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Dilbert Dilweg

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Everything posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. Don Mill wrote: Dear Porky Gorky: I would very much welcome the links/references that support your varied asumptions in your post. Here is one for your reading pleasure There are more google it http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6638331.stm http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Features/Accusations-Regarding-Child-Pornography-in-Second-Life/ba-p/575781
  2. No Matter how much you think you can trust them. Never do with private info (always keep info private). Because when the falling out happens and the other one loses. they will pull out all stops to try and create as much stink as possible.
  3. zhentan You can go on world and search for Business groups of all kinds. Find a busy one with a lot of users, Also in Sl web search http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=Business&collection_chosen=groups&sort=&isLeftColOpen=true
  4. I am not seeing where a child avatar is a race or even a religion. nor were they born that way, So it is a choice of life style
  5. It seems having the last names was the best defense against spam bots. After they removed last names these forums got spammed out the wazoo
  6. If you log into the beta grid and unable to upload mesh. Make sure you go to the beta website and retake the copyright test https://secondlife.aditi.lindenlab.com/my/account/mesh.php?lang=en-US
  7. Make a seperate roll for chat. Give it what ever tag you want but make it a chat only roll. Disable chat for the "Everyone roll" Add all users to the chat roll and then you should be able to switch on and off users chats and mute should work as long as you wear the right tag
  8. You have to save it to inventory first. then drag it from your inventory to the card.
  9. I don't see it as hate. I see it as freedom of choice whom you play with and associate with. You can't force people to like your lifestyle which is why you should always find like minded people to play with,. No one should be forced to like or enjoy something that doesn't fit their lifestyle. Just like we have the choice to go places where we fit in.. Hate is followed by derogatory statements and hate crimes. To not allow a life style to enter is not hate. It is choice of how they want to lead their own lifestyle without others imposing their beliefs on them I used to run a popular romance and dating sim. I would not allow child avatars in the club. It was not a matter of hate. It was a matter of choice . I felt it is inappropriate for child avatars to be engaged in a romantic setting with adult avatars. I wont allow that activity on my premises. As is my choice and right when it is not only my home but also a place of business Why would you want to go where you are not welcome anyway. Move on it is your choice. . Say you made laws to force your way in. Would it be productive after you arrived and everyone left because they didn't agree with your life style? I mean come on. Get over it and make choices to go where you would fit in and don't force people to like you just because you are different I allowed all other avatars. But I still feel it is a choice of the place to allow or disallow
  10. Sounds like a connection problem on your end. either firewall or ports blocked Maybe try clearing youre cache if you have been using Sl for a bit..
  11. Contact the merchant you purchased the products from. Include a copy of the transaction history in the notecard and pass it on to the merchant with an explanation of what happened. Most merchants are happy to re-deliver. Make sure you provide all that info and times and dates to speed up the process
  12. Log into a different region. Goto Preferneces and in general tab is Start location. Check the box that says show on login screenThen close preferences. Now on your screen below where you login there will be a drop down. Chose type region name and type any region name in there. Like Smith or Agriopis
  13. Your link leads to a malicious website spreading viruses Malicious Web Site Blocked You attempted to access: LINK REMOVED FOR USER SAFETY This is a known malicious web site. It is recommended that you do NOT visit this site. The detailed report explains the security risks on this site. For your protection, this web site has been blocked. Visit Symantec to learn more about phishing and internet security. My guess is you may have a virus lol
  14. Yea it all sounds interesting. I am always looking forward to seeing what is next. Weather I like it or not lol
  15. Hello Friscolives, Glad to hear you are enjoying it. I did the same thing when I first came. I left confused. But came back later and then it clicked... It is an awesome place indeed Been here since 2006 lol Can't get rid of me yet
  16. Yes, tier is not cheap. You are paying for the cost of running the server / Part of it..
  17. The only thing the auction does is maybe give you the chance to buy the land at a cheaper rate than normal. This does not apply to tier. Your tier will be same as everyone else
  18. You can also look at your account on Sl website and see what your tier fees are calculated to be and when the tier date is due. Look in your land management and look at Land Use fees https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php
  19. Good to know they are finally dealing wiht the privacy issues. Would they not want to remove the RLV from TPV viewers because the viewer should always be rated G in nature maybe?
  20. You will have to pay a monthly fee for tier for anything over 512 meters. That is if you bought it from Main Land ( Linden Lab) It would be weekly for most private estates And no you do not have to pay for editing terrain.
  21. It is possibly you had many objects connected as a coalesced object. which may have caused some to rez outside your parcel giving you this error... Using parcel return all objects wraps them all up in one bundle
  22. Some parts of the idea is great, but If I take something out of my inventory, and set it out, then take it back in. I would expect it to go back in the same organized folder I put it in, in the first place. I Don't want this to cause me to have to always reoganize every item I take back into my invenotry. I already spent time to put it in it's place.
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