to one of your other avatars. Then Use that Avatar to do the reporting. .
  11. To be honest. you need atleast 2 gigs of ram to run at a semi comfortable level. Depending on how many other programs are running in the back ground. If you are running on only 1 gige. Make sure you shut down as many un needed programs in the back ground 1 gig is the bare minimum
  12. You know, you have sent me and my wife both Notercards about this and we have nothing to do with it. On 2 occasions I have teleported to the location, you have provided, with no luck in seeing what the issue is, or even a prim encroaching onto the location you are providing. I think this would be clue number one you are either providing the wrong location. Or the issue does not exist and you are seeing this only on your PC. This land at the location you are showing Belongs to Andrea Jolbey and not you. I would suggest right clicking on the actual object in question and report abuse. If you are the land owner then you should be able to return Encroaching objects now. So I am still baffled even after receiving several notecards about this and I don't even own this object nor do I see an issue of a roof hanging over that location Perhaps you can explain better
  13. Premium only Sandboxes.Fantastic idea. So many people are sick of being attacked on The free ones. Maybe that will offer a safer place to build. Great idea. I love it
  14. It was ehhhhhh okay Not that it was not well put together, but it did not sell Second Life too much to cause mass sign ups. The Love relationship they show is a person cheating on her husband lol. I just felt it focused a lot on the negative rather than glamorizing SL.
  15. Good news . It will be great when everyone starts using viewers to view them. I cant wait to do some rebuilding using mesh . Awesome work LL and thanks
  16. Isn't this a repeat of the HBO special that was aired about a year or so ago?
  17. Did you try downloading the Installer again incase it somehow become corrupt?
  18. Web Market Sales have really put a huge dent in my in world mall sales I have been in Sl almost 7 years. The shift of this economy is worrysom. Promotes lack of market confidence. Makes you wonder how many residents are now planning their exit instead of their future I love Sl. But saddened by the shift of things
  19. Arent those 10 or 12 year olds that usually ask that right up front? lol
  20. Yes and looks like you have to pass the IP test.. I took mine and passed lol I am now Registered to upload meshh yay https://secondlife.com/my/account/mesh.php?
  21. I kind of have to agree a little with Hitomi Perhaps you do have an underlying problem with your PC you are not aware of yet I have no problems and fast speeds and connects with all the viewers you used Sounds a bit network related to me,,,
  22. Am I to understand there will be no main server roll at all? Yes I have noticed a large increase of server trouble lately. for the past 2 weeks there has been some serious break downs of our region losing the ability of users to teleport in or out.. if you are not there to catch it. your sim will be unacccessable for hours on end. Other issues include, unable to save new scripts,. several issues of unable to save new notecards,, Editing notecars you already have in inventory are editable and savable but new items you can not manipulatequite as well. Same as objects at times. Terrible lag spikes and rubberbanding again. Time dilation dropping way down, and dragging the sim down.. Before the last coup[le weeks it wasnt too bad Oh well. Hope it gets sorted soon.
  23. Did you happen to install Phoenix viewer and give it permission to change your browser association ? If so, you will have to reverse that if you can
  24. I have been using the new search for several days. I find it is a lot better. . Does not seem like using google search appliance . Aside from a few glitches in the software . I just hope they keep it responsible and not biased. Keep up the good work guys.
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