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Jordyn McGregor

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Everything posted by Jordyn McGregor

  1. That is EXACTLY why I won't pay for a "professional" pic again. I have a couple of times as well and, like your experience, they ended up looking NOTHING like me. In one, I had extra hair added, my face was rounded out and don't know what was done to the skin tone, but I ended up looking like a chubby, dark, 80's hair band reject instead of the skinny little white girl my avi was.
  2. ^^^ This ^^^ I consider myself a "happy amateur" as well and enjoy taking pictures of myself for fun or for my blog posts. I have also taken pictures for others when asked, no charge, just pay the 10L for each upload. So since I like my efforts enough not to require the services of a "photographer", I have always enjoyed seeing how others see my avatar in pictures. There were times when I would hang out at clubs and be sent pictures that people had taken of me standing around and looking pretty.
  3. Oh and cruising Flickr and seeing a hair I want, but the event it is in doesn't open for a couple more days. I WANT IT NOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!
  4. Another thread, same comment - I don't like it.
  5. I stand by my statement made in another thread that if they invade....we're fudged!
  6. Yes I called you out for posting naked pictures in a forum with a "no nudity" rule. What is to defend? Rule exists...but not for you apparently. Still waiting for the "yeah I should stop doing that."
  7. Yes people do start over on a new avatar. I did it myself 13 years ago to get away from an abusive SL ex. What I didn't do though was go hang out in the same places my first ID used to hang out, be around people who knew me and play the "Hi I'm new and you don't know me" game. That just shows you how little respect you really do have, especially after all your defending of the "him" in question. And so @TDD123 doesn't get bunched knickers...how I look today...
  8. So playing at being "new" here and hiding who you really are was what?
  9. We have the right to be safe when we use the bathroom. We have the right to compete in sports against other genetic women. We have the right to be called "women", without having some newfangeled madeup term tacked to the front of it. We have the right to be able to voice our concerns and stand up for our rights without being labelled "phobes" and "terfs". We have the right to be women. When you have battled underwire bras, Aunt Flo visits and PMS for over half your life, THEN you can have an opinion on how women should feel about people like these in our private spaces. [Moderator Edit: Inflammatory Images Removed]
  10. Yes..."false propaganda that never actually happens"... LINK
  11. Lord help us if they do! If movies are anything to go by, we wouldn't be able to count on the Americans to save the world, cos those in charge are a joke.
  12. And the fact you didn't address the irony of your "people jump in and make comments" when you in fact jumped in and made a comment on something that was not addressed to you is not lost here. I do not care if you and he share opinions, art galleries, partnerships, sims etc and I doubt anyone else does either. We were all done with the Talli-Bagnu Show a long time ago and are not interested in a reboot.
  13. But hedgehogs are cute. The pics being debated...are not.
  14. Still don't like it, no matter how many threads pop up about it.
  15. I had this happen to me years ago on Plurk. Some chick added me as a friend and on her stream she asked a "why do people do this..." type of question. The action in question was something I have been known to do, so I responded saying something along the lines of "I do that at times and this is why...blah blah blah." Next thing I know, I was kicked off her friend's list and banished to the realms of evil people who ACTUALLY give a real response to a question instead of the fake sympathy "oh you poor thing" butt kissers. So yeah, people suck!
  16. If you bothered to LOOK at the quoted text in my reply...I was replying to @Bagnu, not you, but then again....
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