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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. On Mainland you can not. On Estates owned by other residents, sometimes you can. If you are renting from an Estate owned by another resident. Contact the managers and see what they can do for you... The only way to get more prims on mainland is to buy more land It will be a new weekly tier fee. You more than likely will have to pay for the use of those extra prims each week. There are Estates that offer "Prim Bonus" or " Object Bonus", where you get extra prims per parcel. You might search for land stating that's what they offer
  2. Stopping Spam is a hard thing to do in Popular Forums. LL would have to block China Domains and annonomous proxies and top spamming domains for the most part and that would hurt their business. Most spam comes from China IPS. not all But a very very large portion.. They seem to do a pretty good job at cleaning up the spam. We just have to understand it is gonna happen and do our best to report it.. Many forums use tools Like FASSIM and or StopForumspam.com. or ZBblock but I feel if they used something like that they could take a big risk on blocking innocent people because of being such a world wide forum. Spam is going to happen. The "Spam bot" cat and mouse game never ends. And stopping human spammers is tough as well.. Gotta love those proxies lol
  3. Second Life Support has been a bit of a struggle for many. As well as me and my wife. All frustrations aside, we are dedicated to Sl and the great platform which was developed. We have had many trials and tribulations regarding the lack of support. Although lately, we have had a lot better experience. Fast responses to tickets . Abuse report taken care of in less than 10 mintes. I gotta hand it to LL for the changes and the effort they are brining forth to help not only their business survive as well as help the customer survive. It takes a lot of time and effort to restructure. We do still enjoy this kick ass platform regardless of the hickups and the set backs. Hats off to the team Psyche Made you look
  4. That thing is Very low and scammy But, I am not seeing where that script allows you to track a user... Not gonna buy it to findout either lol
  5. Your avatar key is just a simple idenification key. I could put your key in a script and know when you are online at any time even if you block it... But giving out coordinates the key does not do. There would have to be a more scrpted script to do so . And hopefully all those exploits have been fixed. But you never know when somone can find another exploit.
  6. Yes you can be tracked by receiving a scripted object. You may also look into a script hidden in any clothing item that may seem out of place. Scripts can be dropped into any Prim (eg shoes, dresses, hats. jewelry etc etc) Possible he has given her some shoes or a jewlry item. The tricky part is also edit linked parts and look inside each individual prim if they are multiple linked prims. Right click any prims worn as clothing. And look inside the contents and see if any strange scripts are in there And depending on the viewer make sure Restrained Life is not enables on her viewer in Preferences
  7. Traffic will always be a factor as long as Phoenix still uses the old search methods and there are thousands of phoenix users. Firestorm also can use old search guess again Its Payed campers lol There is a bot that can act as a model and change clothing regualry. If they are standing on a platform, then thats their Base station so the bots know where they go Hopefully the release of AI will solve this issue where their AI systems willl not be counted as traffic.............
  8. Only during operation hours.. 8 AM to 8 PM Pacific time They used to have 24 hour support but when they cut 30% of the staff they also cut out the late hours of support Frustrating
  9. Oh yes I see what you mean I did the same thing just now. Making the tops of the pegs tapered doesnt help either Edit: I did notice it does work if the ball is bigger. I think the ratio of the size is making it ballance on the peg. but making the ball slightly bigger it gave the desired result
  10. Right click and edit the object and on the Object tab. make it a physical object. Should be a tic box there to set Physical on hold it up in the air, drop it, and watch it fall and bounce after it hits the ground Can also put the ball in a downhill slope and run thru a track .. Good Luck
  11. Lol I am not sure what to think It is almost like them saying " well we cant figure out how to increase user retention. So lets create good IA" Wonder if I can teach the IA how to host lol
  12. Its been happening longer than 2 weeks. It is poor handoff of region information to the viewer.... Are you using phoenix viewer?
  13. Its a Private region Live and Let live. :matte-motes-big-grin:
  14. If you reinstall you should probably navagate to the cache folder and the settings folder in APP Data folder and delete everything after you uninstall it . This will start a fresh clean install without any residual files that could be causing the corruption.
  15. Does it keep crashing when you log in or before you log in while it still loads?
  16. No you do not need a premium account for private estates
  17. Changing your login Password should update your account on Aditi. it should refresh within 24 hours,
  18. Logged into the main Second Life website. While on the dashboard. Look to the left and click on Account. You will get a drop down of more options Scroll down to Change Password and go from there
  19. Facial Recognition technology could probably be used to also track textures in SL. Bust Stolen wares in Sl. Hehehe Kind of like http://www.tineye.com/ Reverse image search. Track down images and view all the websites the image has been used on. Kind of funny to bust phony profile pictures. It is being used everywhere Big brother is tracking you lol Oklahoma had a project going for 3 years. Test program for tracking drivers licenses. Scanning drivers license images every night. FBI and CIA have used it in places like Las Vegas where heavy traffic and big money comes into play.
  20. Make sure you file the AR properly. AR's will be ignored if you do not provide all proper info When reporting an object. Right click on the actual object and report it for abuse..
  21. WoW! Let me get this straight Kylie. So if I decline pixel sex with someone all they have to do to "grief" me is to falsely accuse me of being underaged and I get banned? Then the burden is on me to contact LL and "prove" my age to them? Linden Lab will not ban somone just because another resident tells LL the other resident is underage. They will investigate the claims and chats which the User being investigated will have said in chat they are underage by indicating in chat that they are 13 or what ever. It is always investigated because of the problem with abusive frivilous reports. Thats why so many peole get upset that their abuse reports go unanswered. it is more than likely the reporter did not provide enough "proof" or info for the linden to be able to investigate
  22. Felix Wagstaff wrote: Is it acceptable that a region owner bans people for using the built-in Linden Labs Abuse Report system, AND that he puts it in his covenant and public rules? I do not think that is acceptable. I sure would not engage in that activity. A Resident Filing an abuse report to Linden Lab is about the same as a private message or better yet a relationship between the reporter and Linden lab and should not be interefered with
  23. As a busy club owner my self, we have had a problem with malicious abuse reports against other users. These abuse reports are not abuse reports to Linden Lab but reports to my staff and me and my managers, It can become a bad problem when they message you about a private message dispute. "Wanting you to ban Joe Schmo for getting pissy with them in IM" Wanting you to just ban anyone at their whim.. Or someone just so nasty they constantly report over tiny stuff, when they are just as much to blame. We have had to adopt a policy, that if determined the abuse reports are frivolous in nature, then we reserve the right to ban the reporter. Some places have to do what they have to do to maintain a low drama level as possible. Even if it means banning the reporter if it so warrants If you read the community guidelines for these forums. You will notice a similar policy in place
  24. shift drag over the items when in edit mode Holding Shift down while dragging your mouse over the items
  25. If you transfered the Hard drive to your new Computer. Mirror image or never changed it. maybe you want to clear your cache and settings and start over..... ( Sorry, Not sure if everything is fresh installed or just a hard drive transfer)
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