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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. I wonder if you go into your app/data folder and cache and manually delete the contents . so that you trash your settings file. this Might cause your group worn to be set to "none" and then you may be able to log in?
  2. Group Tag Should not prevent you from connecting. It sounds more like a network issue or the region is down that you are trying to connect to log in on. Try logging in to another region.. You can change your login location in Preferences One owner should be able to leave the group leaving 1. you can even downgrade your self to non owner and then remove your self if it is that bad. Your issues sound very odd. But i have heard some pretty odd things happen
  3. It is one of the slowest running laggiest viewer now days. I had to stop using it because it is a major resource hog
  4. If the scripts are not disabled region wide. Then, what he/she probably did was disable the item from the region Tools top scripts window. Which put the scripts in a OFF state. So, being NO MOD. you can't reset the scripts to turn it back on . a Bit of a flaw there, Not sure if you can use viewer tools Either to "Set Scripts to Running" . The owner should have resorted to returning the item. But sounds like hes a bit new to the ins and outs if that is the case..
  5. I wouldnt AR anyone solely for scripts being too high. most of the residents have no idea they are running that many scripts. Most of the high counts are resizer scripts. I want to AR the creators who caused the script problem with their 200+ script infested shoes, hairs, or jewelry lol. The only time I would AR somone for over script usage is if I could prove they were deliberately using scripts to lag the region.. I inspect residents attached objects and make determinations accordingly.
  6. After you clear your cache. try to log in to a different region. Not the same one Peace Good luck
  7. Mine is down to 18 k lol normally around 65 to 70K
  8. If you use a wireless router. Reset it now and then. If using phoenix or something. Enable HTTP GET for textures in advanced
  9. I have been actually getting in world spam from other grids now. Claiming SL is on it's last leg lol. Targeting business owners. Claming copy bot free. Claming " No Greifers" and Claming no Lag" Yes no lag because the grid is not full lol
  10. In world on your regions and Land. " YES" In the forums. NO
  11. There is a little trick to adding and changing the URL sometimes. The system can be very slow when you open the land tools to change the URL. Wait till the traffic and banlist is completely loaded before entering a NEW URL . If you dont, then the system will finally fully load. and It will revert back to the dead stream URL. Also make sure you don't have any spaces at begenning or end of stream URL
  12. I have often wished for this. Always a good idea
  13. Deffinition of Event a. Something that takes place; an occurrence. b. A significant occurrence or happening. . c. A social gathering or activity. 2. The final result; the outcome. 3. Sports A contest or an item in a sports program. 4. Physics A phenomenon or occurrence located at a single point in space-time, regarded as the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory. Yes a New product you promote is an event Yes a social gathering is an event Yes all of the above are events If you have a social event . Since SL is a social platform. Why not let others know.. It is what it is for/ Maybe every hour is a bit much. But if you are running a 24 hour gig. Then letting the masses know is not as bad as you think it is.
  14. Invest money. Run lots of events at key low times. Get fantastic staff and a good employee program. It doesn't fall in your lap without throwing a bit of cash to it.. It takes money to make money. Initial start up costs a lot in events. Be willing to throw that cash out there.
  15. Earn lindens by doing SL Jobs. Or Enter contests. Some Jobs do not reqire much from you.. And can earn enough lindens to buy clothing and as many pics as you want.. Look at the Jobs section http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment Second Life In World Classifieds
  16. One can only hope that SL fixes this bad chat lag. This is a problem for many residents not just you. You have the right idea on how to overcome the situtation by placing wait breaks in the gestures. . That's the best you can do right now, at least untill LL gets the lag fixed.
  17. Nice Photography, and awesome avatars. Artistic and creative
  18. Display names are a pain in the arse. Can't search a display name in groups. pain in the arse tracking down the exact spelling of their login name ( capitol letters ) Because everything is reduced to small case in name tags, and profiles. However, I kind of like having the ability to change my DN for the fun of it......
  19. If Using Viewer 2 +, Click open the photo you took and on the bottom right . There is a button to save as.. Or Right click the image in your inventory and chose "save as" Phoenix and other viewers You open the image and then click on FILE at the top of your screen and then SAVE AS
  20. Create a group and deed the land to that group so you can allow each other land rights. Both Join the group as owners. After that you can set a landing point via the land tools . Estate Manager only allows you Estate management via Estate tools window... Also make sure Allow Direct teleport on Region Estate tools. Makes it easier to teleport to a home location thru LM
  21. Hope it wasnt JVA bot lol I use the same group manager and nothing of the sort. But I dont use it to kick anyone out of the group for violations or link posting. I wonder if a change to the system and linked avatars to their web profile caused it to go haywire
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