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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. I'm still on the fence about getting the vaccine. So far I am holding out against it, and have the luxury of living somewhere where it doesn't have a big community impact. That is one reason for my reluctance. The other is that vaccines usually take many years to be approved for use and side effects are often know by then. I don't believe enough is known about possible reactions to this one and that makes me nervous. Time will tell and until then, I'm staying on the fence.
  2. You mean you don't know the huge Curio debacle? I wouldn't show my pixels after that!
  3. I stay on my skypad, rarely venturing out...cos people...
  4. I think they are complaining about people posting their "amateur" pictures in store groups Flickr groups?
  5. Back from a forum break...but still like to stand around on my skypad looking pretty.
  6. But we're not allowed to have our own opinions anymore. That's totally "-ist" and "-phobic". Sometimes I really miss the 80s. Life was so much simplier then...but yeesh...that hair!
  7. Wandering about to see what Sir does to the sim when I am not around!
  8. Which is why I am not really into social media that much. I would be labelled such a total "-phobic" if I was!!!!
  9. Rewatch/binging on this. Currently on Season 4...
  10. Agreed! I thought it was about my SL child...cos she is not around SL at the moment.
  11. I've been lucky enough to be able to do that too with previous phones, however this one needed a nano sim card and my previous one couldn't go any smaller.
  12. Little bit of backstory. At work, I sometimes have 10-15 minutes between clients, which I spend reading books I download onto my phone. It gives me something to do and keeps me out of trouble. So today I download a new book all ready for another shift at work tonight. So what do I do? Well after my very first client whilst I am walking back to my car...I DROP MY PHONE! It's smashed beyond all help and won't even turn on! So not only do I have to twiddle my thumbs between clients tonight, but I had to race home, transfer money and then race to the store before it closed to buy a new phone. So I am very peeved tonight because although I was able to restore some stuff through my google acct, I have lost all the photos that were on my phone, going nuts trying to remember kik and other app sign ins, for some reason deleted books are on my Overdrive and not the dozens I had saved there, and I have to learn a new phone number.
  13. Aww I was hoping it was sparkling....
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