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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. They did restore them. But what amazes me is those using them when they should not have been used later get upset when they get removed because they did use them lol The creators who created them were in violation of Terms. Why anyone would think it is okay to use them just because they were being offered is beyond me.. Now that they have increased the prim limits Why dont they just use the new ones.. It's Not Lls fault for anyone using them
  2. If you just go in and delete your settings file it should clear up the issue. It worked for me once Enable Hidden Files & Folders: 1. Open Control Panel 2. Open “Folder Options” 3. Open the “View” tab 4. Check “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” Press ok and close control panel. Accessing AppData 1. Open Computer 2. Open C: drive, then * XP: Documents and Settings * Vista/7: Users 3. Open AppData 4. Open “Local” – Your address bar will appear as C:\Users\\AppData\Local 5. Delete “SecondLife” 6. Now go back one level to the AppData folder 7. Open “Roaming” – Your address bar will appear as C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming 8. Delete "SecondLife" 9. Restart your computer. This is important. Do not try starting Second Life again until you have rebooted. Once you have rebooted, Second Life should run properly. If not then you may want to contact support
  3. I think it should be taken seriously if it constantly occurs on their platform, by Linden Lab. It makes you wonder what responsibility they have if the problem is reported and goes ignored. What if LL ignored the reports and let it continue and a person murdered another person because of it. Would it be criminal negligence? Could the family sue LL for not taking a stance? What if LL ignored the reports and a person commited suicide. Would the family be able to sue LL for not doing anything about it? Could the family follow up with a wrongful death suit ? Very gray area and The laws are new and not in all states Makes you wonder... Doesn't it I was talking to another person on Sl that her RL identity was discovered by her putting a RL image of her self in Her profile. That image was then used to track her thru tineye.com and the person was able to come up with her real name and identity because of it. . That really worried her. But it goes to show you how careful you have to be about posting up real pics that may be linked to your FB account...
  4. What exactly would be the glitch? Wouldn't this happen on a larger scale to many groups? Not trying to argue here. Just curious as to what the glitch would be... I have 6 large groups my self and have not seen any loss due to a glitch Curious as to what I need to be watching for if there is a problem
  5. I recently had to eject 7,000 mebers from my group who have not logged in in over 2 years. Because the group became too big to even be able to manage it. Perhaps the owner did the same to prune users so that they can actually manage user rolls and other things. When a group gets over 15,000 members it wont ever load right and cant manage users in rolls or ad or remove users from rolls
  6. Sounds more like to me the Scripted Bot they use to monitor their groups did a flip on them.. Only way to automate kicks is by use of bot or scripts..... Otherwise all ejections are done manually. And even doing it manaually it only allows you to kick 10 at a time
  7. Well funk, You stated in another post you were interested in creating a club. Use this experience to crate your own they way you feel it should be run and created. Back in 2006 when I created my first popular club. I went to the worst clubs ever, and also went to the good ones who were a bit popular. I observed and took it all in. I determined what makes a bad club and what makes a good club and turned it around for my benefit. I took clubs to the next level Not every place you go to will be a place that suits you but may suit others. That is the beauty of Second life and thousands of places to chose from. I am sure after building your club you will eventually develop rules that deal with disruptive avatars and that deal with how you perceive your club to be. For all you know, that avatar could have been a regular problem there for management. You have not shown " the over size avatar" So it is really hard for anyone to determine who is right and who is wrong. Take what you have observed, and turn it around for your future endeavors
  8. For the credit card and the lieing you would have to supply a pretty damming case for that to hold water For the alt disclosure. Eh, It would be a warning and not a ban. LL would probably see this as a resident dispute of a friendship gone lol
  9. Tell him to show you a copy of his transaction history and the transaction number Did you look at your transaction history to see if he or she did? Or, if he/she is a really good friend, and the amount is trivial. Let is slide, but think twice about loans
  10. Possibly your inventory may not be loading from the region you are logging into and relogging in to. Try to chose another region to log into Like "Agriopis" Or other empty regions
  11. Just make sure you keep the event posting in the events section. Or Mike the Moderator will move it lol
  12. Sounds like that Region you are on, may need a restart if this is all happening on the same region
  13. Everything works fine for me. And my lag is gone since I upgraded my hardware..... :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: It gets better every year Computers do not get better each year without upgrading. they do depreciate in Performance
  14. Amen! I am with you on this positive note. I love Sl and the wonderful things they have done here. NO ONE ELSE CAN COMPARE! Met some of the most fantastic people in my life here. Including my Real Life wife!
  15. Yep it has been really bad the last 2 weeks in fact. I would say there is 3 times the amount of problems users rezzing clothing than before. The amount of users showing up completely naked has increased drasticly and restartys are uselss. they can show up unrezzed immediately after a restart Object textures rez fine on my region. Lately its the users textures not rezzing
  16. I have seen it on a much larger scale in the past 2 weeks my self. A very large amount of residents showing up nude with maybe their shoes or jewlry on. white clouds and such. The nude show ups have trippled since a couple of updates ago on my region But large hands? I am not sure I have seen that my self
  17. Sweethearts always pays a wage 100 an hour to start and 100% tips/ Generous guests Feel free to stop by for an application
  18. Club Slap a Hoe is not working out for ya? lol Lol Checked your profile and see you are staff there lol
  19. Basicly it is like following anyone on like twitter or Facebook,. Links you to their live feed on their web profile
  20. Usually if the item is not position exacly as you thought they would.. Just get a pose stand and stand on the pose stand. Right click and edit the boots and move them exactly where you want them........ you can rotate and move them right into position
  21. The difference is when you use attach. you are given several locations to attach the hud . Eg. left Hud right Hud or other parts of the body Useing Wear, attaches the hud to a pre determined location. Which would be the last location the creator had attached it
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