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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. Make sure the region is not Set to PG/G. If so. then you will not be able to post M/Modearte/Adult rated events Also I am not sure if your personal settings will affect posting events. But make sure your Profile/Avatar/preferences are set to view and interact with Moderate/Adult Content
  2. Same reason you have to pay if your Husband left you in Real life holding the bag. Thems the breaks. But Does not seem fair heh I will give you the 25 if you need it
  3. I have a lot of people who enter my club that have this issue. Normally if they remove the clothing item and put back on. It will rezz for everyone else. Might save you a little time trying to reload a full avatar.
  4. Maybe this link will help you http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Improving-GPU-recognition/td-p/819619
  5. If you are seeing your Name and or Logo Copied on somone elses Parcel(Showing up in search). Then Send them a simple "Friendly" message. There is actually a nasty bug where If I visit your parcel and then go to my land And the parcel Info has not been handed off properly to my viewer, and I happen to open my Parcel land and ban somone, or change a setting. it can easily put that info into my parcel. And Yes even down to the logo., Which will cause it to show up in search as a copied business name/parcel Maybe they are unaware. I would Look into this being the posibility if this has to do with Parcel Info
  6. Make sure you are standing on the land. Then open land tools . If you right click on the wrong land then it will be greyed out. Stand on the land and then Click on world at the top of your screen Then chose Place Profile and About Land Good Luck
  7. Sounds like a corrupt texture cache Easily fixed by manually deleting your Cache (XP) - C: - Documents and Settings - (USER NAME) - AppData - SecondLife (Vista) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Local - SecondLife (Win 7) - C: - Users - (USER NAME) - AppData - Roaming - SecondLife Delete the contents of the folder and restart.
  8. Do you get any particular error when it tries to load? Does it not load/start at all?
  9. Make sure you are standing on the land and or right click on the proper land. Choose World > About Land and click the General tab. Click Abandon Land. After confirming, the land is removed from your account Viewer 2.0 click on the info tab where the land name is at top of your screen. Then go to the side panel where you see the land info and then chose About land. You may have to scroll down a little with the side panel window
  10. If you were to do 1 hour building sessions . What would you consider a fair wage/compensation?
  11. Awesome Glad you got it sorted. I am not too experienced with the Linden Home web control panel But happy to see it sorted Have a Wonderful Second Life
  12. You will have to go to the land in world and open land tool "About Land" and on general tab chose abandon.
  13. Did you get a free Linden Home at one point and claim it? If so you need to abandon the land You can also go to your Dashboard On the SL site and view your land in the land manager https://secondlife.com/my/account/land.php?lang=en-US
  14. Look On the MarketPlace for "Parcel Radio Controllers". You can set access to group or everyone etc. https://marketplace.secondlife.com
  15. Really hard to tell Jessica without knowing your specs of your PC. Some cases flickering back and forth could be driver issues. Some cases also the Video card may be getting hot. / If it has fans, see about cleaning them out, Weak Power Supply's can also cause faulty video flickering or just go completely black Good Luck
  16. Interesting Good to KNow Thanks for the info
  17. Really KimAthos, you can get this. It is just a big learning curve. Look me up in world, If I am at my PC, I would be more than happy to stop by and take a look for you. I would also suggest taking a single basic building class to learn all the basics of the controls and how tos. It is really is a lot easier that way. I have been in Sl for close to 5 years now and and still learning. I am sure you can catch on rather quickly with the right help Good Luck . And feel free to look me up in world any time.
  18. //Unsit on Sit, requires a sit target default { state_entry() { llSitTarget(<0.0, 0.0, 0.1>, ZERO_ROTATION); //needed for llAvatarOnSitTarget to work. The vectors components must not all be set to 0. } changed(integer change) //event changed { if (change & CHANGED_LINK) //event changed and it has something to do with linking or avatar sitting { key user = llAvatarOnSitTarget(); if (user) //the changed event is an avatar sitting llUnSit(user); //unsit the avatar on the sit target } } } Put this script in any prim and no one can sit. It will unsit them You can also Look In The Scripting Library Forums for cool stuff http://community.secondlife.com/t5/LSL-Scripting-Library/bd-p/LSLScriptingLibrary
  19. Your Login Name would be DebbieLou17 Resident Surname = Resident
  20. From the Knowledge base How do we contact Linden Lab editors? For questions or update requests to existing entries, or to report an error — like a wrong SLurl or place that's gone — please contact the Linden Lab editors via email. Please note that we are not able to respond to all inquiries about individual submission suggestions. However, we do welcome all comments, feedback and suggestions.
  21. I would try deleting your settings folder Enable Hidden Files & Folders: 1. Open Control Panel 2. Open “Folder Options” 3. Open the “View” tab 4. Check “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” Press ok and close control panel. Accessing AppData 1. Open Computer 2. Open C: drive, then * XP: Documents and Settings * Vista/7: Users 3. Open AppData 4. Open “Local” – Your address bar will appear as C:\Users\\AppData\Local 5. Delete “SecondLife” 6. Now go back one level to the AppData folder 7. Open “Roaming” – Your address bar will appear as C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming 8. Delete "SecondLife" 9. Restart your computer. This is important. Do not try starting Second Life again until you have rebooted. Once you have rebooted, Second Life should run properly. If not then you may want to contact support If this doesnt help. Try deleting your launch icon/shortcut and create a new one
  22. Hmm I see things improving in my opinion. I had a friend who crashed a lot and lagged really bad until I Showed her how to do a clean install. Deleting all files and folders left behind . I also had her uninstall her drivers and reinstall them fresh because she ran ATI update and updated the drivers instead of clean install as well. (tripled her fps rates) After she did all that . She is blessed with a happier SL. As For me personally. After upgrading my hardware things are a lot better these days Sl Is very awesome. Still have a great deal of passion for it.
  23. New Update to easier way to buy abandoned land http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Announcing-an-Easier-Way-to-Purchase-Abandoned-Mainland-Property/ba-p/829263
  24. Free to Join and yes you can make money in this community platform. Keep in mind. Most cases it takes money to make money. You can find Jobs to pay for your In World activities
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